Ditta Rohmann

4 December 2018, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Here and Now

Ditta Rohmann Presented by Liszt Academy

Kodály: Cello Sonata, Op. 8


J. M. C. Dall’Abaco: Capriccio No. 9
Barnabás Dukay: The Crossroad of the Almightiness of Faith (instrumental monody)
Kurtág: Signs, Games and Messages – 15. Socrates’ Farewell
J. M. C. Dall’Abaco:
Capriccio No. 2
Kurtág: Signs, Games and Messages – 6. Message-consolation à Christian Sutter
J. M. C. Dall’Abaco: Capriccio No. 5
Kurtág: Signs, Games and Messages – 9. Pilinszky János: Gérard de Nerval [for Zoltán Kocsis]
Barnabás Dukay: I Have Seen My Lord with My Heart (instrumental monody)
J. M. C. Dall’Abaco: Capriccio No. 1
Kurtág: Signs, Games and Messages – 16. Shadows [for Miklós Perényi]
Péter Eötvös: Two Poems to Polly
György Kurtág: Signs, Games and Messages – 10. Im Volkston
Ligeti: Cello Sonata

Ditta Rohmann (cello)

The solo cello canon is by no means restricted to those few composers and works that regularly feature at concerts, in recordings or on the radio. In the 20th century the instrument’s repertoire was enhanced with so-called classical works, such as solo sonatas by Kodály and Ligeti; however, we must also not forget other creative figures living earlier ‘in the shadow of Bach’ who endowed the cello with superb compositions. One of these was the extremely long-lived cellist and composer Joseph Maria Clément dall’Abaco (1710–1805), a contemporary of Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. And there have been modern figures, too, proof of which is provided in this concert by Ditta Rohmann. As far as she is concerned, there is no such thing as old and new, or a demarcation between classical and experimental, since she approaches each and every piece in the spirit of discovery, curiosity and recreation.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 900