Honorary concert

25 September 2023, 19.00-21.30

Grand Hall

Honorary concert

Premiere of the Cantata written for the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Defense Forces Central Military Band

Roland Szentpáli: To the Hungarians
Zsolt Haja (vocals), Róbert Káip (trombone), Armand Kautzky (prose),
Cantemus Choir Nyíregyháza (artistic director: Dénes Szabó), Előd Furka, János Boda, Péter Harsányi, Ferenc Bodon (horn)

Johan de Meij: T-Bone Concerto
Róbert Káip (trombone)


Hidas: The Undanced Ballet
Óscar Navarro: The Musketeers
Attila Németh, Kinga Vonnák, Tibor Kazi, Márton Szikora (clarinet)

Hungarian Defense Forces Central Military Band
Conductor: Tibor Kovács Lieutenant General, Imre Szabó Lieutenant Colonel, Péter Sárosi Major
Host: Tamás Zelinka

Presented by

Magyar Honvédség vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Helyőrség Dandár


Admission to the concert is free, tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy.