Davison Young Musicians Foundation National Trumpet Competition

19 October 2024, 10.00-18.00

Room X

Davison Young Musicians Foundation National Trumpet Competition Presented by Liszt Academy

Schedule of the competitors:

10.00–10.15: Klausz Dávid

10.15–10.30: Ladányi-Nagy Regő

10.30–10.45: Makkai Áron

10.45–11.00: Márton Tamás

11.00–11.15: Megyeri Máté 

11.15–11.30: Nitu Andrei

11.30–11.45: Szabados Vidor

11.45–12.00: Szabó Vencel

12.00–12.15: Tar Zsombor 

12.15–12.30: Toma Tamás Dániel

12.30–12.45: Tóth Péter Mátyás 

12.45–13.00: Vanyó Karsa

14.15–14.30: Vízhányó Eszter

14.30–14.45: Benyó Andor

14.45–15.00: Breznyán-Tokai György

15:00–15:20 Huszti Boldizsár

15:20–15:40 Magyar Péter

15:40–16:00 Nagy Sándor 

16:00–16:20 Patyi Gábor Lajos

16:20–16:40 Végh Ágoston Lajos

16:40–17:00 Baczkó Vince

17:00–17:20 Fehér Ilona

17:20–17:40 Fejes Dávid

17:40–18:00 Fleischer Bence

Presented by

Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Woodwind and Brass Department


Admission is free, subject to availability of seats.