21 June 2021, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
László Sándor Composition DLA Final Concert
Presented by Liszt Academy
Streamed only
László Sándor: Offertorium musicum
László Sándor: Two Folk Song Transcriptions
László Sándor: Szomorúfűz – song to the poem by Attila József
László Sándor: CANONICON – trio
László Sándor: Olvadó jég az ablaküvegen
Bálint Baráth, László Borbély, Gábor Monostori (piano), Dóra Pétery (organ, harpsichord), Eszter Osztrosits, Andrej Kapor, Zsófia Molnár (violin), Éva Osztrosits, Péter Bársony (viola), Eszter Agárdi, Tamás Zétényi (cello), Máté Bán, Judit Nagy (flute), Nóra Baráth (cor anglais), Luca Marton, Péter Szűcs (clarinet), Erzsébet Seleljo (saxophone), Dávid Blaga, Péter Husz (bassoon), Tamás Schlanger (percussion), Anastasia Razvalyaeva (harp), Márton Menyhért (bass guitar)
Conductor: László Sándor
Du Fay - László Sándor: Salve, flos Tuscae gentis
László Sándor: Kristálymadár énekel a gyöngyöző cseresznyék között – piccolo concerto
Gergely Ittzés (flute), Ágnes Pintér, Emese Gyöngyvér Tóth, Barnabás Hegyi (vocals)
Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Miskolc
Conductor: Mátyás Antal
“The correspondence of small parts of a work of art to the slightly larger elements, and then their correspondence to the work as a whole, is one of the foundations of ancient, medieval and late medieval (late Gothic) architecture,” writes Sándor László in his DLA thesis. The characteristically rather simple basic elements, building blocks and audio stem cells defined by nature in László Sándor’s compositions become large-scale, complex sound-surfaces reflecting a vibrant diversity. Nor can it be coincidence how often László Sándor is inspired by natural phenomena (whether plants, birds or the folk song hiding in the density of variation), furthermore, the modellable core structures and codes of the created world revealing a huge diversity. As a composer, he is attracted simultaneously to fractal mathematics and medieval music, and is particularly excited when observing the similarly between 15th century polyphony and fractal mathematics. We get a taste of this intellectual curiosity and excitement from his composition DLA concert.
Presented by
Liszt Academy Doctoral School