Born: 1961, Budapest
Academic degree, university position: DLA, university professor, head of department
Church Music History, Folk Music, Transposing and Score Reading, Professional Methodology, Professional Didactics, Folk Singing, Recitativo, History of Hungarian Music
1985: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music – Musicology major
2003: Church Music DLA Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Title of dissertation: Magyarországi zeneszerzők offertóriumai a 18. század második, és a 19. század első felében [Offertories by composers in Hungary in the second half of the 18th, and the first half of the 19th century.]
Studies abroad:
1985-86: University of Salzburg, musicology studies (one semester)
1986: Vienna (library research)
2001 : Oxford and London (English cathedral choirs)
Teaching experience:
September 1986 - June 2010: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Teacher Training, then Faculty of Arts - Music Department: Music History, History of Hungarian Music, History of 20th Century Music, Folk Music, Score Reading
1993-2005: Scola Cantorum Budapestiensis: singing and voice production teacher, leader of liturgical practice
September 2005-: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music – Church Music Department
September 2010 - January 2013: Tóth Aladár Music School: teacher of music literature
Main publication:
Essays published in collection or independently:
Joseph Haydn: Seasons – an analysis. In: Szemelvények a zenehallgatáshoz. [Excerpts for Listening to Music] [material for teaching musical culture in secondary schools] Tankönyvkiadó, 1990.
Chapter „Magyarország zenetörténete" [“Music History of Hungary"]. In: Hungary. Essential Facts, Figures and Pictures. MTI, 1997. (German trans.: Ungarn — Tatsachen, Zahlen, Bilder, 1999.),
"Andor Ilona"; "Dobszay László"; "Sándor Judit". In Gádor Ágnes – Szirányi Gábor (ed.): Nagy tanárok, híres tanítványok. 125 éves a Zeneakadémia. Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2000.
„Magyarország zenetörténete" ["Music History of Hungary"] for the book series Tények Magyarországról [Facts About Hungary] published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, primarily for foreign diplomatic bodies 2001.
Chapter "A magyar zene története" [“The History of Hungarian Music”] and sheet music anthology – In: Magyar örökség (ed. Fromann, Richárd) Mérővessző, 2002.
"Georg Lickl pécsi offertóriumai" ["Georg Lickl’s Offertories of Pécs"] In: Socia exsultatione (lectures for the scientific conference on the a 100th anniversary of Benjamin Rajeczky’s birth) MTA- LFZE EI, Budapest, 2003.
Magyarországi zeneszerzők offertóriumai a 18. század második, és a 19. század első felében. [Offertories by composers in Hungary in the second half of the 18th, and the first half of the 19th century.] (DLA doctoral dissertation) 2003.
Magyar zenetörténet [History of Hungarian Music] – digital textbook (co-author), www.magyarzenetortenet.hu, 2004.
"A szövegkifejezés eszközei Gregor Joseph Werner egyházi műveiben" [“The tools of oral expression in Gregor Joseph Werner's ecclesiastical works”]. In: "Inter sollicitudines" (Scientific conference on the 100th anniversary of the motu proprio of Pope St. Pius X on church music) MTA TKI – LFZE EI – MET, Budapest, 2006.
Chapter "Magyar zene, magyar muzsikusok" [“Hungarian Music, Hungarian Musicians”] in a representative album in English about Hungary by Officina Publishing. 2006.
Editing, publishing:
"Inter sollicitudines" (Scientific conference on the 100th anniversary of the motu proprio of Pope St. Pius X on church music) (ed. Ágnes Dobszay) MTA TKI – LFZE EI – MET, Budapest, 2006.
Gregor Joseph Werner: Polifon himnuszok [Poliphonic Hymns] – (publisher: Ágnes Dobszay) Egyházzenei Füzetek III/16., MTA- LFZE EI- MET, Budapest, 2005.
Essays accompanying records and CD’s:
Zenei ritkaságok Magyarországról 1740–1840. Tanulmány az Erdődy Kamarazenekar CD-ROMjához. [Musical rarities from Hungary 1740-1840. Essay for the CD-ROM of the Erdődy Chamber Orchestra] (on musical activities in Hungary and analysis of works by Werner, Kunath, Patzelt, Istvánffy, A. Zimmermann, Deppisch, Fr. A.Novotny, Bengráf, Druschetzky, Albrechtsberger, M. Haydn, Hummel, Lickl.) 1999.
Mozart: Divertimenti (1986, 1987)
Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture; Scottish Symphony (1987)
Laudate pueri (setting of Psalm 112 to music) - Vivaldi, Buxtehude, Händel (1988)
Michael Haydn: St. Francis Mass, Requiem, Symphony (1989)
Gregor Joseph Werner: Debora, oratorio (1992)
Gregor Joseph Werner: Vespers, Litany (1996) Hungaroton
J. Chr. Bach: Vauxhall Songs (1998) Hungaroton
Works by Vincent Masek és Georg Druschetzky for harpsichord and wind ensemble. (2000) Hungaroton
Ecclesiastical works by Gregor Joseph Werner: Masses, Te Deum. (2004) Hungaroton
In the series „A hét zeneműve" [“The Musical Piece of the Week”] of Magyar Rádió (ed. György Kroó):
On Schumann: Kinderszenen piano cycle (1991)
The Council of National Scientific Students' Associations, Arts Section (Vice-President), Music Division (President)
Hungarian Church Music Society (member)
Hungarian Musicology Society (member)
Prizes and awards:
1984: Bence Szabolcsi Scientific Award for Youth
2000: Commemorative Medal for Teacher Training
Contact: dobszagi[at]t-online.hu