Practice rooms

→ Individual practice room reservation

→ Chamber music practice room reservation

→ Practice rooms of buildings

→ Instrumental Troubleshooting


Important: please keep the windows closed during practice.

individual practice room reservation

28 practice rooms are available for use by enrolled students of the Liszt Academy, on the 3rd floor of the Ligeti building (1077 Budapest, 52 Wesselényi Street):

2 harp rooms
1 cimbalom room
9 empty rooms
7 grand piano rooms
9 upright piano rooms

Please carefully read the following information on the online reservation system of the practice rooms.



Go to  (the site is available in Hungarian and English).

1. Enter with your ETR/NEPTUN code* (printed on your access card) and the same password you use for logging into the Neptun system (if you do not use the Neptun system, use the password that you are given at enrolment at the International Sub-Department). For new students it might take a few days to issue and activate the access cards after registration.

*ETR/NEPTUN code: When you access the electronic practice room reservation system, you will first be asked to write your user name. This user name is your ETR/NEPTUN code, which you receive at the beginning of the academic year, after registration. Only students enrolled before 2018 have ETR codes, everyone else uses Neptun codes. Your password is automatically generated, if you use the Neptun system you can change it for yourself (be aware that changing your password in Neptun changes your password everywhere else: wi-fi, practice room reservation).

2. Choose a date in the calendar (top of the screen) – a list of practice rooms appear in the middle of the screen. Time slots that can be reserved are marked with a green square. Each square equals to 15 minutes, the minimum timeslot you can reserve is 30 minutes (two squares), which means the first unit will have to be 30 minutes (2 squares). After that you can increase the practice time by 15 minutes (/square).

Reserve 15 minutes of practicing by clicking on a green square. For example, If you click on "10:30", it means that you have reserved a time-frame from 10:30 to 10:45. If the reservation is successful, the square will turn red.

On the left-hand side of the screen you can find details on the equipment of the rooms (upright piano, grand piano, empty practice room, etc.). Next to the room numbers icons show what instruments are available at a certain room.

After successful reservation you can enter the reserved practice rooms by holding up your access card close to the sensor panel under the screen when you enter the practice room area on the 3rd floor of the Ligeti building.



A reservation can only be cancelled before the reserved time has started. No cancellation is possible during the reserved time period, only for subsequent blocks that have not been entered yet. A reservation can be cancelled by clicking on a reserved block.

The reservation is automatically deleted if the door of the reserved practice room is not opened in the first 10 minutes of the reserved time period. Subsequent reservation blocks are regarded as one, therefore:

a) the room has to be opened in the first 10 minutes of the first block only, and it is not necessary for the immediate subsequent blocks, but

b) the reservations of all immediate subsequent blocks are all deleted if the door is not opened in the first 10 minutes of the first block.

The deleted reservations will immediately be available again for all other students (except for the person originally reserving). Deleted units are calculated into the quota.



  • 4 hours a day (16 squares)
  • making a reservation in advance is limited to 8 hours (32 squares)
  • the maximum number of reservations that can be made in advance consecutively is 6

Please keep track of your quota written in the header.Please note that reservations will be closely monitored and changed, if necessary. The availability of the rooms depend on the number of students wanting to practice. If, for any reason, you cannot use the time-frame you have reserved, make sure you have cancelled your reservation by clicking on the red square, confirm your wish to delete, which will then turn green and thus available for others.

The practice rooms are open from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. every day; except for public holidays and certain school breaks. Please turn to the study administrators for details.


You can enter only the room you have reserved for practicing by using your access card at the access card reader. 

The room cannot be opened with the access card after the time you have reserved has expired! Please make sure that you take all your belongings with you!


Chamber music practice room reservation

Practice room booking for Chamber Music groups is available primarily in the following rooms:

  • We. -122
  • We. -126
  • We. -125

Depending on capacity, practice room booking is also available in the rooms below:

  • We. -123
  • We. -124
  • V35  303


You may reserve a practice room in academic year 2024/2025 by abiding by the following rules:

You can only reserve a room by sending an e-mail to teremfoglalas[kukac], by including the following information:

  • name and instrument of each member of the group
  • date
  • time (from … until …)
  • name of the professor who leads the Chamber Music/String Quartet class for the group in the semester
  • practicing for a concert that is not organized by the Liszt Academy is not allowed.

In case there is a member in the chamber music group, who is not an active student at the Academy (but previously accepted by the head of department), they are obliged to ask for a permission (valid for one semester) from Olivia Gazsi, the Head of the Study Department via email, gazsi.olivia[at]!

If there is any missing information, we may decline requests for practice room reservation, therefore we kindly ask you to abide by the rules.


  • reservations must be requested no later than 48 hours before the practice, exclusively in e-mail.
  • reservations requested on the day of the practice are not accepted neither in e-mail, nor in person
  • reservations for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and the following Monday must be requested until Thursday 12:00 AM in e-mail
  • reservations can be requested 15 days before the practice the earliest
  • the practice rooms booked following a reservation request are non-negotiable
  • each group is allowed to practice maximum 3 hours a day


Practice rooms of buildings

Main building on Liszt Ferenc Square (LF8)

Liszt Ferenc Square 8, Budapest 1061

Studenst may use the following rooms without reservation if they are not used for lessons or are not occupied otherwise during regular opening hours:

Available room(s)

piano students
Circular Letter of the President No. 2/2022. (III.18.)

2nd floor: VII., VIII, XII., XIII., XIV. XV., XVI., XVII.
3rd floor: XIX., XX., XXI., XXX.

organ studentsXXXII., XXXIII.
harp studentsXXII.
double-bass studentsXXXI.
tuba and trombone studentsXXXVIII.
trumpet and horn studentsXXXVI., XXXVII.
oboe studentsXXXIX.
clarinet studentsXXIV., XXX.
flute and saxophone studentsXXIV., XXX.
percussion studentsXLII., XLIII. and XLIV.
cimbalom studentsXXIX.


Ligeti György building (WE52)

Wesselényi Str. 52. Budapest 1077

Studenst may use the following rooms without reservation if they are not used for lessons or are not occupied otherwise during regular opening hours:

EligibilityAvailable room(s)

piano students
Circular Letter of the President No. 2/2022. (III.18.)

008., 019., 020., 021., -121., -122., -123., -124.


Old Academy (V35)

Vörösmarty Str. 35. Budapest 1064

Studenst may use the following rooms without reservation if they are not used for lessons or are not occupied otherwise during regular opening hours:

EligibilityAvailable room(s)

piano students
Circular Letter of the President No. 2/2022. (III.18.)

303., 304., 306., 307.
harpsichord students and professors311., 314.; based on a list of names submitted to the entry personnel
church music students and professors311., 302., 308., 313., 316., 317.; based on a list of names submitted to the entry personnel
guitar students and professors310.; based on a list of names submitted to the entry personnel


Semmelweis Street Building (SE)

 Semmelweis Str. 12. Budapest 1052

1.     Studenst may use the following rooms without reservation if they are not used for lessons or are not occupied otherwise during regular opening hours:

EligibilityAvailable room(s)
folk music students and professors1., 2., 3., 6., 9., 105., 106., 110., 114., 205., 210., 213., 214., 215.
accordion students111.

2.     Studenst may use the following rooms without reservation if they are not used for lessons or are not occupied otherwise during regular opening hours, based on a list of names submitted to the entry personnel:

EligibilityAvailable room(s)
conductor students115.
trumpet students116.
horn students117.
flute students108.
bassoon students107., 206.
saxophone students113., 204.


Köztelek Street Building

Köztelek Str. 8. Budapest 1092

Students of the Jazz Department may practice in the Köztelek Street building in rooms that are rented by the Academy, outside of class times. The Jazz Department is open according to the official opening hours of the Ádám Jenő Music School. During practice, please keep the windows closed.


Instrumental Troubleshooting

In case you are having problems with a piano in any of the rooms, please report it here: zongora[at]