Born: 1954, Esztergom
Academic degree, university position: PhD, senior lecturer, master teacher
Subjects: church music literature, early polyphony (9th -14th century), continuo playing, liturgical organ playing, liturgical practice, score reading / score playing
1979: Liszt Ferenc College of Music, Budapest; diploma in secondary school vocal music teaching and choir conducting
1983: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest; diploma in musicology
1984-1987: scientific further education scholar at the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1988: defense of doctoral dissertation titled ”Közép-európai dallamvariánsok az adventi responzóriumokban” (Medieval Melodic Variations in the Advent Responsories)
Teaching activities:
Since 1984: teacher at the Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis
Since 1991: teacher at the Church Music Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Since 1996: Deák Diák Primary School, singing faculty – teacher and artistic director with Tamás Bubnó
Since 1996: teacher at the Music School of Józsefváros
1982-1988: numerous album recordings as the member of the Schola Hungarica Choir
1981-1990: numerous album recordings as the member of the Budapest String Orchestra
Many recordings with the choir of the Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis and the Affetti Musicali chamber music ensemble, including world premieres and rarities (e.g. Codex Sanblasianus, 2004 Hungaroton Records; J. G. Werner: Masses, Te Deum, Requiem, 2004 Hungaroton Records).
Major publications:
Das Responsorium "Vadis propitiator" in den ungarischen Handschriften - Studia Musicologica, 1985.
Közép-európai dallamvariánsok az adventi responzóriumokban (Medieval Melodic Variations in the Advent Responsories) – doctoral dissertation, 1988.
Anton Zimmermann: 12 String Quintets – source publication and study, published as the 15th book in the Musicalia Danubiana series of the Institute for Musicology, 1996.
Korai polifónia (Early Polyphony) – first booklet of the educational source publication published for the Church Music Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, 1997.
Énekes zsolozsma (Singing Hymn), JEL, April 2003.
Szerepek és szereplők a liturgiában (Roles and Characters in Liturgy) – lecture at the Free University of Cluj-Napoca, October 2004.
Liturgikus ének és szentségi miliő (Liturgical Songs and Sacred Milieu), JEL, March 2006.
Continuo-játék és kamaraének (Continuo playing and chamber singing), LFZE-MET, Budapest, 2013.
Liturgikus kórusművek az egyházi évre (Liturgical choir works for the ecclesiastical year), LFZE-MET, Budapest, 2014.
A Hét zeneműve (The Musical Piece of the Week) – educational lectures for the Hungarian Radio (editor: György Kroó – the lectures have been published in the books by the same title)
Titles include: H. Berlioz: Te Deum, C. Monteverdi: Madrigálok (Madrigals), G. Machaut: Notre-Dame mise (Mass of Our Lady), G. Dufay: Ave Regina Caelorum - mass, W. Lutoslawski: Paroles Tissées, H. Purcell: Óda Szent Cecília napjára (Ode for St.Cecilia's Day), Fantasias for Strings, A. Bruckner: Symphony No. 2 in C minor Symphony No. 3 in D minor, J. Ockeghem: "Mi-mi" mise (Missa Mi-mi), I. Stravinsky: Kártyajáték (Card Game), Duo concertante, Mendelssohn: d-moll zongoratrió (Piano Trio in D minor), J. Haydn: Piano trios etc.
Other activities:
1982-1988: member of the Schola Hungarica Choir
1981-1990: harpsichord continuo player of the Budapest String Orchestra
Since 1999: member of the Affetti Musicali chamber music ensemble
He has given numerous concerts as a continuo player.
He has contributed to the educational music programs of the Hungarian Radio’s Bartók channel:
- - for about 15 years he made the „Neked szól" (It’s for You) show on a monthly basis with musical editor Judit Dimény, wherein they analyzed masterpieces of music together with children;
- - A Hét zeneműve ((The Musical Piece of the Week) – educational lectures given for approximately 15 occasions.
Hungarian Musicological Society
National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists
Hungarian Church Music Society
National Association of Large Families
Awards and honors:
1982: International Chamber Music Competition in Belgrade – 2nd prize (Budapest String Orchestra)
1995: Special Award of the Hungarian Radio
The Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis has been awarded at several festivals and competitions.