Admission requirements for BA and non-degree studies - Composition
Non-degree is not affected.
Admission requirements are the same for in person and online applicants unless indicated otherwise.
Main Subject
The candidate presents the following pieces to the Entrance Examination Committee.
1.) Classical composition exercises:
- 1 minuet with trio (in the style of J. Haydn or W.A. Mozart)
- 1 baroque rondo (F. Couperin) (in the style of F. Couperin)
2.) Presentation of free composition(s)
Candidate presents his/her compositions. The pieces are without any stylistic expectations by the committee.
written part:
1. Notation of a two-part baroque (or Viennese classical) piece by ear. The piece will be played 8-10 times. E.g.: J. S. Bach: Kunst der Fuge - 10-15 measures; notation of the two outer parts of a piece by W. A. Mozart or J. Haydn piece - 1-2 periods.
2. Notation of a one-part extract of a 20th-century piece. The piece will be played 8-10 times; 6-16 measures depending on the chosen music.
E.g.: I. Stravinsky: Soldier's Tale, Oedipus rex; B. Bartók: Cantata profana, Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta; A. Schönberg: Pierrot lunaire; D. Shostakovich: extract from a symphony, string quartet, etc.
3. Notation of an extract by ear by the following composers: Romantic – e.g. R. Wagner, R. Strauss, or early 20th Century – e.g. C. Debussy, M. Ravel, or Viennese classicist – e.g. W. A. Mozart or L. von Beethoven quartet. The excerpt will be played 8-10 times.
Minimal requirement: notation of the two outer parts. Also, identification of harmonies and possibly the exact notation of all the notes (4-12 measures, depending on the character of the chosen music.)
4. Notation of one harmony from the Viennese classicist style time period by dictation – identification of four-part chords with Roman Numerals and notation of possibly all notes. each note included. 8-15 measures
5. Choral harmonisation in J.S. Bach's style based on a given choral melody.
6. Two-part – binary form – counterpoint exercise in G.P. Palestrina's style, on the basis of Knud Jeppesen.
7. Identification of instruments, keys, and key signatures on three score pages of different styles.
For example:
a) A L. von Beethoven or W. A. Mozart symphony extract,
b) A F. Liszt, R. Strauss, or R. Wagner orchestral extract
c) A B. Bartók, C. Debussy, A. Schönberg, or I. Stravinsky orchestral piece extract
Oral part:
1. Sight reading of a two- or three-part baroque or renaissance piece – singing with piano – possibly by using different keys.
(e.g. J.S. Bach: Kunst der Fuge, Musikalisches Opfer or a piece of similar difficulty. Materials allowed to use: "Nagy Olivér: Partitúraolvasás". 10-15 measures)
2. Sight reading of a one-part piece from the 20th century – e.g. A. Schönberg: Pierrot lunaire, a voice or instrumental part of B. Bartók: Cantata profana, an extract of a lied by A. Berg or A. Webern lied; approx. 6-16 measures
3. Continuo sight reading – e.g. one passage of a J.S. Bach aria – with continuo as the obligatory instrument; 20-40 beats measures – or performance of a piano arrangement of an opera extract on piano and voice
(e.g. R. Wagner: Parsifal, Tristan und Isolde; B. Bartók: Bluebeard's Castle; C. Debussy: Pelléas et Melisande; B. Britten Opera, opera etc. 10-30 measures depending on the chosen music's character.)
4. Clapping of a complex rhythm exercise by sight reading – following the model of O. Messiaen, B. Bartók, K. Stockhausen and P. Boulez. 10-15 measures
5. Harmony dictation on piano – the candidate is playing
6. Playing modulations on piano
7. Sight reading (piano); string quartet and a movement from a symphony for a smaller orchestra - e.g. J. Haydn or W. A. Mozart string quartet; J. Haydn symphony, P. Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana – intermezzo)
- J.S. Bach: 2 pieces from the Three-part inventions or a prelude and fugue from the Woltemperiertes Klavier.
- A fast movement from a sonata by J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart or L. von Beethoven.
- 2 performance pieces (one should be by a Hungarian composer – Bartók or one of his contemporaries).
- Informal conversation about the folk music of the candidate's country.