Subject: conducting technique as main subject, orchestral conducting as main subject, doctoral classes, church music literature
Academic degree, university position: University Prof. Dr. (Habil.)
Born: 1958, Dunapataj
1979-1983: University of Pécs, Faculty of Teacher Training, majoring in andragogy, singing and music
1983-1987: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, majoring in choral conducting
1987-1988: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien, master class in conductor training
1997-2000: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Doctoral School – Church Music sub-programme
2003: DLA – Church Music – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. Title of dissertation: A Bach-korabeli Lipcse istentiszteleti élete és Johann Sebastian Bach korálkantáta évfolyama (The Lutheran Worship in Leipzig at the Time of
J. S. Bach and His Choral Cantata Cycle). Diploma concert: J. S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248)
Motets by Bach Dynasty (Hungaroton, 1992)
Motets by Bach Dynasty (Hungaroton, 1997)
César Franck: Messe á troi voix/ Mass in A major (Hungaroton, 1995)
Azio Corghi: La cetra appesa (Ricordi, 1995)
Zoltán Pongrácz: Oratorio (Budapest Taiyo, 1996)
Samuel Scheidt: Cantiones Sacrae (Hungaroton, 1997)
Ferenc Liszt: Missa Solemnis (Disques Pelléas, Canada, 1999)
J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor (Lutherania Church Music Foundation, 1999)
J. S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio (Lutherania Church Music Foundation, 2006)
J. S. Bach: St. John Passion (Self Government of Rákoskeresztúr, 2008)
Bachakademie Budapest. In: Neue Bachgesellschaft. Leipzig, 1991.
A művészet ma is szellemi szolgálat (“Art Is Still an Intellectual Service”). In: József Bényei: Karnagyok. Debrecen, 1993, Ethika.
Johann Sebastian Bach és a reformáció (“Johann Sebastian Bach and the Reformation”). In: Magyar Egyházzene, 1996/97, 491-506.
G. de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre-Dame. In: Magyar Egyházzene, 1997/98, 179-192.
A fúga Schubert miséiben (“The Fugue in Schubert’s Masses”). In: Magyar Egyházzene, 1997/98, 34-41.
Johann Sebastian Bach kantátái (“The Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach”). In: Credo, 1998, 3/4, 14-20.
Heinrich Schütz: Die Auferstehungshistorie, op.3. In: Magyar Egyházzene, 1998/99, 259-270.
Johann Sebastian Bach: Johannes Passion. In: Neue Bachgesellschaft Leipzig, 1999.
„Et resurrexit”. In: Credo, 1999, 1/2, 30-39.
János Pilinszky (1921-1981), ungarischer Schriftsteller. In: Mitteilungsblatt der Neue Bachgesellschaft, Leipzig,1999, 44.
Lipcsei zenetudományi konferencia a Bach-évben (The Leipzig Musicology Conference in the Bach Year). In: Magyar Egyházzene, 1999/2000, 399-403.
Bach 2000 - A kijevi kincs (“Bach 2000 – The Treasure of Kiev”). In: Muzsika, 2000, 5, 16-17.
Jubileumi Bach-év (J. S. Bach’s Jubilee Year). In: Credo, 2000, 3/4, 91-96.
Johann Sebastian Bach és a kereszt teológiája (“Johann Sebastian Bach and the Theology of the Cross”). In: A barokk kor interdiszciplináris megközelítése. Tanulmánykötet. Szeged, 2001, 11-20.
„Preiset mit mir den Herrn und lasst uns miteinander seinen Namen erhöhen". In: Neue Bachgesellschaft Leipzig, 2002.
Formai változatosság J. S. Bach korálkantátáinak nyitótételeiben (“Formal Variety in the Opening Movements of J. S. Bach’s Chorale Cantatas”). In: Socia exultatione. Budapest, 2003, MTA - LFZE. 103-111.
Johannes Brahms és Johann Sebastian Bach (“Johannes Brahms and Johann Sebastian Bach”). In: Credo, 11, 2005, 1/2, 127-135.
Romantikus egyházi kórusművek. Liszt Ferenc és Max Reger (“Romantic Church Choral Compositions. Ferenc Liszt and Max Reger”). In: Egyházzenei füzetek, 3. sorozat. Egyházi Kórusművek 18. Budapest, 2005, MTA-TKI Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, 115.
Der gebundene Stil. Johannes Brahms orgonazenéje (“Der gebundene Stil. The Organ Music of Johannes Brahms”). In: „Inter Solillicitudines". Budapest, 2006, MTA-TKI Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, 201-232.
Johann Sebastian Bach zenéjének teológiai aspektusai (“The Theological Aspects of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Works”). In: Bach tanulmányok 9. Budapest, Magyar Bach Társaság, 2006, 4-21.
Notáció és interpretáció. Bach-recitativo: röviden vagy hosszan? (“Notation and Interpretation. Bach’s Recitatives: Short or Long Form?”). In: Magyar Egyházzene, 2005/06, 4, 411-457.
Magyarországon egyedülálló. A Bartók Béla Nemzeti Hangversenyterem új orgonája (“Unique in Hungary. The New Organ of the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall”). In: Muzsika, 49, 2006, 7, 10-11.
Brahms vallásos kórusművei (“Brahms’ Sacred Choral Works”). In: Credo, 13, 2007, 1/2, 42-79.
Johann Sebastian Bach: Goldberg Variationen. In: Praha, 2010, Nibiru, 3-4.
Retorika és szerkezet Johann Sebastian Bach Magnificatjában (“Rhetorics and Structure in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Magnificat”). In: Credo, 2012, 18, 2012, 4, 12-20.
Jeney Zoltán köszöntése. In: Muzsika. 2018. 61. 8-9. 3. p.
Luther, Bach és a zene. In: Fabiny, Tibor (szerk.) A lutheri reformáció 500 éves öröksége. Budapest, Luther Kiadó, 2018. p. 9-38.
Choral activities:
1985-present: Artistic director and conductor of the Lutherania Choir and Orchestra
1988-1989: Assistant and vocal part leader of Hungary’s National Philharmonic State Choir 1988-1990: Conductor of the Pászti Miklós Chamber Chorus
1990-1996: Artistic leader and conductor of the Kodály Chorus of Debrecen
2006-2014: Conductor of the Pécs University Choir
Teaching activities:
1987-1988: Tömörkény István School of Arts in Szeged – music theory, solfeggio
1989-1993: Nádasdy Kálmán Art School in Budafok – solfeggio
1993-1997: Liszt Ferenc College of Music in Debrecen – conducting, vocal literature, the history of sacred music
1998-2007: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music of Budapest, Church Music Department – music theory, solfeggio, baroque, classical, and romantic church music literature
2003-2017: Evangelical Cantor Training Institute in Fót – choir conducting, choral and orchestral conductor
2006-2014: Head of the Conducting, Music Theory, and Choir Department in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Sciences in Pécs – music theory, solfeggio, score reading, conducting technique, choir literature, University Choir, University Symphony Orchestra
Other activities:
1990-present: Artistic director of the Budapest Bach Week
1999-present: Worship services with cantata music in the Lutheran Episcopal Church on Deák Square, Budapest
National Church Music Director of MEE (Hungarian Evangelical Churches)
President of the Hungarian Bach Society
MEÖT (Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary), Music Committee member
Europäische Konferenz für Evangelische Kirchenmusik
Neue Bachgesellschaft e. V. Leipzig
Chöre helfen Chöre / Deutschland
Internationale Bachakademie / Stuttgart
Editorial board member of the journal Magyar Egyházzene
Major concerts:
1987-present: performance of J. S. Bach’s grand oratorios on an annual basis: Mass in B Minor, Christmas Oratorio, St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion, Magnificat
1987-present: performance of J. S. Bach’s cantatas in accordance with the holidays of the liturgical year
1990-present: concerts for the Budapest Bach Week
1992/1993: Haydn series (Haydn’s late grand masses)
1993/1994: Bach series
1994/1995: Mozart series (masses, litanies, vesperas, Requiem)
1995/1996: Schubert series (all of Schubert’s masses)
Contemporary compositions from the 20th-21st century, including numerous premieres in Hungary
J. Brahms: A German Requiem
H. Schütz: Christmas Oratorio (with the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra)
F. Mendelssohn: Symphonie No.2. Lobgesang Op.52.
Arvo Pärt: Berlin Mass (premiere in Hungary)
Frank Martin: Cantate pour le temps de Noel (premiere in Hungary)
25 October 2013: performance of Zoltán Jeney’s Infinitivus in the first public concert held at the Liszt Academy
2016/2017: J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor tour - Pécs, Sopron, Révkomárom, Brassó, Debrecen, Budapest,Pápa, Békéscsaba, Szeged, Szabadka, Zalaegerszeg
2017: Final Concert of the Reformation 500 Memorial Year – Zoltán Jeney: Aus tiefer Not – cantata (world premiere). J. S. Bach: „Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir” – cantata, BWV 38
2019: Europe-koncert: Lipcse Symphony Orchestra
Lectures in the Bartók Radió – Zenebeszéd, in the MÜPA and the BMC – Bach közelében
Concert series with the Budapest Strings and the Weiner-Szász Chamber Symphony Orchestra
Concerts in several European countries and Japan
Awards and honors:
1992: Artisjus Award
1994: Béla Bartók - Ditta Pásztory Award
2001: Budapest’s Capital City Pro Civibus Distinction
2002: Kölcsey Prize
2004: Hungarian Heritage Award (with the Lutherania Choir celebrating its 100th anniversary)
2011: Liszt Ferenc Prize
2012: Gáspár Károli Award
2017: Kossuth Prize
Website: lutherania.lutheran.hu
Contact: salamonkamp[at]gmail.com