István Pávai

István Pávai

Doctoral School, Folk Music Department

Folk Music, Folk Music DLA Seminar, Hungarian Folk Music

Born: 1951

Academic degree, position at Liszt Academy: PhD in musicology, University professor, Member of the Doctoral Council
Head of the DLA Folk Music Programme

Taught subjects:
Ethnomusicology, Folk Music Dialectology, Folk Music Analysis, Folk Music Theory, Folk Music Notation, Collecting and Archiving Folk Music 

1972–1976: Gheorghe Dima Music Academy, university degree: certified musicologist (1976)
2004: PhD – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music – Doctoral School [Dance Music and Its Interethnic Connections in the Hungarian Folk Tradition of Transylvania]

Teaching experiences:
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, habilitated professor (since 2018), associate professor (2013-2018), senior lecturer (2008-2013), part-time teacher (1995-2008)
Janus Pannonius Science University, Department of Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology (1999)
Eötvös Loránd Science University – Folklore Department (1995)

Occasional lectures (1991–2015):
Liszt Ferenc Academy Of Music: Department for Teachers of Singing and Music, and Choral
Eötvös Loránd Science University: Music Department, Department of Ethnography, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Department of Auxiliary Sciences of History, Teacher and Preschool College, Department for Singing and Music
Nyíregyháza College: Department for Singing and Music
Pedagogical Institute of Budapest

Professional activities:
Since 2007: senior research fellow (Hungarian Academy of Science, Institute of Musicology); 1994–2007: research fellow; 1999-2002: head of the Folk Music Archive
1999-2017: Specification and development of the Folklore Database (, Hungarian Heritage House
1994-1998: Museum of Ethnography (Budapest), head curator, head of the Folk Music Department

Field research from 1972 to 2020
In the Carpathian Basin: Hungarian, Romanian, German, Jewish, and Gypsy folk music, folk dance and ethnographic collections in all major ethnographic regions of the provinces Transylvania, Partium, and Moldavia (Romania), to a lesser extent in Hungary: in Transdanubia and the Great Plain, further sporadically amongst the Hungarians living in Croatia and Slovakia. Result: a total of over 700 hours of audio and video recordings, several thousands of scanned archive photos and on-site photo shoots.
In more distant areas: Turkish and Slavic folk music collections in Romania among the Bulgarian, Lipovan, Turkish, Tatar, and (Muslim) Gypsy communities of Dobrudja, as well as amongst the Turks of Kosovo, the Tatars of Crimea and Azerbaijani people.
Releasing a number of publications (vinyl discs and CDs) from the materials enumerated above.

2007-: member of the Hungarian Musicological Society 
2007-: member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2006-: member of the Society for the Establishment of the European Folklore Centre
2006-: member of the National Committee of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage 
2002-: member of the István Györffy Ethnographical Society
1998-2000: member of the Folk Art Scientific Body of the Hungarian National Cultural Fund
1998-: Scientific Advisory Board of the Hungarian Cultural Society
1996-1998: member of the scientific committee creating the Database of Hungarian Museums
1996-: member of the Scientific Committee of the György Martin Foundation
1996: member of the Advisory Board of the Hungaroton Sound Archive
1990-1994: member of the Kriza János Ethnographical Society
1990-1994: member of the Hungarian Musical Society of Romania
1990-: member of the Hungarian Ethnographical Society 

Awards, honours:
2020: János Kájoni Prize
2018: Martin György Prize
2015: Bence Szabolcsi Prize
2012: Hungarian Order of Merit, Knight's Cross
1993: György Martin Foundation Prize

Major publications:
2019: The Ethnomusicological Collection of Ilona Szenik. Arhiva de Folclor a Academiei Române Cluj – Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest, 2019. Co-editor:  Zoltán Gergely
2019: Hungarian Folk Music and Dance Traditions of Transylvania’s Vízmellék / Târnava Mică Subregion. In: Horváth Attila – Árendás Péter: Vízmelléki népzene. Kozák József ádámosi prímás dallamai. Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest, 2019. 122–125.
2019: The Final Hour Project and the Új Pátria Record Series. In: Selections from the Final Hour Project’s Transylvanian Dance Collection. Ed. by Sztanó Hédi. Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest, 2019. 25–26.
2019: A romániai magyar vonatkozású zenetudomány első évszázada. Bibliográfia. [The First Century of Hungarian-Related Musicology in Romania. Bibliography] Kolozsvári Operabarátok Köre, Kolozsvár, 2019. Co-editor: Sófalvi Emese
2019: Hagyományos “szólamban-éneklés” Szászcsáváson [Traditional Polyphonic Singing in Szászcsávás]. In: Szászcsávási dalárda. Szászcsávási többszólamú kórusfelvételek. Producer: Szánthó Zoltán. FA 422-2 jelzetű CD-lemez. Fonó Budai Zeneház, Budapest, 2019
2019: Hitelesség a népzenében [Authenticity in Folk Music]. In: A népi előadó-művészeti alkotások minősítésének zsűrizési szempontrendszere. Szerk.: Székely Anna. Hagyományok Háza, Budapest, 2019. 12–14.
2018: Székely népzene és néptánc [Szekler Folk Music and Folk Dance]. Énlaka-konferenciák V. Hagyományok Háza – Pro Énlaka Alapítvány – Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Budapest – Énlaka – Pécs, 2018.
2018: Kodály Zoltán és a magyar tánc [Zoltán Kodály and Hungarian Dance]. Magyar Zene. LVI. 2018/2. 161–179.
2017: Hungarian Folk Songs. Complete Collection by Béla Bartók. Second revised digital edition. Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Co-editor: Pál Richter, programming: Natália Zagyva
2017: A siculicidium költészeti emlékei verses kéziratokban, a népies irodalomban és a néphagyományban (Poems Commemorating the Massacre of Madéfalva in Hand-Written Anthologies, Pseudo-Folk Literature, and Folk Tradition). In: Doromb. Közköltészeti tanulmányok 5. Ed. István Csörsz Rumen. Reciti, Budapest, 123–178.
2016: The Folk Music of Sóvidék. Hungarian Heritage House – Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
2015:  The Folk Music of Magyarózd as Reflected in the Collections of István Horváth. Hungarian Heritage House – Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, 2015
2015: 19. századi havasalföldi és székelyföldi adatok a magyar tánckultúráról (Historical Sources from 19th Century About the Music and the Dance in Muntenia and Szeklerland). In: Aranykapu. Tanulmányok Pozsony Ferenc tiszteletére. Kriza János Ethnographical Society, Kolozsvár. 787–793.
2014:  The Ethnomusicological Collection of János Jagamas at the Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy. Arhiva de Folclor a A romániai magyar vonatkozású zenetudomány első évszázada Academiei Române Cluj – Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest, 2014. Co-editor: Erzsébet Zakariás
2013:  Az erdélyi magyar népi tánczene (The Transylvanian Hungarian Folk Dance Music). Kriza János Ethnographical Society – Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest, 2013. 1st edition: 2012, Kriza János Ethnographical Society, Kolozsvár
2010: Music, Dance, Tradition: Dennis Galloway’s Romanian Photographs, 1926–1932. The Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography, Cluj – Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest, 2010. Co-author: Tőtszegi Tekla
2010: Folk Dance Traditions in the Iernut Region. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Iernut Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 8–13, 20–25.
2010: Musicians from Iernut. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Iernut Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 14–17, 25–28.
2010: Traditional Music and Dance in Romania’s Sălaj Region. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Sălaj Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 8–13, 21–24.
2010: The Halmosd (Halmăşd) Musicians. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Sălaj Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 14–18, 25–28.
2010: Two First Violonists from the Upper Târnava Region. Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Târnava Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 26–29.
2010: Folk music from Blăjel. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Târnava Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 14–17, 24–28.
2010: The Târnava Region. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Târnava Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 8–13, 20–23.
2010: About Transylvania’s Aiud Region. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Aiud Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest, 2010. 8–11, 22–24.
2010: About Transylvania’s Upper Mureş Region. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Upper Mureş Region. Audio CD. Ed. by Péter Árendás. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 8–13, 21–24.
2010: The Sălaj Region. In: Original Village Music from Transylvania’s Sălaj Region. Audio CD. Ed. by Péter Árendás. Fonó Music Hall – Hungarian Heritage House. Budapest. 8–14, 22–25.
2009: Folk Music Archives on the Way of Becoming Public. Revista de Etnografie şi Folclor – Journal of Ethnography and Folklore, New Series 1–2., p. 49–52, Bucureşti. Co-authors: Pál Richter, András Mórocz
2008: Zoltán Kodály Researcher of Folk Music. Exhibition of Photographs and Documents in the Hungaran Heritage House, September 13, 2007—February 1, 2008. Hungaran Heritage, Volume 8, European Folklore Institute, Budapest, 92–93.
2007: Bartók Béla élete – levelei tükrében (Béla Bartók’s life in letters). Hungarian Heritage House – Institute for Musicology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Co-editor: László Vikárius
2006: État de la recherche sur la musique et la danse populaire. Hongrie. Aux source de l’ethnographie. Ethnologie française, 2006/2. 261–272. Co-author: László Felföldi
2006:  Bartók and Arab Folk Music. Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO European Folklore Institute – Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2006. Co-editors: János Kárpáti, László Vikárius
2006: Zene, vallás, identitás a moldvai magyar népéletben (Music, Religion, Identity of Ethnic Hungarians in Moldova). Cluj, Kriza János Ethnographical Society. 1st edition: 2005, Budapest, Hungarian Heritage House
2006: Bartók a Néprajzi Múzeumban (Bartók in the Ethnographical Museum). Magyar Múzeumok, 2006/1. 4–8.
2002: The Folk Music of the Moldavian Hungarians. In:  Hungarian Heritage, Budapest, European Folklore Institute, 2002/1–2. 42–48.
2001: Barozda 1976-2001, Miercurea Ciuc, Alutus
1999: The Upper-Mureş River Valley and It’s Folk Music Traditions. In: Original Village Music from the Upper Mureş Region. Audio CD. Fonó Music Hall, Budapest. 23–32.
1999: Sajátos szempontok az erdélyi hangszeres népi harmónia vizsgálatában (Special Viewpoints in the Examination of Instrumental Harmonies in Transylvanian Folk Music). Zenetudományi Dolgozatok (Musicological Studies). Budapest, 53–74.
1999: A népi és nemzeti kultúra viszonyának néhány zenei aspectusa Erdélyben (Some Musical Aspects of the Relationship between Folklore and National Culture in Transylvania). Savaria 1995–1998. Szombathely. 97–114.
1998:  Interethnische Beziehungen in der volkstümlichen Tanzmusik Siebenbürgens. Regionale Volkskulturen im überregionalen Vergleich:  Ungarn – Österreich. Interne Broschüre des Institutes für Musikethnologie an der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst is Graz. 1998. 23–34.
1998: Az erdélyi és a moldvai magyarság népi tánczenéje (Folk Dance Music of Hungarians in Transylvania and Moldavia), Budapest, Planétás. 1st edition: 1993, Budapest, László Teleki Foundation
1982:  Egy kvintváltó dallam átalakulásai (Transformations of a Pentatonic Tune). Ethnographia 1982/4. 554–560.

See the complete publication list here! 

Scientific lectures for international audiences:
2020: Colecţia etnomuzicologică a lui Ilona Szenik [The Ethnomusicological Collection of Ilona Szenik]. Institutul Arhiva de Folclor a Academiei Române, Cluj (Romania), January 29, 2020
2019: Folklore relations of Kájoni's dance melodies. Conference to commemorate the 390th anniversary of Joannes Kájoni's birth. Harghita County Cultural Center, Miercurea Ciuc (Romania), November 16, 2019
2015: Editorial Principles of János Jagamas's Ethnomusicological Collection. International Conference: Ethnological Archives. The Archives of Folklore of the Romanian Academy, Cluj
2013: Instrumental Folk Music Collection of János Jagamas. International Conference: Ethnomusicology in Cluj. The Archives of Folklore of the Romanian Academy, Cluj
2008: Complex Folklore Database Project. Technical challenges and developments in 21st century folk music archiving, Budapest, June 6, 2008. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musicology, Budapest, Táncsics Mihály utca 7. Co-lecturer: András Mórocz
2005: Some Aspects of Interethnic Relations in Transylvanian Traditional Dance Music. American Hungarian Educators' Association 30th Anniversary Conference - Central European University, Budapest, June 2–5, 2005
1998: Interethnische Beziehungen in der volkstümlichen Tanzmusik Siebenbürgens. Regionale Volkskulturen im überregionalen Vergleich: Ungarn – Österreich. Symposium. Graz, 5-6 November 1998

See the list of further lectures here!


Contact: istvan[at]