![Zoltán Farkas](/data/lexikon/Farkas Zoltán_270_focuspoint_450x450.jpg)
Born: 1956, Nagykanizsa
1971-1975: State Ballet Institute, Budapest – folk dance artist
1985: diploma from the Teacher Training College of Eger, Department of Public Education and Pedagogy
1982-1986: Teacher Training College – teacher of andragogy / pedagogy
2012: Teacher education MA, dance teacher (of contemporary dances as well)
Specialization: folk dance artist, choreographer, teacher
Teaching activities:
He has done extensive pedagogical work. He has been the leader of dance houses and numerous Hungarian dance courses in the USA. He has been invited as a dance teacher to several art groups around the world: Brasil (Zrínyi Art Ensemble, Pántlika Dance Group), Venezuela, Argentina, Canada, USA, Taiwan, Europe.
Since 1975 he has instructed folk dance methodology and dance techniques both in Hungary – in universities, clubs, professional and amateur dance groups – and on several continents including North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Hungarian Dance Academy – guest teacher
2002- : Budapest Secondary School of Dance – guest teacher
Invited dance teacher with several foreign groups in Brasil (Zrínyi Art Ensemble, Pántlika Dance Group), Venezuela, Argentina, Canada, USA, Taiwan and Europe.
Hungarian Dance Academy – guest teacher
2005- : Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy – guest teacher
Since the 2007/2008 academic year: teacher at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Folk Music Department
2009- : University of Theatre and Film Arts – teacher
Ensemble membership:
1975-1984: solo dancer and ballet assistant of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble; prominent performer of original folk dances demanding great virtuosity
1983: member of the Párhuzam Group
1984-: founding co-director and dancer of the Kodály Chamber Dance Ensemble
1981-83: artistic director at the Kecskemét Folk Dance Ensemble
1983-90: artistic co-director and dancer of the Kodály Chamber Dance Ensemble
1989-91: artistic co-director and manager of the Bartina Folk Dance Group
1985-96: professional director at several dance symposiums in Hungary, Canada and the USA
1993- : permanent guest, dancer and choreographer with the Muzsikás Folk Ensemble; performances: Queen Elisabeth Hall – London, Théâtre de la Ville – Paris, Symphony Space – New York, The Barbican Centre – London, Town Hall – New York, House of Blues – Los Angeles, Royal Festival Hall – London, WOMAD Festival – Adelaide, Liszt Academy – Budapest, Palace of Arts – Budapest.
Professional activities:
1985: World Folklore Festival – artistic director (Margaret Island, Budapest)
1990: 3rd South American Folklore Festival – professional director (Venezuela)
1991: Festival of Hungarian Folklore Ensembles – Várszínház of Buda, Carmelite yard (won Spanish Award of Tourism)
1991-93: Budapest Fair – „Táncaink" (Our Dances) program – artistic director (Buda Castle, Szent György Square)
1993-: editor / host of the “Táncház” (Dance House) show at the Hungarian Radio
1993-96: National Dance House Festival – director, editor (Budapest Sportcsarnok)
1998: editor / host of the Hungarian Radio’s new show “Táncház világ” (The World of Dance Houses)
2010- : “Hétrét” Dance House for children, Palace of Arts – artistic director
2009- : Hungarikum Village, Sziget Festival – artistic director
2009- : Folk Music from Tabán – artistic director
Major publications:
2001: Néptánc alaptechnikák módszertana (Methodology of Basic Folk Dance Techniques), Planétás
2002, 2003: Néptánc alaptechnikák módszertana (Methodology of Basic Folk Dance Techniques), educational film, directed by Zoltán Farkas and János Fügedi
2004: A magyar néptánc típusai (Types of Hungarian Folk Dances) – IHM-ITP-11 IHM-OM Development of digital educational resources – „Tánc- Hagyomány- Műveltség"
Choreographies, shows:
1990- : with the Muzsikás Folk Ensemble – choreographer of numerous solo dance compositions from the various dance dialects of the Carpathian Basin
1993: choreographer of „Hommage a Bartók" dance film
1994: several successful choreographies for the Tamburitzans professional dance group of the Pittsburgh Duquesne University
1995: choreographer of Szól a Világ dance film
1997: dance theatre performance to László Nagy’s poem Menyegző (Wedding)
1998: editor / host of the Hungarian Radio’s new show “Táncház világ” (The World of Dance Houses)
2001: choreographer of Bánk bán opera film
2005: „Az örök Kalotaszeg - In memoriam Varga Ferenc ’Csipás’”(Kalotaszeg Forever – In Memoriam Ferenc Varga ’Csipás’) - choreographer: Zoltán Farkas ’Batyu’, Hungarian State Folk Ensemble
2006: „Üzenet – Emlékezés Bartók halálának 125. évfordulójára” (Message – For the 125th Anniversary of the Death of Béla Bartók) – choreographer: Zoltán Farkas ’Batyu’, Tanac Art Ensemble, Pécs
2010: Mezőség Mikrokozmosz (Mezőség Microcosmos), MÁNE
Solo and duo dance compositions:
“Dance Traditions of the Carpathian Basin” choreography series – coproduction with the Muzsikás Folk Ensemble
Movements of the Bartók 44 violin duo – coproduction with the Muzsikás Folk Ensemble
MÁNE Édeskeserű (Bittersweet) – MÁNE
Bartók Violin Duos – Aranyág (Golden Bough) production of the BM Duna Art Ensemble
Kállai kettős (Kálló Double Dance) - BM Duna Art Ensemble
Professional and public activities, international relations:
1985: World Folklore Festival – artistic director (Margaret Island, Budapest)
1990: 3rd South American Folklore Festival – professional director (Venezuela)
1991: Festival of Hungarian Folklore Ensembles – Várszínház of Buda, Carmelite yard (won Spanish Award of Tourism)
1991-93: Budapest Fair – „Táncaink" (Our Dances) program – artistic director (Buda Castle, Szent György Square)
1993-: editor / host of the “Táncház” (Dance House) show at the Hungarian Radio
1993-96: National Dance House Festival – director, editor (Budapest Sportcsarnok)
1993- : permanent guest, dancer and choreographer with the Muzsikás Folk Ensemble; performances: Queen Elisabeth Hall – London, Théâtre de la Ville – Paris, Symphony Space – New York, The Barbican Centre – London, Town Hall – New York, House of Blues – Los Angeles, Royal Festival Hall – London, WOMAD Festival – Adelaide, Liszt Academy – Budapest, Palace of Arts – Budapest
1994: several successful choreographies for the Tamburitzans professional dance group of the Pittsburgh Duquesne University
Hungarian Circle Cultural Association – board member
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musicology – external fellow
Association of Hungarian Dance Artists
Hungarian National Solo Dance Competition for Children – permanent head of the jury
Awards and honors:
1978: “Young Master of Folk Art” Award
1985: “Folk Dancer of the Year” Award of Excellence
1980, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1992: awards of excellence in choreography
1993: Golden diploma in the artistic solo dance category of the World Music Festival (Republic of South Africa)
1995: Award of Excellence by the Presidency of the Hungarian Radio for the professional plan of the “Táncház” (Dance House) show
2001: Award for Hungarian Art
2006: Harangozó Award
2008: Béla Bartók Award
2008: nomination for the Lábán Award
2008: WOMEX Award for World Music with the Muzsikás Folk Ensemble
2014: Artist of merit
2021: Excellent Artist