![Zsolt Nagy](/data/lexikon/Nagy Zsolt 02_270_focuspoint_450x450.jpg)
Date, place of birth: 1965, Gyula
Academic degree, university position: lecturer
2011–2013: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music MA, music teacher, Budapest, folk viola (folk double bass, folk recorder)
1992–1996: Nyíregyháza Teacher Training College, singing-music, folk music teacher
1989: Folk artist, organizer, administrator course, Békéscsaba
1982: Béla Halmos and Téka ensemble ‘C’ category Folk Music course
1984: Békéscsaba Bartók Béla Music School, clarinet, classical music
Teaching activities:
from 1988: Nádasdy Kálmán Art and Primary School, Budapest – position: music teacher (folk viola, folk recorder, clarinet), between 2009 and 2015 folk music teacher, head of department
from 2011: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Folk Music Department – position: lecturer, folk viola
2006–2010: Sajnovics János Primary School and Institute of Art Education, Tordas – position: music teacher (folk viola, folk double bass, folk recorder, folk percussion)
1994-2000: Nyíregyháza Teacher Training College – position: folk viola teacher
Master classes, camps:
from 2008: Tititábor (Dűvő orchestra – USA / Seattle)
from 2008: Vienna course camp (Kárász)
from 2008: Hungarian Heritage House camp (Somogydöröcske)
1989-2012: Méta camp (Nemesgulács, Káptalantóti, Köveskál, Komárom - Koppánymonostor, Dinnyés, Karád)
from 2012: Dűvő Music Camp (Kiscsősz)
2017: Transylvania
2019: Székesfehérvár, Bonyhád, Transylvania
Orchestra membership:
from 2008: member of the Dűvő Band
2003-2007: Tata Kincső Band – honorary member
1999-2006: Hungarian Heritage House / Hungarian State Folk Ensemble musician, Budapest
from 1999: Üsztürü Band – honorary member
from 1999: Bekecs Band – honorary member
1988-2012: Méta ensemble, Budapest
1987-1988: Balassi Bálint Cultural Centre, full-time musician
1980-1988: Békés Band – Békéscsaba, Gyula
Kalotaszeg: Méra, Bács, Kolozsvár, Magyarlóna, Szék (from 1983 to today)
Mezőség: Visa (1984), Báré (1985), Vajdakamarás (1986-87), Bonchida, Kendilóna, Szamosújvár (1986), Szék (since 1984).
Sófalva (1999).
1st Csíkszereda meeting of first violinists, recordings from all Transylvanian musicians.
Fonó Buda Music House, “Utolsó óra” programme: with 36 orchestras, audio and video recordings.
Nagykálló gathering (1985).
Elek Romanian Ball / Carnival / Hungary (1987).
Collection with Vajdaszentivány orchestra (1993).
Collection with Szászcsávás orchestra (1999).
2017: Kapus vidéki népzene – Márta Virágvölgyi – Zsolt Nagy
2013: Palatka folk music I-II. viola-double bass appendix Péter Árendás – Zsolt Nagy – Gergely Koncz
2008: Ördöngősfüzes folk music – Zsolt Nagy
2004: “Magyar Népzenei dallamgyűjtemény brácsaoktatáshoz” /Hungarian Folk Music song collection for teaching viola/, Zsolt Nagy
2002: László Lajtha: Szék collection-viola appendix in the Zsolt Nagy notation
1998: Folk Music Booklets/Kalotaszeg folk music I-II. Viola appendix, Zsolt Nagy
MÉTA-Szabad madár LP-MC Hungaroton '90
MÉTA-Songs and Dances from Hungary LP-MC-CD ARC-Hamburg '88
MÉTA-Gipsy Music from Hungarian Villages '88
MÉTA-Winter and Xmas Songs from Hungary '89
MÉTA-Spring Breeze '90
HeavyMéta MC Duo Sound, Bp. '93
Ten Years of MÉTA / Indulj el egy úton MC-CD '94-95
Bekecs Band – Bodrogköz (2000)
MÉTA-Bonchida CD (2002)
MÉTA-Sárköz CD (2003)
Twelve Bands (2004)
György Ferenczi & Herfli Davidson / Rackajam / Zsolt Nagy: Petőfi album (2006)
Üsztürü – USA 2007 (Transylvanian Village Music)
Dűvő – Előre, csak előre (2009)
Albert Mohácsy: Lili dalai (2010)
Dűvő – Határtalan muzsika (2010)
Dűvő Live in Holland (2010)
Dűvő – Van még benne! (2012)
Dűvő – Dűvölet (2014)
Dűvő – „Hátra van még a java” (2017)
Júlia Kubinyi, Dűvő – Magam járom (2015)
Dűvő – Ne hagyd abba (2019)
1987–1988: Balassi Bálint Cultural Center, full-time musician (1987-1988)
1999–2006: Hungarian Heritage House / musician of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, Budapest
Liszt Academy – Dűvő album premiere
Regular concerts:
Hollókő – Easter
Folk dance house meeting (Budapest)
Tatabánya – permanent band of the Bányász Dance Ensemble
Salgótarján – permanent band of the Nógrád Dance Ensemble
permanent invited band of the Élő Forrás Traditionalist Society
Pajta Festival – Kiscsősz
permament band of the Békéscsaba Solo Dance Festival
Felvidéki Worn-out Ball
Stuttgart – Hungarian Ball
Dance House Meetting in Vienna
Dance House Meetting in Munich
Major foreign concerts:
2020 Slovakia, Germany
2019 USA, Germany, Romania, Slovakia
2018 Argentina, Canada, Brazil
2017 Germany, Slovakia, USA
2016 Austria, Kanada, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Uruguay, Switzerland, USA
2015 Austria, Slovakia, Romania, USA, Latvia, Germany
2014 Austria, Slovakia, USA
2013 Austria, Slovakia, USA, Romania
2012 Austria, Slovakia, USA
2011 Austria, Slovakia, USA
2010 Austria, Slovakia, USA, Netherlands
2009 Italy, USA, Slovakia, Canada
2008 Austria, Canada
2007 Austria, USA
2005, 2006. Austria
2004 Poland, Austria
2003 Italy, Austria
2002 Romania, Italy
2001 Germany, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Belgium, France
2000 Japan, Romania, Italy, Germany
1999 Germany, Switzerland, Austria
1998 Argentina, Uruguay, Slovenia, England, Italy
1997 Spain, Germany, Austria, Netherlands
1996 Egypt, Portugal, Germany
1995 USA, Austria, Turkey, Netherlands, Italy
1994 Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Italy
1993 Spain, Turkey, Germany, Luxembourg, Romania
1992 Italy
1991 German Federal Republic, Benelux countries, Italy
1990 German Federal Republic, Belgium,
1989 Greece, NSZK, Netherlands, Switzerland
1988 German Federal Republic, Switzerland
1987 German Federal Republic
1986 Turkey, Yugoslavia, Czecho-Slovakia
1985 NSZK, Czecho-Slovakia, Turkey
1984 Portugal
1983 France, Czecho-Slovakia, Romania
Principal stage roles:
2010-2013: National Theatre Budapest: Úri muri
2001-2002: Madách Theatre Budapest: Csíksomlyói Passió
2000-2001: Petőfi Theatre Veszprém: Csongor és Tünde
1994: Petőfi Theatre Veszprém: Szent László
1993-1994: National Theatre Budapest: Ugató madár
1993-1994: Petőfi Theatre Veszprém: Vigyorgó Búbánat
1989-1990: Thália Theatre Budapest: Ördögölő Józsiás
1989: Gyula Castle Theatre: Ördögölő Józsiás
Prizes, awards:
2017: Hungarian Cross of Merit, Golden Cross
2007: ‘Teacher of the Year’, Budafok Nádasdy Kálmán Art and Primary School
1990: First place at the Folk Bands Contest organized by Hungarian Television with Méta orchestra
1989: ‘Young Master of Folk Art’ with Méta orchestra
1988: Emerton Prize with Méta orchestra
1982: ‘Young Master of Folk Art’ with Békés Banda folk music ensemble
Telephone: +36/30-294-5859
E-mail: bigzsoli[at]gmail.com