![Soma Mihály Sipos](/data/lexikon/sipos_soma_kocka_focuspoint_450x450.jpg)
2001-2005: Conservatory of Music, Kecskemét – majoring in viola, solfege and music theory, participating in Kata Ittzésné Kövendi’s unique Music in English lessons.
2006-2012: Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest – Department of Musicology, Thesis title: The Rhetoric of Heinrich Schütz as depicted in the Third Volume of Symphoniae Sacrae (1650)
Among others his professors were: Ilona Ferenczi (supervisor of thesis, Schütz, Bach, Paleography), László Somfai (Urtext, Bartók), Pál Richter (Music Theory), László Vikárius (Bartók).
He participated in the courses of Bruno Monsaingeon (A lecture series on his personal experiences with Glenn Gould, Yehudi Menuhin, David Oistrakh), Dorottya Fábián Somorjay (Musicology and performance practice: in search of a historical style with Bach recordings), Péter Laki (20th Century Operas in the US), András Székely (Telemann), György Vashegyi (Baroque Performance Practise).
He regularly attends the conferences of the Hungarian Musicological Society.
He passed the state acknowledged, advanced level language examination in English, and the intermediate level examination in Latin and German.
Since 2011 he has worked at the Kodály Institute as a part time research fellow of the Kodály Bibliography.
Conference Speech:
Psalm 13 of Franz Liszt and Heinrich Schütz: the Romantic and Baroque Approach – Liszt Ferenc és Heinrich Schütz 13. zsoltára: a szöveg romantikus és barokk megközelítése (Pesti ferencesek és zenéjük a 18-19. században, 31st July 2012)
Teaching experience:
2012: He taught European music history for non-degree students at the Kodály Institute.
2013 summer: Taught Kodály’s Lifework at the International Kodály Seminar.
2011: 26th International Kodály Seminar and Kodály Art Festival – 26. Nemzetközi Kodály Szeminárium és Kodály Művészeti Fesztivál (In: A Magyar Kodály Társaság Hírei, 2011/3)