Hasselmans Days – special harp weekend at the Liszt Academy
Between the 20th and 22nd May the Liszt Academy dedicates a special thematic weekend to the work and legacy Adpolph Hasslemans.
Programme of the weekend:
Friday 20 May 2022, Room X
10.00–13.00: Master class of Ms. Catherine Michel
14.00–16.00: Music history – Presentation of Mr. Gergely Fazekas: Époque, belle musique – French music from the early 1900’s (before 1st World War) (Room I.)
16.00–17.30: Master class of Ms. Catherine Michel
18.00: Opening concert (performance of active and passive participants of the Master class)
Saturday 21 May 2022, Room XXIII
10.00–13.00 Master class of Ms. Catherine Michel
14.30–17.30 Master class of Ms. Catherine Michel
18.00 Concert (performance of active and passive participants of the Master class)
Sunday 22 May 2022, Room XXIII
10.00–14.00: Master class of Ms. Catherine Michel
15.30–17.00: Online presentation of Mr. Alexander Rider: “In the footsteps of a châtelaine…” (Room I)
18.00: Closing concert (performance of active and passive participants of the Masterclass)
The programme consists of professional harp masterclass held by the internationally renowned harpist Catherine Michel, as small concerts as well as lectures held by Gergely Fazekas musicologist and Alexander Rider harpist.

Hasselmans, the Belgian born but mainly considered as a French harp artist, was one of the most important harp professors at the Conservatoire in Paris for 28 years. He played a key role in the progress of harp culture in Europe, the French harp school that he represented is the basis of the modern harp playing and interpretation. Hasselmans made numerous arrangement for harp and composed new pieces. His works represent different levels of difficulties and he regularly dedicated them to his students with the expressed aim of developing the harp repertoire.
During the 3 days-long event series Catherine Michel, one of the most emblematic representatives of the Hasselmans-legacy will hold masterclasses to the students of the Liszt Academy.
The events will be organized according to the actual pandemic regulations, the participations is free of charge and registration is required.
Passive participants shall register by filling out the following form until 17 May 2022:
The event was possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Human Capacities and the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Foundation.