Academic degree:
PhD in Musicology (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2023)
BA and MA in Psychology (Eötvös Loránd University, 2017)
BA and MA in Musicology (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2016)
University position:
Research Fellow at the Musicology Department
Member of the Central European Music Research Group
Selected publications:
PhD dissertation (2022): Brahms H-dúr zongoratriója: a fiatalkori és a kései változat kontextusai [Brahms’s B-major Trio: Contexts of the early and the late version]
„Fantázia és kreativitás: Kreisler-jegyek Brahms fiatalkori műveiben”. [“Imagination and creativity: Kreisler’s character in Brahms’s early pieces”], Magyar Zene, 59 (2021)/1, 78–99.
„Brahms H-dúr zongoratriójának kasztrációja: Az első tétel újraírása az 1880-as évek zenei-politikai ideológiáinak kontextusában”. [“The castration of Brahms’s B-major Piano Trio: The musical-political ideologies of the 1880s as reflected in rewriting of the first movement”], Magyar Zene, 58 (2020)/2, 201–216.
„»Gall erények« – A kortárs francia zene recepciója és a francia zenéről szóló diskurzus a két világháború közötti Magyarországon”. [„»Gallic virtues« – The reception of contemporary French music and the discourse on French music in interwar Hungary”], Magyar Zene, 57 (2019)/4, 397–434.
Complete list of publications:
Selected conferences:
„Rejected and preserved memories in Brahms’s rewritten Piano Trio in B major”. 15th International Congress on Musical Signification (Barcelona, 15–19 June, 2022).
“Meanings of change – Brahms’s musical friendships and the rewriting of his Piano Trio in B major”. International conference of the Croatian Musicological Society titled “Musical Networking in the 'Long' 19th Century” (online, 2–5 June 2021).
“Playing with the limits of expression: the Kreisler character in the original version of Brahms’s Piano Trio in B major (1854)”. BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference 2021 hosted by the Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge (online, 12–14 January 2021).
“Castration and chains of thirds – reflections of the 19th century scientific discourse in Brahms’s rewriting of the Piano Trio in B major”. BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference 2020 hosted by the Open University (Milton Keynes, 9–11 January 2020).
2020/2021: Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Pályázat (New National Excellence Tender) – research program: Music-political discourses and the reception of Brahms’s music in 19th century Budapest
2021/2022: Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Pályázat (New National Excellence Tender) – research program: E. T. A. Hoffmann’s influence on Brahms and his early works
2014/2015: Köztársasági Ösztöndíj (Scholarship of the Republic) – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Teaching activities:
2019– : Junior Research Fellow giving classes on 19th- and 20th-century music (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)
2016–2018: Consultant teacher giving classes as doctoral student (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)