Born: 1976
Academic degree:
Habilitation (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2015)
PhD (University of Bristol, 2008)
BA+MA in History (Eötvös Loránd University, 2006)
BA+MA in Musicology (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2002)
University position:
University Professor
Head of the Musicology Department
Head of the Central European Music Research Group
Selected Publications:
Books (author)
Péteri, Lóránt, Gustav Mahler körút: Hét tanulmány [‘Gustav Mahler Boulevard’: Seven Studies] (Pécs: Kronosz Kiadó, 2023).
Péteri, Lóránt, Mahler, a scherzo és a "kísérteties" [Mahler, the Scherzo, and the ‘Uncanny’] (Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 2015).
Books (co-editor)
Fazekas, Gergely; Péteri, Lóránt; Vikárius, László (eds.), Zenetörténetek Közép-Európából: Tanulmányok a Zenetudományi Tanszék vonzásköréből (Pécs: Kronosz Kiadó, 2024).
Gyarmati, György; Péteri, Lóránt (eds.), 1956 és a zenei élet: Előzmények, történések, következmények [The Revolution of 1956 and the Hungarian Musical Life: Antecedents, Events, Consequences] (Budapest, Pécs: Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, Kronosz Kiadó, Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára, 2019).
Dobszay, Ágnes; Domokos, Zsuzsanna; Péteri, Lóránt; Vikárius, László (eds.), Szekvenciáktól szimfóniákig: Tanulmányok Liszt, Bartók és Ligeti 140 éves Zeneakadémiája tiszteletére [From Sequences to Symphonies: Studies Celebrating Liszt’s, Bartók’s, and Ligeti’s Academy of Music at 140] (Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, Zeneakadémia, 2015).
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘“Mad Day” and the “March of Bacchus”: Figaro in Mahler's Third Symphony’, in Sheinberg, Esti; Dougherty, William (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Music Signification (New York: Routledge, 2020), 114–125.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘Whose Farewell?: Ligeti's Horn Trio and Mahler's Ninth Symphony’, in Granat-Janki, Anna (ed.), Musical Analysis: Historia – Theoria – Praxis, V (Wrocław: The Karol Lipinski Academy of Music in Wroclaw, 2019), 345–355.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘Idyllic Masks of Death: References to Orphée aux Enfers in ‘Das himmlische Leben”’, in Barham, Jeremy (ed.), Rethinking Mahler (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 127–137.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘The “Question of Nationalism” in Hungarian Musicology during the State Socialist Period’, in Żerańska-Kominek, Sławomira (eds.), Nationality vs Universality: Music Historiographies in Central and Eastern Europe (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016) 125–144.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘God and Revolution: Rewriting the Absolute: Bence Szabolcsi and the Discourse of Hungarian Musical Life’, in Blažekovic, Zdravko; Mackenzie Dobbs, Barbara (eds.), Music's Intellectual History (New York: International Repertory of Music Literature, 2009), 337–342.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘“Soviet Music” in Hungary: Ilya Golovin Reaches Budapest’, in Bek, Mikuláš; Chew, Geoffrey; Macek, Petr (eds.), Socialist Realism and Music (Prague: KLP – Koniasch Latin Press, 2004), 151–157.
Journal articles
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘National Icon and Cultural Ambassador: Zoltán Kodály in the Musical Life of State Socialist Hungary’, Polski Rocznik Muzykologiczny, 19 (2021)/1, 147-181.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘Mahler: Music, Reception, Identity’, Studia Musicologica, 60 (2019)/1–4, 219–242.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘Form, Meaning and Genre in the Scherzo of Mahler's Second Symphony’, Studia Musicologica, 50 (2009)/3–4, 221–299.
Péteri, Lóránt, ‘Scherzo and the Unheimlich: The Construct of Genre and Feeling in the Long 19th Century’, Studia Musicologica, 48 (2007)/ 3–4, 319–333.
Complete list of publications:
International conferences:
Anna Belinszky, Gergely Fazekas, Lóránt Péteri, Rethinking Central European Music, Central European Music Research Group of the Musicology Department at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest (Hungary), 8–9 September 2023.
Federico Celestini, Milijana Pavlović, Thomas Peattie, Lóránt Péteri, The Compositional Reception of Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler Research Centre, Toblach / Dobbiaco (Italy), 15–16 July 2022.
Invitation papers, round-tables
Round-table with Stefan Hakenberg, Milijana Pavlović, Thomas Peattie, Lóránt Péteri, Sybille Werner and the young composers, The Compositional Reception of Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler Research Centre, Toblach / Dobbiaco (Italy), 15–16 July 2022.
Joan Grimalt, Lóránt Péteri, Eero Tarasti, ‘Homage to Constantin Floros’ (round-table), 15th International Congress on Musical Signification, Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), 15–19 June 2022.
‘“The Man Who Can Make Bach Interesting”: Gustav Mahler’s Bach Suite and its Early Performances in the US’, Transatlantic Relations in Music before World War I, The Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University, Budapest (Hungary), 17 September 2021.
‘Zoltán Kodály in the Musical Life of State Socialist Hungary’, in absentia!, National Identitites – European Universality: Music and Musical Life in Central-Eastern Europe (1918–2018), Polish Composers’ Union, Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw, National Centre for Culture, Warsaw, 30 November–1 December 2018.
‘Marches of Subversion: An Allusion to Figaro in Mahler’s Third Symphony’, Universität Innsbruck, 2nd International Gustav Mahler Workshop Toblach, Dobbiaco (Italy), 3–4 July 2018.
‘Heavenly Life and Underworld: An Allusion to Offenbach in Mahler’, EMB, Henle, HAS Budapest Bartók Archives, Composition and Revision with the “Classics” of Twentieth-Century Music: Mahler, Debussy, Schoenberg, Bartók and Stravinsky, Budapest (Hungary), 24 September 2016.
‘Hungarian Musicology under State Socialism: Institutions, Informal Networks, Scholarly Projects, and Ideologies’, American Musicological Society, Seventy-ninth Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh (USA), 7–10 November 2013.
‘Crossroads: Changing Concepts in Musical Thought in Hungary in the Early 1960s’, University of Bristol, Music Department, The Modernisms of the 1960s in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, Bristol (UK), 27 April 2002.
‘Ilya Golovin Reaches Budapest: “Soviet Music” in Hungary’, Masaryk University, Faculty of Humanities, Musicology Institute, Socialist Realism and Music: Anti-Modernism and Avant-gardes, Brno (Czech Republic), 1–3 October 2001.
‘Who Was Streamlining Whom?: A Contribution to the History of “Sovietization” of Hungarian Musical—Musicological Life”, Central European Music Research Centre (CEMRC), Cardiff University, Music Department, in cooperation with Bristol University’s Music Department, Socialist Realism in Central European Music: 1945–1955, Cardiff (UK), 10 March 2001.
Other papers
’”Free Association”: The Association of Hungarian Musicians during the Revolution, the State Socialist Retaliation, and the Restoration (1956–1959)’, BASEES Study Group for Slavonic and Eastern European Music Annual Conference 2024, Durham University, Durham (UK), 17 February 2024.
’Mahler's Music in Hungary, 1920–1956: Performance, Reception, Politics’, Political Mahler – Gustav Mahler im politischen Kontext, Wissenschaftszentrum Gustav Mahler, mdw, Vienna (Austria), 22 November 2023.
’Mahler’s Music in Interwar Budapest: Performances and Discourses’, Rethinking Central European Music, Central European Music Research Group of the Musicology Department at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest (Hungary), 8–9 September 2023.
‘Ligeti’s Mahler’, Kylwiria and Other Explorations: An International Musicological Conference on György Ligeti’s Centenary, University of Music and Performing Arts (Vienna), Institute for Musicology of the Research Centre for the Humanities (Budapest), Hungarian Musicological Society, Paul Sacher Foundation, Vienna & Budapest (Austria and Hungary), 10–13 May 2023.
‘Ligeti’s Mahler, Ligeti’s Kakania’, The Compositional Reception of Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler Research Centre, Toblach / Dobbiaco (Italy), 15–16 July 2022.
‘“Hommage à Mahler” – An Allusion to the Third Symphony in Zoltán Jeney’s Aus tiefer Not’, 15th International Congress on Musical Signification, Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), 15–19 June 2022.
‘Bachian Traditions and an “Hommage à Mahler”: Zoltán Jeney’s Aus tiefer Not’, Revisiting Austrian and German Music: From the ‘Spring of Nations’ to the Cold War, Institute of Austrian and German Music Research in the Department of Music and Media at the University of Surrey (United Kingdom), online event, 17–18 September 2021.
‘Whose Farewell? Ligeti’s Horn Trio and Mahler’s Ninth Symphony’, Karol Lipiński Academy of Music, Musical Analysis: Historia – Theoria – Praxis, Wrocław (Poland), 12–13 December 2017.
‘Zoltán Kodály, János Kádár and Paternalistic Thought’, HAS Institute for Musicology, A National Master in International Context: International Musicological Conference on the 50th Anniversary of Zoltán Kodály’s Death, Budapest (Hungary), 8–10 December 2017.
‘The Mad Day and the March of Bacchus: An Allusion to Figaro in Mahler’s Third Symphony’, Canterbury Christ Church University, University of London, 13th International Congress on Musical Signification – Sound and Subject through Ages: Musical Meanings in Narratives, Topics and Technologies, Canterbury and London (UK), 4–7 April 2016.
‘The History of Hungarian Music Versus the Music History of Hungary: The “Question of Nationalism” in Hungarian Musicology During the Post-Stalinist Period’, MTA BTK ZTI 20-21st Century Hungarian Music Archive and Research Group, Nationalism in Music in the Totalitarian State (1945–1989), Budapest (Hungary), 24–25 January 2015.
‘The “Question of Nationalism” in Hungarian Musicology after 1956’, Fryderyk Chopin Institute, Nationality–Universality: Musical Historiography in Central and Eastern Europe, Radziejowice (Poland), 15–17 September 2014.
‘Idyllic Masks of Death: References to Orphée aux Enfers in “Das himmlische Leben”’, University of Surrey, Gustav Mahler Centenary Conference, Guildford (UK), 7–9 July 2011.
‘Scherzo and the Unheimlich: the Construct of Genre and Feeling in the Long 19th Century’, Royal Musical Association, Research Students’ Conference 2007, Bristol (UK), 3–6 January 2007.
‘God and Revolution – Szabolcsi Bence and the Discourse of Hungarian Musical Life’, RILM (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale), Music’s Intellectual History, New York (USA), 16–19 March 2005.
2023- area editor of ‘Hungary’, Southeastern and East Central Europe update project of the Oxford Music Online, Grove Music Online
2020- Member of the advisory board of the Gustav Mahler Research Centre, Toblach / Dobbiaco (Italy)
2012- Member with voting rights of the Musicology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012–14 Secretary of the Musicology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2010- Member of the Society of Hungarian Scientists and Scholars of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2010- Member of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music PhD Doctoral Council
2010- Member of the board of the Hungarian Musicology Society
2010- Member of the editorial committee of the musicology periodical Magyar Zene
2000/01 Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic; several times since 2002: Pro Musica scholarship. Won the Kodály Zoltán scholarship on three occasions (2003, 2006, 2007); between 2004-2006 holder of the University of Bristol Postgraduate Research Scholarship; 2008/09 MAOE scholarship.
National Cultural Fund of Hungary – creative funding (2011)
2011 Pro Musicologia Hungarica Foundation – research funding; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Bolyai János Research Scholarship (2012–2015)
Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Pályázat (New National Excellence Tender) postdoctoral fellow (2016/17)
Teaching activities:
2002–2004: Consultant teacher giving classes as doctoral student (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)
2005–2008: Assistant lecturer, assistant research fellow (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)
2008–2012: senior lecturer (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department, later Creative Art and Music Theory Department)
2013–2016: Associate professor (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology and Music Theory Department)
2014–2016: head of the Musicology and Music Theory Department
2016- : head of the Musicology Department
2016- : professor (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)
2020: president of the PhD Doctoral Council
Member of the PhD Doctoral Council; Member of the Doctoral Council of the University
Supervison of doctoral theses:
Teaching in the framework of Erasmus+ mobility
’Gustav Mahler and Ligeti György’, Master AReMus (Artistic Research in Music MA programme), Conservatorio di Musica ’Santa Cecilia’, 13–17 Rome, 2023.
Participation in the work of research groups:
2002–2006 Participation – with independent research area – in the research programme ‘Zoltán Kodály and his students’ of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Musicology Institute, funded by the National Cultural and Development Tender
2009–2011 Participation – with independent research area – in the OTKA No. 73434 programme ‘Hungarian music culture and composition in the 20th century’ of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Musicology Institute, as well as in the preparatory work of the 20th century volume of the Academy series ‘Music history of Hungary’
2017– participation as a senior researcher in the research program of the Institute for Musicology: „Magyarország zenetörténete/5. A kézikönyv-sorozat 20. századi kötetének előkészítése” (Number of the program: NKFIH K 123819)
2017– participation with an independent research area in the research program of the Eötvös University: „A trianoni Magyarország tradíció és modernitás határán – A Horthy-korszak történeti kézikönyve” (Number of the program: NKFIH K 124142)
2022– Head of the Central European Music Research Group in the Musicology Department at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Other scientific activities (selection):
2008– Organizing, compiling and running the scientific lecture series ‘Tuesday Afternoon Musicology’ in the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
2009– Organizing scientific session in the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (with László Vikárius)
2016 „Eszterháza” – organizing scientific workshop (Liszt Academy Musicology Department);
2017 „1956 és a zenei élet: előzmények, történések, következmények” – organizing scientific conferenc with György Gyarmati (Liszt Academy, ÁBTL)
Other activities:
Author of art critiques, book reviews and reviews published in specialist periodicals (2000–), weekly journals (2000–) and on the Internet (2008–).
Guides for Hungarian concert organizers (Budapest Spring Festival, Budapest Festival Orchestra, Jakobi Concert, Müpa Budapest, National Philharmonic Orchestra) from 2001. Author of all the guides of the Danubia Orchestra Óbuda in the 2008/09 season.
Assistant, chief editor of radio programmes covering classical music. Music critic of Bartók Radio’s programme Új Zenei Újság since 2001. Presenter of Bartók Radio’s programme Zenebeszéd since 2009.
In 2005, drafted a professional proposal for the Müpa Budapest exhibition ‘Mozart and Hungary’.
In 2010, was appointed expert at the Petőfi Literary Museum’s event ‘Alma Mahler Salon’.
In 2011, was a member of the jury of the Liszt International Record Grand Prix.
In November 2014, was a member of the Ministry of Human Capacities’ and Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music’s committee assessing the master instrument tender.
Between 2016 and 2019: member of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office "Culture" expert group
2019- member of the Advisory Band of the Kodály Zoltán music writer fellowship
Participation in procedures of higher educational (re-)accreditation
Member of the External Evaluation Committe (one institution), Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education, Nicosia, Cyprus, 28 February – 2 March 2023.
Member of the Expert Panel (one institution), Agency for Science and Higher Education, Zagreb, Croatia, 7–11 November, 2022.
Member of the External Evaluation Committe (two institutions), Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education, Nicosia, Cyprus, 13 January – 16 January 2022.
Further lectures at conferences:
Invitation lectures at conferences in Hungary and in Hungarian:
Képzelt zeneszerző: Fiktív komponisták az 50-es évek magyar zenei diskurzusában /Imaginary composer: Fictive composers in the Hungarian music discourse of the 1950s/, University of Pécs, Copyright and privacy rights in the arts, Pécs, 17-18 October 2003
Scherzo és unheimlich: Műfaj és érzület konstrukciója a hosszú 19. században /Scherzo and the Unheimlich: the Construct of Genre and Feeling in the Long 19th Century/, Hungarian Musicology Society, Musicology conference in honour of 60-year-old Tibor Tallián, Budapest, 14-15 October 2006
Magyar csárdás vagy haszid népdal? Mahler-recepció és a nemzeti zene konstrukciója /Hungarian csárdás or Hassidic folk song? Mahler reception and its national music construct/, Erasmus College and ELTE BTK, This side of music and beyond, Budapest, 16 May 2008
A márki és a tejesember: A ‘népi’ elem Gustav Mahler I. szimfóniájának 3. tételében /The marquis and the dairyman: allusions to ‘folk music’ in the third movement of Mahler’s first symphony/, Hungarian Musicology Society, Folk music and music history, Budapest, 8-9 October 2009
‘A mi népünk az Ön népe, de az enyém is…’: Kodály Zoltán és Kádár János kapcsolatáról /‘Our people are your people, but mine, too...’: the connection between Zoltán Kodály and János Kádár/, MTA BTK Musicology Institute, Scientific session in honour of 70-year-old Melinda Berlász, Budapest, 29 November 2012
Alkotás és személyes identitástörténet metszéspontjai Gustav Mahler pályáján /Intersections of creation and personal identity events in the career of Gustav Mahler/, MTA Humanities Research Centre, Identities and changes, Budapest, 6-7 December 2012
Mihály András 3. szimfóniája: Diskurzus az új zenéről 1962-ben /András Mihály’s Symphony No. 3: Discourse on new music in 1962/, MTA BTK ZTI 20-21st Century Hungarian Music Archive and Research Group, In the footsteps of anniversaries, Budapest, 5 December 2013
Other lectures at conferences in Hungary and in Hungarian:
Ilja Golovin Budapestre érkezik: A ‘szovjet zene’ Magyarországon /Ilya Golovin arrives in Budapest: ‘Soviet music’ in Hungary/, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department and Musicology Doctoral School Scientific session in honour of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Musicology Department, Budapest, 23-24 November 2001
Programzene vagy abszolút zene? Mahler döntésének szociokulturális hátteréhez /Programme music or absolute music? Sociocultural background to the decisions of Mahler/, Hungarian Musicology Society, In honour of 70-year-old László Somfai, Budapest, 8-10 October 2004
‘Isteni kockavetések’ – Gustav Mahler 2. szimfóniája 3. tételének formája: egy új megközelítés /‘Heavenly casts of the dice’ – the form of the third movement of Gustav Mahler’s Second Symphony: a new approach/, Hungarian Musicology Society, Conference in honour of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dénes Bartha, Budapest, 3-4 October 2008
A végtelen forma terve Mahler 2. szimfóniájának scherzójában /Design of the infinite form in the scherzo of Mahler’s Second Symphony/, ELTE BTK and Erasmus College, This side of music and beyond II, Budapest, 22 May 2009
A halál idilli maszkjai: Orfeusz az alvilágban és Mennyei élet /Idyllic Masks of Death: References to Orphée aux Enfers in ‘Das himmlische Leben’/, Hungarian Musicology Society, Art analysis – today, Budapest, 7-8 October 2011
Adalékok az MTA Népzenekutató Csoportjának 1967 és 1970 közötti történetéhez /Supplements to the events of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Folk Music Research Group between 1967 and 1970/, Hungarian Musicology Society, In memoriam László Dobszay, 11-13 October 2012
Épületes ügy: Néhány adalék a Zenetudományi Intézet elhelyezésének történetéhez /Constructive matter: a few supplements to the positioning of the Musicology Institute/, Hungarian Musicology Society, Institutional musicology research in Hungary, Budapest, 2 October 2014
Independent invitation lectures:
Vonzások és választások: Kodály, népzene és kultúrpolitika a »hosszú ötvenes években« /Attractions and choices: Kodály, folk music and culture policy in the ‘long 1950s’/, Hungarian Heritage House, Ethnographical Archive, Budapest, 24 April 2008
Adalékok az MTA Zenetudományi Bizottságának történetéhez /Supplements to the events of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Musicology Committee/, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Musicology Committee, Committee session, Budapest, 22 May 2008
Other independent lectures:
Restauráció és átrendeződés az 1956 utáni magyar zenei életben /Restoration and realignment in post-1956 Hungarian music life/, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Tuesday Afternoon Musicology, Budapest, 3 May 2011
Round-table discussions, workshops:
Kritikai agora: Mire valók a művészeti egyetemek? Mire való az elméleti tudás egy tervező/művész számára? /Agora of criticism: What are universities of arts for? What is theoretical knowledge for to a designer-artist?/, round-table discussion presented by Bálint Veres, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Transfer lab., Budapest, 24 October 2012
Szenvedély és alkotófolyamat a művészetekben és a pszichoterápiában: változatok a kreatív munkamódra /Passion and the creative process in the arts and psychotherapy: variations on the creative working method/, workshop under the leadership of Katalin Szőke and Katalin Zana, Hungarian Psychoanalytical Association, Passion and indifference: Emotions and relationships, Budapest, 17-18 October 2014
2022: Bence Szabolcsi Award
2013: Hans Sachs Prize of Müpa Budapest