Academic degrees:
BA & MA in Musicology (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2020)
University position:
PhD student
Junior Research Fellow
Selected Publications:
„Az 1956-os magyar forradalom nyolcezer kilométer távolságból: A Néphadsereg Művészegyüttesének kínai turnéjáról” [The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 seen from eight thousand kilometers away: the tour of the Central Artistic Ensemble of Hungarian People’s Army in China], in Dalos, Anna; Ozsvárt, Viktória (eds.), Járdányi Pál és kora: Tanulmányok a 20. századi magyar zene történetéből (1920–1966) [Pál Járdányi and his time: studies in 20th century Hungarian music history (1920-1966)] (Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 2020), 381–403.
„The artistic ensembles of the socialist armed forces in Central–Eastern Europe – The social friendship project” in Kajos Luca Fanni, Bali Cintia, Preisz Zsolt, Szabó Rebeka (eds.) 10th Jubilee Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference Book, (Pécs: Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs, 2021), 597–605.
Complete list of publications:
Lectures at conferences in Hungary and abroad:
Vásárhelyi Zoltán karnagyi portréja – A dalárdától a hivatásos férfikarig /Portrait of choir conductor Zoltán Vásárhelyi – from liedertafel to professional male choir/, ELKH BTK Musicology Institute 20-21st Century Hungarian Music Archive and Research Group, Music and musical life in Hungary in the 20th century, Budapest, 6–7. May 2021.
The artistic ensembles of the socialist armed forces in Central–Eastern Europe – The social friendship project, 10th Jubilee Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference at the University of Pécs, Pécs, 13. November 2021.
„»Gyöngéd fegyverek« a népi demokrácia szolgálatában – a szovjet mintára létrehozott művészegyüttesek megalakulása Kelet-Közép Európában /»Tender Weapons« for People’s Democracy – the establishment of Soviet-type artistic ensembles in Central and Eastern-Europe/, Scientific conference of the Musicology Department of the Liszt Academy of Music, Musical histories from Central-Europe, , Budapest, 19–20. November 2021.
A Honvéd Együttes emlékezetpolitikája az évfordulóik tükrében /The commemorative policy of the Honvéd Ensemble in the light of their anniversaries/, Conference of International Association for Hungarian Studies, Remembering and forgetting in Hungarian culture, Sopron, 30. August – 3. September 2022.
Iratok a magyar zeneélet történetéhez. Somogyi László, Petri Endre és Fodor János szereplése a Szovjetunióban (1950). /Documents of the history of Hungarian musical life. The appearances of László Somogyi, Endre Petri and János Fodor in the Soviet Union (1950)/ ELKH BTK Musicology Institute, Scientific conference in honour of Melinda Berlász, Mária Domokos, János Bereczky, ’Fifty-five years’, Budapest, 17–18. November 2022.
„»A magyar művészet töretlen lelkű apostola« id. Ábrányi Kornél emlékezete a 20. század elején” [’The commited apostle of Hungarian Art’ – Memory of Kornél Ábrányi Sr. at the beginning of the 20th century] ELKH BTK Musicology Institute, Music history of Hungary in the 19th Century Conference of the Department for Hungarian Music History, for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Kornél Ábrányi Sr., 19. December 2022.
„»A New Type of Artist is Born Here, Whose Weapon is the Art« The Method and Importance of Musical Education in the Work of the Honvéd Central Male Choir” BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference 2023: ‘Borderlands’ Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 09–12 January 2023.
Teaching activities:
2022: Consultant teacher giving classes as doctoral student (ELTE Institute of Arts Communication and Music; Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)
2023– : Assistant lecturer, assistant research fellow (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department)