(Sárkeresztúr, 8 October 1938 – Kecskemét, 12 June 2018)
Academic degree, university position: PhD
Subjects: Hungarian Folk Music, Music Literature, Research Consultation
1953-1958: Secondary School of Music (Győr, Hungary)
1958-1963: Franz Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest) – diploma of Secondary School Music Teacher, Choir Conducting
1965-1967: Institute for Cultural Education (Budapest) – a course on orchestral conducting
2002: Doctoral Degree (PhD), University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Teaching activities:
1963-1970: Secondary School of Music (Győr) – Solfége – Music Theory, Music Literature, Hungarian Folk Music; conducting symphonic and chamber orchestras
1970-1973: Zoltán Kodály Secondary School (Kecskemét, Hungary) – music teacher and choir conductor
1973- Kodály Music Institute (Kecskemét) – lecturer of Solfége – Music Theory, Music Literature, Hungarian Folk Music, Choir Conducting. He has been a professor and lecturer at the International Kodály Seminars of Kecskemét and at several local and national specialized trainings.
He was the Chief Librarian of the Kodály Institute and later became Deputy Director.
Invited lecturer, master classes:
Australia (1979), Austria (1990), Denmark (2007), Finland (1991, 2004), Greece (1989), Ireland (1983, 1985), China (2004), Korea (2003), Italy (1988), Poland (from 1976 on, 2-3 yearly)
Major publications:
Individual volumes:
"The past should only be an example": The History of Hungary in the Compositions of Kodály.
Kodály Institute (Kecskemét) – Erdei Ferenc Cultural Community Centre, 1996.
22 Writings on Music (Kodály and… predecessors, contemporaries, successors).
Kodály Institute (Kecskemét), 1999.
Zoltán Kodály, In Retrospect. Kodály Institute (Kecskemét), 2002.
Volumes he edited:
Ady-Kodály Anniversary Days, Kecskemét, 30/11/1977 – 1/12/1977. Kodály Institute (Kecskemét), 1979.
The Situation of Musical Education in Hungary. Budapest: MTA-ZTI, 1981.
The Kodály Institute's Yearbook, I-V. – I.: 1982, II.: 1983, III.: 1986, IV.: 2001, V.: 2007.
In Memoriam Zoltán Vásárhelyi. Kodály Institute (Kecskemét), 1997.
Imre Csenki Memorial Volume (in co-operation with Éva Csenki). Kodály Institute (Kecskemét), 2004.
"The voice of Kodály in music is the voice of Hungary". Kodály 125: exhibition and catalogue.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and published by the "For the Kodály Institute" Foundation, 2007.
Singing-Music textbook for training schools for kindergarten teachers, I-IV. (with Gábor Róbert). Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó 1974-1992 (revised; in many editions)
Major essays (which have not been published in individual volumes):
Zoltán Kodály's letters to Imre Kner. Forrás (Kecskemét), 09/1984.
Data for the Music History of Kecskemét 1599-1853. In: Tibor Iványosi Szabó (ed.): From the Past of Bács-Kiskun Megye (‘County'). IX. Public Education. Kecskemét: The Archives of Bács-Kiskun Megye, 1987.
Kodály and Liszt. In: Ferenc Bónis (ed.): The Remembrance of Zoltán Kodály and Bence Szabolcsi. Kecskemét: Kodály Institute, 1992.
Children on the Opera Stage. Ezredvég, 09/1993.
Erkel and Kodály. In: Ferenc Bónis (ed.): Of Ferenc Erkel and his Time. Budapest: Püski, 1995.
Poeta doctus in musica. For the Centenary of Lajos Bárdos. Forrás 11/1999.
In Kodály's Footsteps? The Choir in the 20th Century Hungarian Composition and Music Life. Magyar zene (‘Hungarian Music'), 02/2000.
Psalms by Liszt and Kodály: Psalm 13 and Psalmus Hungaricus. In: Klára Hamburger (ed.): Liszt 2000. The Great Hungarian and European Master at the Threshold of the 21st Century. Budapest: Franz Liszt Society, 2000.
Composer Contemporaries – the Way Kodály Saw Them. In: Of Ferenc Erkel and his Time. Budapest: Püski, 2001.
A Polemical Essay for the General Musical Education in Hungary. ZeneSzó, 04/2003.
An "Antimusical" Poet or Sándor Weöres, the Lyricist of Composers. Forrás 06/2003.
A Composer at the Turn of the Millennium. A Few Touches to the Portrait of the Seventy Years Old Miklós Kocsár as a Composer. Forrás 02/2004.
Zoltán Kodály 1882-1967: Honorary president of ISME 1964-1967. International Journal of
Music Education, Vol 22, No 2, 2004 August
The National Hymn of Zrínyi. Zoltán Kodály's choral work debuted fifty years ago. Forrás 12/2005.
Sándor Weöres' Poems for Children Viewed in a Musical Mirror. (Why might children like the poems of Sándor Weöres?) Könyv és Nevelés 02/2006.
Other activities:
Music history in general and the oeuvre of Kodály in particular
Hungarian Kodály Society (co-chairman since 2007)
International Kodály Society (IKS – Vice Chair between 1993-2001)
Society of Music Teachers
Lajos Bárdos Society
Franz Liszt Society
Association of Choirs and Orchestras (KÓTA)