Information about uploading diploma concert recordings

18 March 2021

I. Technical information regarding recordings

Only those recordings will be considered eligible and possible to assess which meet the technical requirements. Sound recordings only and videos of different formats will be rejected.

1.) The submitted performance video has to be recorded in a way that the student uploading the video and the performance itself is possible to authenticate.

2.) The video recording may only contain uncut recording of the performance, the pieces/movements have to be continuous without any cuts. Any post-work done in any shape or form (sound or picture) or with the usage of any kind of technology, is prohibited.

3.) The picture of the video recording has to be done considering the following:

  • The format of the shot has to be horizontal (landscape).
  • The student has to be in the middle of the picture with a clear and visible shot of their face and hands in focus.
  • Avoid backlight (the main source of light is preferably behind the camera, in front of the student).

4.) The sound quality of the recording has to be good enough so that instrument is clear, easily separated from outside and technical noises during the entirety of the performance.

5.) File-format: mp4.

We are kindly asking our students to act in accordance with the current epidemic related guidelines and preventative measures during the preparation of the video recording. This is everyone’s personal responsibility.


II. Length of recordings and uploading

Length of video recording for BA students: 30 minutes
Length of video recording for MA students: 45 minutes at minimum, 60 minutes at maximum

The video recording should be uploaded to Office 365 OneDrive and shared with the Academy. Technical information for using Office 365 OneDrive is available in the Guide HERE. The submitted performance video has to be recorded in a way that the student uploading the video and the performance itself is possible to authenticate. Only those recordings will be considered eligible and possible to assess which meet the technical requirements, which can be found in the Guide and section I. above.

We ask you to check the shared video before submitting it. The shared video should be available at least until 5 June 2021. The video should not be modified after it has been uploaded and shared.

The Academy has the right to verify the above-mentioned details. The technical quality of the video recording does not affect assessment.

We are kindly asking our students to act in accordance with the current epidemic related guidelines and preventative measures during the preparation of the video recording. This is everyone’s personal responsibility.

Consultation about recording the video is possible via the oktatastechnika[at] e-mail address. Technical help for uploading the videos is possible via the itsupport.zarovizsga[at] e-mail address.


III. Deadlines

Uploading the video recordings for both BA and MA students will be possible during the following period: from 5 May 2021, 00.00, until 25 May 2021, 24.00.