Information for students living with special needs or disability

26 July 2024

Complying with the provisions of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as: ANHE), professors of the Academy must consider students’ individual abilities and disabilities when they teach.

In order to ensure the above, the Academy has appointed a Special Needs Coordinator.

The Academy can provide the most adequate help for its students living with special needs or disability, if such students meet with the Coordinator for specialized registration, during which the student hands over their relevant expert opinion (as per below).


If a student with special needs or disability would like to benefit from the available benefits and assistance, they need to make sure to meet with our Coordinator (Ms. Edit Kovács, Study Department, 1077 Budapest, Wesselényi street 52. Ground Floor, Room 013; e-mail: kovacs [dot] edit [at] zeneakademia [dot] hu) for specialized registration, upon enrolment or afterwards. During specialized registration, the Coordinator takes the expert opinion and has a talk on special treatment with the student. All information is handled with confidentiality.

If the student does not need assistance, no special registration is needed.

As per point 6 of §108 of the ANHE, a student (applicant) lives with a disability if they have: musculoskeletal, sensory or speech disability, a cumulative disability, an autism spectrum disorder or other mental disability (severe learning, attention or behavioural disability).


Pursuant §63 of Government Decree 87/2015 (IV.9) on certain dispositions of the ANHE, the medical record may be provided as such:

(1)  The student (applicant) with a disability shall certify the type of disability by means of an expert opinion issued by the body specified in paragraphs (2) to (5).

(2)  If the student's (applicant's) disability or special educational needs already existed during secondary education, the disability or special educational needs can be confirmed by an expert opinion issued by the county (metropolitan) pedagogical professional service institutions and their member institutions acting as county expert committees.

(3)  If the student's (applicant's) disability or special educational needs did not exist during secondary education, the disability can be confirmed by an expert opinion issued by the National Pedagogical Professional Service of the Eötvös Lóránd University.

(4)  If a non-Hungarian applicant does not have a place of permanent or habitual residence in Hungary, the disability, notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (3), can be verified by a certified translation of an expert opinion issued abroad.

(5)  If a non-Hungarian applicant or student has an expert opinion issued abroad, the disability, notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (3), can be verified by a certified translation of the expert opinion issued abroad.


Let us know if you have any questions. We wish you good luck with your studies and student life.


Olivia Gazsi            

 Head of Study Department