Tuition fee payment for self-financed international students

Tuition fees

For both degree and non-degree study programmes, the exact fees are listed here.

Please make sure you pay your tuition fee in the given currency, and to the account that accepts that given currency.



The Academy has to enter into a contract with all self-financed students. Signing the contracts happens in the enrolment period of the first semester of a new programme. For international students' contracts, please see Anna Kovács in room 014 (Study Department, Ligeti Building).

The contract is for the whole length of the programme and it is stated whether the tuition fee is based on per semester or per credit. You can request the latter if you have submitted or have a successfully approved credit transfer request, or you could not finish your studies in the given period (e.g. 6 semesters in case of BA). If you have less than 30 credits left in a case like this, paying the tuition fee based on credit is advised.

Credit based payment for degree programme students:

The fee of one credit is the 1/30 of the semester fee.

Fee of 1 credit on BA programmes (HUF based fees): 26 667 HUF

Fee of 1 credit on MA programmes (HUF based fees): 31 667 HUF



For international students invoice is only generated after their payment is made in order to avoid exchange rate differences as much as possible (although its effect cannot be entirely eliminated). However, you may request an invoice beforehand, but please note that the Academy only issues HUF based invoices.

You can find and print your invoices in Neptun (Finances > Invoices).

In your transfer amount please include the possible banking fees (please make inquiries at your bank), the Academy cannot be held liable for that. If your payment falls short, you will have to pay the missing amount separately until the given deadline.



In exceptional cases, taking into considertion the student's financial matters, academic achievement, requesting tuition fee payment in instalments, and asking for delayed fee payment is possible within 21 days after the end of the registration period the latest. If you are interested, please see your study adminsitrator.



TUITION FEE PAYMENT DEADLINE for full-time (degree) students and guest students:
autumn semester: 28 October 2024
spring semester: 24 March 2025

LATE FEE: 12 000 HUF/month after every new month


autumn semester: 31 August 2024
spring semester: 31 January 2025


The payment is to be done by transfer to the bank account below.


Banking information – EUR and HUF Account Details

Name of beneficiary: Liszt Academy of Music

Name of Bank: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)

Address of bank: H-1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 8/9

Address of Liszt Academy: 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8.

Please make sure you pay your tuition fee in the given currency, and to the account that accepts that given currency.

EUR based bank account number (for EUR transfers made from Hungarian bank accounts):


EUR based IBAN (for EUR transfers made internationally):

HU34 1003 2017 0142 6768 0601 0014

HUF based account number (for HUF transfers made from Hungarian bank accounts): 


HUF based IBAN (for HUF transfers made internationally):


Swift code (SWIFTBIC): MANEHUHB or HUSTHUHB (or HUSTHUHBXXX if the system requires 11 characters to input)


Please include in the comment section of the transfer:


Please note that the payer is liable for covering the bank transfer/handling fee and not the Liszt Academy.