5 November 2018, 19.00-21.00
Solti Hall
Klára Csordás DLA Concert
Presented by Liszt Academy
Händel: „Presti omai” - Cesare's Aria from the opera Giulio Cesare
Händel: „Ombra mai fu” - Serse's Aria from the opera Serse
Händel: „Empio per farti guerra” - Bajazet's Aria from the opera Tamerlano
Händel: „Where’er you walk” - Jupiter's Aria from the opera Semele
Vivaldi: „Sposa son disprezzata”- Irene's Aria from the opera Bajazet
Vivaldi: „Anderò, volerò” - Orgille's Aria from the opera Orlando finto pazzo
Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra (artistic director: László G. Horváth)
Brahms: Zwei Gesänge, Op. 91.
Ditta Rohmann (cello), Emese Mali (piano)
Respighi: Il tramonto - Poemetto lirico per canto e quartetto d’archi
String Quartet formed by the members of Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra
Fauré: Après un rêve (David Walter's transcription)
Fauré: Mandoline (David Walter's transcription)
Liszt: Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (Géza Gémesi's transcription)
Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra (artistic director: László G. Horváth)
Klára Csordás (vocals)