15 December 2018, 18.00-20.00
Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall
Choir Conducting Exam
Presented by Liszt Academy
Sweelinck: Angelus ad pastores ait – motetta
Bruckner: Pange lingua – hymn
Conductor: Áron Varga
Croce: Triaca musicale – Mascheratta de' gratiani
Rheinberger: Waldblumen, Op. 124 – 1. Abend am Meer
Kodály: Adventi vocals
M. Haydn: Missa Tempore Quadragesimae – 2. Credo
Featuring: Dávid Sárosi (organ), Gergely Fülöp (cello)
Conductor: Anna Borbála Gerály
Hauptmann: Du bist ja doch der Herr, Op. 42/4
Liszt: Ave Maria
Featuring: Dávid Sárosi (organ)
Conductor: Máté Schnell
Willaert: Vecchie letrose non valete niente – canzona
Haydn: Abendlied zu Gott, Hob. XXVc:9
Stanford: O living Will, that shalt endure
Kodály: Szép könyörgés (Beseeching)
Featuring: Zsófia Persányi (piano), Dávid Sárosi (tambourine)
Conductor: Levente Zsíros
Featuring: choir formed by the students of the Liszt Academy.
Admission is free, subjected to the capacity of the room.