8 February 2019, 18.00-21.00
Room X
Slovenian-Hungarian Recital
Presented by Liszt Academy
Wolf: Italienisches Liederbuch – Auch kleine Dinge
Wolf: Mörike-Lieder – Das verlassene Mägdlein
Wolf: Mörike-Lieder – Er ist's
Anej Černe: Touched by an Angel (to the poem by Maya Angelou)
Ernestina Jošt (soprano), Jan Pušnik (piano)
Wolf: Mörike-Lieder – Fussreise
Dankó Richárd: Fussreise
Wolf: Mörike-Lieder – Nimmerstatte Liebe
Varga Abigél: Nimmerstatte Liebe
Wolf: Mörike-Lieder – Schlafendes Kind
Lőrinc Kósa (baritone), Richárd Dankó (piano)
Wolf: Goethe-Lieder – Die Bekehrte
Wolf: Mörike-Lieder – Nimmerstatte Liebe
Davor Lončar Petrovič: Absolutna vrednost/The Absolute Value (to the poem by Neva Lučka Zver)
Davor Lončar Petrovič: Ta večer/This Evening (to the poem by Svetlana Makarovič)
Neža Vasle (soprano), Mija Novak (piano)
Professors of the students: Dušan Bavdek, Theresa Plut, Hinko Haas, Gyula Fekete, Varga Judit, Tornyai Péter, Katalin Halmai, Matjaž Robavs
Presented by
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Composition Department
Admission is free, subjected to the capacity of the room.