29 May 2019, 19.00-21.00
Grand Hall
Mátyás Mészáros, László Kaczor and Bence Juhász Conducting MA Diploma Concert
Presented by Liszt Academy
Seiber: Three Nonsense Songs
A. Scarlatti: Mori mi dici
Szymanowski: Sześć pieśni ludowych (Six Folk Songs) – 1. Hej, wółki moje, 3. Niech Jezus Chrystus, 6. Panie muzykancie prosim zagrać walca
Schubert: Mass in A-flat major, D. 678 – Credo
Monteverdi: O primavera
Vivaldi: Lauda Jerusalem, RV 609
Elgar: Two Choral Songs, Op. 71
Miklós Kocsár: Májusi kétségbeesés
Barna Szabó: Death, be not proud
Schütz: Musicalische Exequien – Herr nun lässest du deinen Diener / Selig sind die Toten (Canticum B. Simeonis), SWV 281
Hauptmann: Sei mir gnädig, Gott, Op. 57
Oláh: Cantata
Dallapiccola: Canti di prigionia – 1. Preghiera di Maria Stuarda
Mária Lökösházi (soprano), Dalma Süle (soprano), Dorottya Tóth (vocals), Klára Jean, Kamilla Lévai (continuo)
Diploma choir of Conducting Department
Capella Silentium
John Dowland Énekegyüttes (artistic director: Boglárka Gémesi)
Hungarian National Choir (choirmaster: Csaba Somos)
Szent István Gimnázium Jubileumi Szimfonikus Zenekara
Ensemble Dallapiccola
Orchestra formed by the friends of the students
Admission to the concert is free. Free tickets can be obtained from the ticket office at the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.