14 December 2023, 19.00-21.00
Grand Hall
Emese Takátsy-Zaránd & István Vizi Choral Conducting MA Diploma Concert
Presented by Liszt Academy
Schubert: Nachtgesang im Walde
Featuring: diploma choir of the Liszt Academy
Pärt: De profundis
Featuring: Honvéd Male Choir
Kocsár: Téli alkony (Three Pieces for Children’s Choir to Poems by Sándor Kányádi) – 3. Jó szánút, jó fejsze
Featuring: chamber choir of Pannonia Sacra Catholic School
Messiaen: O sacrum convivium
J. Christoph Bach: Ich lasse dich nicht
Featuring: diploma choir of the Liszt Academy
Conductor: Emese Zaránd
Purcell: Save me, o God
Featuring: diploma choir of the Liszt Academy
Rheinberger: Advent-Motetten, Op. 176 – 2. Universi, 8. Prope est Dominus
Featuring: diploma choir of the Liszt Academy
Zsolt Gárdonyi: Der Mond ist aufgegangen
Featuring: diploma choir of the Liszt Academy
M. Haydn: Laudate pueri Dominum
Featuring: Zoltán Kodály Hungarian Choir School's Jubilate Girls' choir; orchestra formed by the friends of the student
Kodály: Angyalok és Pásztorok (The Angels and the Shepherds)
Featuring: Zoltán Kodály Hungarian Choir School's Jubilate Girls' choir
Liszt: Requiem – Sanctus
Featuring: Honvéd Male Choir
Conductor: István Vizi
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.