5 April 2024, 19.00-21.00
Room X
Singing Concert / Students of Ildikó Iván
Presented by Liszt Academy
Grieg: Six Songs, Op. 48 » 5. I Rosentiden
Adél Szikora (BA II. vocals)
Mozart: „Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio” – Cherubino’s aria from the opera Le nozze di Figaro, Act 1
Emma Vámos (BA I. vocals)
Verdi: Six Romances » 6. Deh, pietoso, oh, Addolorata
Anna Szekér (BA III. vocals)
Mozart: „Padre, germani, addio!” – Ilia’s aria from the opera Idomeneo, Act 1
Hajnalka Pusztai (BA III. vocals)
Schumann: Frauenliebe und -leben, Op. 42 » 3. Ich kannʼs nicht fassen, 4. Du Ring an meinem Finger
Adél Szikora (BA II. vocals)
Gluck: „Qual vita è questa mai… Che fiero momento” – Euridice’s recitative and aria from the opera Orfeo ed Euridice, Act 3
Anna Szekér (BA III. vocals)
Gounod: O, divine Redeemer!
Emma Vámos (BA I. vocals)
Händel: „Tornami a vagheggiar” – Morgana’s aria from the opera Alcina, Act 1
Hajnalka Pusztai (BA III. vocals)
Gluck: „Divinités du Styx” – Alceste’s aria from the opera Alceste, Act 1
Zsuzsanna Baján (MA I. opera)
Gounod: „Ah! Je ris de me voir si belle” – Marguerite’s Air des bijoux from the Act 3 of the opera Faust
Boglárka Híves (MA II. opera)
Tchaikovsky: „Ja nye sposobnak grusti tomnoy” – Olga’s aria from the opera Eugene Onegin, Act 1
Júlia Csejtei-Varga (MA II. opera)
Puccini: „Donde lieta uscì” – Mimì áriája a La bohème című opera harmadik felvonásából
Zsuzsanna Baján (MA I. opera)
Donizetti: „Fia dunque vero... O mio Fernando” – Leonora’s recitative and aria from the opera La favorita, Act 3
Júlia Csejtei-Varga (MA II. opera)
Tchaikovsky: „Puszkaj pogilabnu ja, na prijezgye” – Tatyana’s Letter Aria from the opera Eugene Onegin, Act 1
Boglárka Híves (MA II. opera)
Featuring: Mariann Holló (piano)
Presented by
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Admission is free, subject to availability of seats.