13 March 2020, 18.00-20.00
Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall
Choral Conducting Exam Concert
Presented by Liszt Academy
Marenzio: Vezzosi augelli
Poulenc: Laudes de Saint-Antoine de Padoue – 1. O Jesu perpetua lux, 2. O proles hispaniæ
Kocsár Miklós: Beatus vir
Brahms: Darthulas Grabesgesang, Op. 42/3
Conductor: Nikolett Németh
Mozart: Due pupille amabili, K. 439
Gárdonyi: Az Úr az én pásztorom
Featuring: Kristóf Váczi (piano)
Conductor: Áron Varga
Palestrina: Regina caeli
Sweelinck: Tu as esté, Seigneur, nostre retraicte – Psalm 90
Elgar: They are at rest
György Orbán: O mistress mine!
Conductor: Barnabás Bánó Tamás
Featuring: Choir of the Conducting Department
Professor: Dr. Zsófia Cseri
Admission is free, subjected to the capacity of the room.