Born: Pécs, 16 January 1985
University position: associate professor
Subjects: piano accompanist, stylistic studies in opera, oratory and song literature
1999-2003 – Secondary School of Arts, Pécs – classes of piano, solfege/music theory and composition (teachers: Anita Ancil, Mária Rába, István Győrffy)
2001-2003 – Bartók Béla Secondary School of Music, Budapest – piano class (teacher: Katalin Halmágyi)
2003-2008 – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest – piano major, teacher’s training program (professors: Jenő Jandó and Sándor Falvai)
2008-2011 – Kunstuniversität Graz – MA program in chamber music (professor: Chia Chou)
2008-2012 – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest – DLA program in piano
2010-present – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest – PhD program in musicology
Awards and honors:
2004 – 1st International Béla Bartók Piano Competition (Szeged), special award
2007 – 4th Hungarian College and University Chamber Music Competition (Debrecen), Award of Excellence as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde
2007 – 14th International Johannes Brahms Music Competition (Pörtschach, Austria), 2nd prize and two special awards as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde
2009 – 5th International Johannes Brahms Chamber Music Competition (Gdańsk, Poland), shared 2nd prize and two special awards as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde
2014 – MTA Young Researcher Award
2008 – KLASSZ Talents Scholarship (as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde)
2009 and 2010 – Annie Fischer Scholarship (as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde)
2009 and 2010 – Martha Debelli Scholarship (as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde)
2013 – Postdoctoral Scholarship of
the Doctoral School of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
2013 – Postdoctoral Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Orchestral memberships:
2006-2011 – Trio Duecento Corde (founding member)
2008-present – THReNSeMBle (founding member)
Association Memberships:
Since 2010: Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger (Wien)
Since 2010: Hungarian Musicological Society
Since 2011: Hungarian Classical Music Society
Teaching activities (invited lecturer, master classes):
2012-2013 – University of Pécs, Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, Institute of Musical Arts
March 2013-present – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Chamber music concerts with the Trio Duecento Corde in Hungary, Austria, Germany, England, Poland, Slovakia, Rumania, Italy and Malta
Recitals as piano soloist and piano accompanist for singers in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Serbia, Rumania and China
I. Dissertation:
Karel Burian és Magyarország (Karel Burian and Hungary), DLA dissertation, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 2012
II. Studies:
„(Gibt es eine) Heldentenor-Tradition in Ungarn(?). Von Carl Burrian bis Béla Környei.” Online publication: http://www.gramophone-anno.eu/article.php?id=20 (8 May 2010)
„(Gibt es eine) Heldentenor-Tradition in Ungarn(?). Die Tenöre des Budapester Opernhauses. Teil 1”Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger – Rundschrift 16. (Summer 2011), 3.
„(Gibt es eine) Heldentenor-Tradition in Ungarn(?). Die Tenöre des Budapester Opernhauses. Teil 2”Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger – Rundschrift 17. (Autumn 2011), 2–3.
„Liszt ujjlenyomata. Liszt Ferenc ujjrendjei az 1830-as években” (“The fingerprints of Liszt. The fingerings of Ferenc Liszt in the 1830s”). Part I.: Magyar Zene L/2 (May 2012), 217–229. Part II.: Magyar Zene L/3 (August 2012), 349–357.
„At the very beginning: The first Hungarian operatic recordings on the Gramophon label between 1902 and 1905.”. In: Gronow, Pekka, Hofer, Christiane (ed.): The Lindström Project Vol. 4. (Wien: GHT, 2012): 51–60.
„Templomi énekektől a »Templomi kar«-ig: vallásos énekek magyar hanglemezen (1900–1920)”(“From church songs to church choir: gramophone recordings of sacred songs [1900-1920]”). Magyar Egyházzene XX/1 (2012–2013. Advent-Christmas-Hanukah), 43–54.
„Verhallt das süße Lied? – korai Wagner-hangfelvételekről. (1898–1926)” (“Verhallt das süße Lied? – on early Wagner recordings [1898-1926]”). Muzsika LVI/5 (May 2013), 19–22.
„A magyar komolyzenei előadóművészet – intézmények, iskolák, egyéniségek, vonulatok” Tanulmány és bibliográfia a 20-21. századi magyar zenei archívum honlapján (“Classical music and performing arts in Hungary – institutions, schools, personalities, tendencies.” Study and bibliography on the website of the Archives and Research Group for 20th-21st Century Hungarian Music): http://zti.hu/mza/m0404.htm (1 July 2013)
„Erdős Richárd 1908-as Bartók-hangfelvétele” Online publikáció a 20-21. századi magyar zenei archívum és kutatócsoport honlapján (“Richárd Erdős and his Bartók recording from 1908.” Online publication on the website of the Archives and Research Group for 20th-21st Century Hungarian Music): http://zti.hu/mza/docs/Berlasz70/Berlasz70_SzaboFerencJanos_Erdos_Richard.pdf
(September 2013)
„Szamosi Elza és a korai magyar Puccini-stílus jellegzetességei”. Az LFZE Doktori Iskola DLA posztdoktori ösztöndíjának zárótanulmánya. Online publikáció (“Elza Szamosi and the characteristics of early Hungarian Puccini-style.” Final study for the DLA postdoctoral scholarship of the Doctoral School of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. Online publication): http://lfze.hu/oktatas/doktori_iskola/tamop/posztdoktori_palyazat_eredmenye,http://lfze.hu/allomany/Szabo_TAMOP_tanulmany.pdf (9 October 2013)
„The recording of the politician Lajos Kossuth (1802–1894)”. In: Gronow, Pekka – Hofer, Christiane (ed.): The Lindström Project Vol. 5. Wien: Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger, 2013 (forthcoming)
„Richárd Erdős and his Bartók-recording from 1908”. In: Gronow, Pekka – Hofer, Christiane (ed.): The Lindström Project Vol. 5. Wien: Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger, 2013 (forthcoming)
„Karel Burian és Magyarország” (“Karel Burian and Hungary”) In: Bozó Péter (szerk.): Tér, idő, hagyomány. Szemelvények a Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémia Doktori Iskolájában megvédett disszertációkból. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 2013 (forthcoming)
„Karel Burian and Hungary” in: Bozó Péter (ed.): Space, Time, Tradition. Extracts of Theses Defended at the Doctoral School of the Budapest Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 2013 (forthcoming)
„»Különlegesen tehetséges ifjú zongorista« Faragó György születésének 100. évfordulójára.” (“A young pianist of exceptional talent. On the 100th anniversary of György Faragó’s birth”) Muzsika (forthcoming)
„Lajtha László fiatalkori zongoraművei” (“László Lajtha’s early piano works”) Magyar Zene (forthcoming); online publication on the website of the Archives and Research Group for 20th-21st Century Hungarian Music (forthcoming)
III. CD recording:
János Vajda: Trio. Hungaroton, HCD 32687. 2012 (as a member of the Trio Duecento Corde)
Samu Gryllus: TAO CONFIRMATION, Samu Gryllus – Canzoni di Arnulf, GDVD003/2011 (DVD).
Samu Gryllus: ’ROUND-E’, feat.: THReNSeMBle led by Balázs Horváth. Samu Gryllus – Canzoni di Arnulf, GDVD003/2011 (DVD).
Sándor Veress: Tre quadri, feat: Dávid Pintér, Ditta Rohmann. Selection from the concert recordings of the students of the Doctoral School of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. 2006–2013. Strings program (CD).
Bálint Bolcsó: Cascando Sketch, feat.: THReNSeMBle. Selection from the concert recordings of the students of the Doctoral School of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. 2006–2013. Composition program (CD).
Balázs Horváth: Cirkuszoid (Circusoid), feat.: János Nevelő, Péter Tornyai, Zsolt Bartek, cond.: Balázs Horváth. Selection from the concert recordings of the students of the Doctoral School of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. 2006–2013. Composition program (CD).