Subjects taught: Practice Methodology: Mental Preparation for Performance; 20th-Century History of Performance Practice; Bartók: The Birth of a Genius; Skill Development Techniques in Music Education; Interaction Analysis in Music Teaching; Music Education in the European Union
– PhD in Musicology, Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest), 2014.
– MSc in Musicology, Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest), 2004.
– MSc in Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), 2006.
– MSc in Theoretical Linguistics, University of Szeged, 2007.
Other university level certificate
– Diploma in Media & Communication Studies, Mathias Corvinus Collegium (Budapest), 2005.
College memberships and fellowships
– Downing College, Cambridge, Visiting Fellow 2017.
– Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Budapest, 2001–2005, College Tutor 2005–2009.
– College for Social Studies, University of Szeged, 1998–2004.
Masterclasses, piano and chamber music studies
Piano and chamber music studies with Márta Gulyás, László Holics, Loránt Szűcs (Budapest), and Lívia Rév (Paris).
Active participation in masterclasses by Erik T. Tawaststjerna (piano, 1995), Jacques van Oortmerssen (organ, 1999), Malcolm Bilson (fortepiano and chamber music, 2003, 2004, 2005), Miklós Spányi (fortepiano, 2003, 2008), Jacques Ogg (fortepiano, 2004), Jaap Schröder (chamber music, 2004), Ferenc Rados (piano, chamber music, 2005, 2006), Alexei Lubimov (fortepiano, 2006), Alexandra Vilmányi (harpsichord, 2009).
Current position
– Research Fellow and Lecturer, Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, 2010–present (full-time; until 2015 as Senior Lecturer at the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy).
Other commitments (part-time)
– Guest Professor, Katarina Gurska Conservatoire, Madrid, DART doctoral programme (start year of Spain’s first DLA-level programme in music), 2019/20.
– Visiting Lecturer, Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Rome (Italy), 2015–present.
– Further Education Course Leader, Association of Hungarian Music Schools and Art Schools (MZMSZ), 2014–present.
– Module Leader & Mentor, Milestone Institute, Budapest, 2018–present.
– Official Examiner, Hungarian Educational Authority, 2017–present.
Previous positions and work experience
– Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Music, University of Szeged, 2007–2020 (half-time).
– Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, Easter Term 2017 (full-time).
– Visiting Scholar, Downing College, Cambridge, Easter Term 2017 (full-time).
– Visiting Fellow, Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice (CMPCP), University of Cambridge, Easter Term 2017 (full-time).
– Senior Lecturer, Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest), 2010–2015 (half-time).
– Educational Expert, Hungarian Educational Authority, 2013–2014 (part-time).
– Junior Research Fellow (Cognitive Musicology), Department of Music, University of Jyväskylä (Finland), 2006/07, 2009/10 (twice, full-time).
Teaching and research:
Subjects taught
– Selection of subjects taught at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest (LA) and the Béla Bartók Faculty of Arts of the University of Szeged (BB), from 2005 on (highest number of teaching hours first):
BA and MA levels: Chamber Music (BB).
MA level: Practice Methodology (LA, BB); Psychology of Music (LA, BB); Music Analysis (BB); Personality Psychology for Musicians (LA, BB); Pedagogical Communication (LA, BB); 20th-Century History of Performance Practice (BB); Introduction to Musical Composition (BB).
PhD/DLA level (LA): Practice Methodology: Mental Preparation for Performance; 20th-Century History of Performance Practice; Bartók: The Birth of a Genius.
Further education (LA, Mentor Teacher Training): Skill Development Techniques in Music Education; Self-Knowledge and Reflectivity in Teaching; Planning, Implementation and Assessment of Pedagogical Processes; Interaction Analysis in Music Teaching; Music Education in the European Union.
– Subjects taught in a masterclass format at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome, yearly from 2015 on: Chamber Music and Practice Methodology (both undergraduate and graduate levels).
– Excellence Program of the Liszt Academy, Budapest (2011): personal coaching and preparation for competitions for selected students of the Liszt Academy.
– Regular teaching of Chamber Music and Practice Methodology masterclasses at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels (for the international university-level masterclasses see below).
International masterclasses (selection)
– University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar (2020): Piano and Piano Methodology (Klavier und Klaviermethodik) masterclass.
– Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana (2019): Piano and Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Collaborative Piano Institute, Minnesota, USA (2019): Piano, Chamber Music, and Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Bravo Summer Music Academy, Minnesota, USA (2019): Chamber Music masterclass.
– Chamber Academy, Gödöllő, Hungary (2019): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome (2019): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Zurich University of the Arts (2019): Pratice Methodology workshop.
– Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, Jerusalem (2019): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv (2019): Pratice Methodology workshop.
– Academy of Music, Ljubljana (2019): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome (2018): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– University of Music and Theatre Munich (2018): Pratice Methodology workshop and seminar.
– Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome (2017): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome (2016): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Conservatoire of the University of Istanbul (2016): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London (2015): Pratice Methodology workshop.
– University of Arts Târgu Mureş, Romania (2015): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome (2015): Pratice Methodology masterclass.
– King’s College London (2014): Pratice Methodology seminar.
– Pécs Summer Academy, Pécs, Hungary (2012, 2013, 2014): Chamber Music masterclass (the faculty included Kristóf Baráti, István Várdai, Péter Bársony, Gergely Ittzés, Gábor Farkas, and Gergely Bogányi).
– Miszla Baroque International Early Music Academy, Miszla, Hungary (2011): Chamber Music masterclass.
– International Conducting Masterclass with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra (MÁV Szimfonikusok), Budapest (2011): Pratice Methodology workshop and coaching for conductors.
Curriculum planning
– Developer of the Evaluation Criteria for primary and secondary level music teachers within the State Career Model for Teachers in Hungary, 2013.
– Co-developer of the curriculum of Mentor Teachers’ Vocational Training at the Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, 2013.
– Lead developer of the new curriculum of Music (Instrument) Teacher Training at the Liszt Academy of Music and the University of Szeged, Budapest, 2013.
– Co-author of the chapter on music education of the Hungarian National Core Curriculum, 2012.
Research areas
Musicology (music history, analysis, and performance research)
– Bartók and Dohnányi as pianists and performance teachers.
– The Liszt school of piano performance.
– Early 20th-century performance practice (incl. empirical analyses).
– Bartók analysis.
Psychology of music
– Performers’ attentional strategies and processes underlying expressivity and individuality.
– Musical ability: affect-related skills.
– The developmental trajectory of the perception of performance-related emotions in music.
Music education
– Effective and creative practicing methods for musicians (instrumentalists, singers and ensembles).
– Stress management methods for musicians.
– Preparation for competitions (for performers).
Research supervision and evaluation
– Main Supervisor of 1 PhD and 4 DLA students at the Doctoral School of the Liszt Academy of Music (from 2018 on).
– Co-Supervisor of 1 PhD student at the Doctoral School of Psychology at the University of Pécs and of 2 DLA students at the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Arts, University of Pécs (from 2014 on).
– Supervision and examination of MA theses (Liszt Academy and University of Szeged, 40 theses supervised from 2007 on) and postgraduate research theses in further education (Liszt Academy, 13 theses supervised from 2014 on).
– External Examiner of a DMA thesis at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney (2017).
– Official Examiner of Research Pedagogues for the Hungarian Educational Authority (late-stage music teachers), from 2017 on.
Professional invention:
László Stachó (2011–2020, with László Holics): Practice Methodology, a complete attentional training for performers.
Artistic activity:
– Regular solo piano and chamber music performances in Europe and the US.
– Holds the dedication of 5 compositions (for organ / for piano / viola and piano, premiered 2001–2009) by Márton Kerékfy, Gergely Barta, and Márton Levente Horváth.
Prizes and awards (selection)
– Young Researcher Award of the New National Excellence Program (Hungary), 2017/18.
– Young Researcher Award of the National Excellence Program (Hungary), 2014/15.
– Research Scholarship of the Rector of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), 2006/07, 2009/10 (twice).
– Scholarship of the Hungarian Development Bank Ltd, 2007/08.
– ESCOM (European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music) Young Researcher Award, 2006.
– Kodály Fellowship of the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, 2005/06, 2007/08, 2008/09 (three times).
– 1st Prize at the 1st National Student Competition in Art and Music Research (Hungary), 2003.
– Fellowship of Excellence of the Republic of Hungary, 1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/01 (three times).
Further professional commitments (selection)
– Reviewer for Sage journals Musicae Scientiae and Music and Science.
– Regularly serves as jury member of primary- and secondary-level music competitions (both in Hungary and abroad) and as jury chair at both university-level and National Scientific Students’ Associations Conferences (OTDK) in Hungary.
– Editor of the 2018 Special Issue on ‘Virtuosity in Music Performance’ of Musicae Scientiae, 2016–2018.
– Chair of the Organising and Review Committees, ‘Virtuosity – An Interdisciplinary Symposium’, joint symposium of the Liszt Academy and the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 2015–2016.
– Fellow Tutor, Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Budapest, 2006–2009.
– Founder member of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research (Finnish Academy of Sciences and University of Jyväskylä), 2006.
– Main organiser of the Symposium for the 125th Anniversary of Béla Bartók’s Birth in Nagyszentmiklós (now Sânnicolau Mare, Romania, the composer’s birthplace), 2006.
– Main organiser of the Media Violence Conference at the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, 2005.
– Co-founder and editor of the review LélekJelenLét (the Hungarian Quarterly for Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy of the Babeş–Bolyai University of Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and the Szeged College for Social Studies, Hungary), 2000–2002.
Current professional memberships
– Advisory Board Member of the Klára Kokas Foundation of Music Education.
– Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
– Member of the International Society for Music Education (ISME).
– Member of the International Musicological Society (IMS).
– Member of the Hungarian Musicological Society.