Liszt Academy student wins first prize at competition in Brussels
25 January 2021
Rozsonits Ildikó a 14–17 éves korcsoportban győzött a César Franck Nemzetközi Zongoraversenyen.
25 January 2021
Rozsonits Ildikó a 14–17 éves korcsoportban győzött a César Franck Nemzetközi Zongoraversenyen.
25 January 2021
Csaba Pálfi and Mikel Donazar are holding online clarinet master class on 12 February.
22 January 2021
Az immár hagyományos január 1-jei koncertet 2022-ben Medveczky Ádám, a Zeneakadémia tanára vezényli majd.
21 December 2020
The Central Library of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music has acquired yet another composer’s legacy: documents of his works and family photos of composer and opera house conductor Emil Ábrányi (1882–1970) are now part of the collection.
1 December 2020
Ismét tíz fiatal tehetség vehette át a zeneművészeti kategória elismeréseit.
25 November 2020
Valentin Magyar won first prize at a recent competition for young Hungarian pianists, after winning the Hungarian round of the international Yamaha Competition in February.
25 November 2020
Ildikó Rozsonits also received an award by the Hungarian Cultural Center in New York.
16 November 2020
On the modified procedures and tasks in connection with the measures regarding the decrease of the risks regarding the spreading of the coronavirus
28 October 2020
The relationship between Mozart’s opera The Marriage of Figaro and Mahler's Symphony No. 3 is explored in the essay written by Lóránt Péteri, which was included in the Routledge Handbook of Music Signification.