
7 December 2015

Vienna – Helsinki – Budapest Contemporary Composition Workshop and Concert at the Liszt Academy of Music

Crosscurrents is an international project that brings together young composers from prominent music academies in the region for collaboration and exchange.

The ever fruitful relationship between the Liszt Academy of Music and the Viennese Music Academy (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien) provides the framework of the joint project which aims to explore different musical genres and instruments with an invited third partner institute. During the project all participants visit the other two institutions and engage in an artistic circulation – or currents – and take part in a series of events: workshops, symposiums and concerts.

In May 2015, the professors and students of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague joined the academies of Vienna and Budapest to organise a contemporary music symposium at the Liszt Academy, where they could discuss their pieces and the modern trends of musical composition. They also had the opportunity to participate in a concert in which the contemporary pieces of our guests were performed by students of the Liszt Academy.

This time, 10-11 December 2015, our third partner will be the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, and the workshop will focus on the role of the bassoon and the double bass in modern compositions and will close with a concert. In the spirit of this cooperation, the three institutions are to meet again in May 2016 to present and discuss the composed pieces inspired by this workshop.

Programme of the workshop:

Venue: Liszt Academy of Music, Main Building, 8 Liszt F. Square, 1061

10 December 2015, Thursday

13.00-14.00: Joint workshop of the participants of the VENI Academy 4x4 Contemporary Music Workshop and Crosscurrents Workshop (Room X)

14.00-15.30: Symposium (Room XXVII)

16.30-18.00: Instrument presentation: the bassoon (Room X)

11 December 2015, Friday

13.00-15.00: Symposium (Room XXVII)

16.00-17.30: Instrument presentation: the double bass (Room X)

19.00: Concert (Cupola Hall)


Organiser: Composition Department, Liszt Academy of Music

Sponsor: National Cultural Fund

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