Instruction No. 7/2021. (22.IV.) of the Rector and Chancellor (Excerpt)

3 May 2021

On the order of the admission procedure differing from the rules of the Academic Regulations for Students due to the state of emergency

The rector and chancellor of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (hereinafter: Academy) as persons exercising the employer’s rights, we hereby determine the rules of the admission procedure of 2021 with regard to the epidemiological state of emergency ordered in the academic year 2020/21 and the  valid epidemiological regulations of the government in the present instruction (hereinafter: Instruction). 


General provisions

With regard to the state of emergency and the pandemic situation, the Organizational and Operational Regulations Volume No. III. – Academic Regulations for Students (hereinafter: HKR) of the Academy is to be applied with the following differences during the general admission procedure of 2021.


Admission rules (FSZ)

(1) Admission examinations according to Article 5. paragraph (1) of the FSZ are to be completed without in-person attendance, through the methods of completion based on electronic contact as specified by Annex 7 of the HKR (hereinafter: Annex 7) – modified due to the ongoing state of emergency with regard to the coronavirus epidemic. Only those programmes are included in Annex 7 which are available for the academic year 2021/2022 at the Academy, and for which the professional knowledge and competence of the applicant can be adequately judged through the electronic contact-based admission examinations due to the coronavirus epidemiological situation.

(2) The video conference method of completion written in Annex 7 is to be understood as simultaneous video connection of one applicant and one teacher, one applicant and multiple teachers, multiple applicants and one teacher, and multiple applicants and multiple teachers.

(3) The details of the methods of completion specified by Annex 7 (communication channels, software requirements and applications, technical and other requirements for video recordings) are made available on the website of the Academy together with the admission examination requirements. In case of unexpected technical issues or sufficient reasons due to the epidemiological situation, the method of completion may be modified – with permission of the Rector – by the head of department in charge of the examination, for all applicants of the affected programme or – in exceptional cases – individually for the applicant (e.g. proven sickness on the previously specified date, or unexpected malfunction of the electronic contact devices, services). The equal opportunity of applicants applying to the same programme must be assured during such modifications.

(4) Article 5. paragraph (15) of the FSZ about the publicity of the admission examinations is not to be applied.

(6) In accordance with Article 5. paragraph (16) of the FSZ, the Study Department informs the applicant about the electronic communication channels, as well as the software requirements and applications to be used for the admission examinations. In case some technical equipment is not available for the applicant, the applicant must inform the Study Department about it. The Academy promptly informs the applicant about potential alternative electronic and/or software choices. In case an alternative choice is not available through no fault of the Academy, the Academy is not obliged to provide the chance of an admission examination.


Other provisions

(1) The video recording in accordance with 3.§ paragraphs (1) and (5) and 4.§ paragraph (1) is to be made so that the student or applicant is visible during the whole recording and his/her identity can be properly verified. The Academy is entitled to check if the video recording matches the requirements. The technical quality of the recording will not affect the assessment of the performance of the student or applicant.


Closing provisions

(1) Regarding all questions not regulated by the Instruction, the respectively valid government decrees and the provisions of internal regulators shall be applied.

(2) The Instruction shall enter into force on 22 April 2021 and is valid until 31 August 2021.


Budapest, 22 April 2021


Dr. Andrea Vigh
rector sgd.
László Zoltán Szentgyörgyvölgyi
chancellor sgd.



The annex is available HERE.