Kodály Seminar of the Kodály Institute is to be held online

11 June 2020

The study programme of institute in Kecskemét will be launched at the end of July. 

„Although we are sad that we cannot make music together in-person and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Kodály Seminar, we are excited to have you with us in our online methodology, musicianship, music history and choral music sessions, piano and voice pedagogy classes and some individual voice and piano tutoring this summer. We have designed our online sessions in a way that participants from both the Americas, the Far East or Australia could easily join us.” – wrote László Norbert Nemes on the webstite of the Kodály Seminar.



Week 1 – 20-24 July

08:00-09:30 (CET)Session 1 – Teaching Methods According to the Kodály ConceptDr Kata Asztalos (Hungary)
Lucinda Geoghegan (U.K.)
Borbála Szirányi (Hungary)
Dr James Cuskelly OAM (Australia)
Dr László Norbert Nemes (Hungary)
10:00-11:30 (CET)Session 2 – Musicianship Training According to the Kodály ConceptDr László Norbert Nemes (Hungary)
Yasmin Folini (Greece)
12:00-13:30 (CET)Session 3 – Music History and Choral MusicDr Árpád Tóth (Hungary)
Anna Fűri (Hungary)
Dr Máté Balogh (Hungary)
15:00-16:00 (CET)Piano Pedagogy – SZO-SystemDr Orsolya Szabó (Hungary)
 Individual Piano Master ClassesDr Anna Falvai (Hungary)
Anikó Novák (Hungary)
Dr Orsolya Szabó (Hungary)


Week 2 – 27-31 July

15:00-20:30 (CET)Repeat of Sessions 1-3 from Week 1
15:00-15:30 (CET)Voice PedagogyDr Renáta Darázs (Hungary)
 Individual Voice Master ClassesDr Renáta Darázs (Hungary)
Dr János Klézli (Hungary)
Dr Judit Rajk (Hungary)



Microsoft Teams on desktop computers



Friday, 3 July, 2020 (only online applications are accepted this time)

Please note:

  • Some courses have limited entry (there is a limit to the number of students who may take the course).
  • We will follow the rule “first come, first served” in case of over-applications.
  • Late applications will be considered subject to availability of places on the programme.


More information:

