Obituary for Oszkár Frank

16 July 2019

The former professor of the Liszt Academy passed away at the age of 96 years.

Oszkár Frank was born in Budapest on 24 August 1922. He commenced his studies in music under the private tutorship of the composer Sándor Kuti, followed by Gézáné Turán, pianist. He was taught harmonics in 1946 by Leó Weiner, and between 1949 and 1954 he was majoring in composition under the tutelage of Ferenc Szabó at the Liszt Academy. Following this, Oszkár Frank had taught in several institutions: from 1954 till 1961 in Bartók Béla Secondary School of Music in Miskolc; from 1961 till 1982 in Juhász Gyula College of Education in Szeged; from 1984 until 1991 in Dohnányi Ernő Secondary School of Music in Veszprém; from 1991 until 1998 in the Miskolc Assembly of Humanities, and also from 1991, in Continuo Music School and Secondary School of Music. He was a professor of the Liszt Academy between 1981 and 1983.

In his lifetime, Oszkár Frank had published several articles and essays and composed numerous choral works. His books on music theory have been read and appreciated by generations of musicians; his textbook entitled “Hangzó zeneelmélet” (Resounding Music Theory) was published in three editions.