Several students of wind instruments participated successfully in international competition

12 March 2021

Three current and four former students of the Liszt Academy were among the best at the recently held Pa Mus Flow International Music Competition for young woodwind and brass instrument players.

In the trombone category, two students of Professor György Gyivicsán participated successfully, as János Mátyás Dobi (2nd year MA student) won first prize, Gergő Kedves (1st year BA student) won second prize, and Zoltán Czirok, a Liszt Academy graduate also came first.

The bass trombone category also saw Hungarian victories: Gergő Janák (2nd year BA student of trombone), who is also Professor György Gyivicsán's student, as well as his former student Dávid Sztranyák, both finished in first place. Gusztáv Hőna's former student Norbert Czeilinger took second place.

In the horn category, Zoltán Varga's former student István Bolykó took first place.