Students and Teachers of the Liszt Academy Visited Seoul

19 December 2019

On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Hungary, several students and teachers from the Liszt Academy visited universities in Seoul, where the students and the teachers performed concerts and the teachers taught master courses as well.

The destinations of the trip, that was organised with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and which took place between 16 and 23 November, were Seoul National University, Ewha Womens University and the Korean National University of Arts. The string ensemble consisting of the students of the Academy performed at Seoul National University and Ewha Womens University. The line-up featured Eszter Kökény, Edina Pinkert, Áron Soós, Csenge Dósa, Dalma Józsa, Bence Vitályos, Boglárka Szűcs, Fülöp Görbicz, Dániel Molnár, Emma Petruska, Henrik Papp and Vilmos Mohácsi, as well as the two teachers of the Liszt Academy, pianist László Borbély and clarinetist Csaba Pálfi. The teachers also taught master courses for local students at all three universities. The delegation also visited the Hungarian Embassy in Seoul, where they were welcomed by Ambassador Csoma Mózes and Cultural Counselor Andrea Kálmán.


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