Turkish guitarist was guest at the Folk Music Department
Tolgahan Çoğulu is an active musician and promoter of microtonal music with the instrument developed by him, and professor at the state conservatory in Istanbul.
Mátyás Bolya, head of the department at the Liszt Academy, first met him in Beijing five years ago and have been planning this masterclass ever since. The title of his lecture was "Microtonality in Music and Microtonal Guitar Music". His main topics were the question of intonation, Renaissance and Baroque tunings, microtonality in tempered sound systems, the world's microtonal folk music tradition and the history of the microtonal guitar, and he also presented his own guitar designs and compositions. As Mátyás Bolya said, one might think that the monopoly of the European equal temperament would have driven all other natural tuning systems out of the world. However, Tolgahan's presentation showed that musicians, composers and instrument designers continue to be interested in the microtonal world, from historical music to the latest pop music. Guests even from Vienna attended the course, as well as instrument developer Dániel Váczi, the inventor of the microtonal wind instrument called the glissotar.