“You became members of a large, truly music history forming family”—The 2019-2020 Academic Year has begun
“When you became students of this institution – metaphorically you also became members of a truly music history forming family.” – told Liszt Academy President to the students during the Monday opening ceremony. Dr Andrea Vigh has shortly listed the outstanding events of the year 2019–2020 while the first years took their oath.
The president noted that already the 141st academic year has begun, which is a historic time. She reminded the first-years that when they became students of this institution—metaphorically, they also became members of a truly music history writing family. “There is one thing that should be left outside the Liszt Academy's doors: it is mediocrity. It is obvious that not everyone can become Béla Bartók or Zoltán Kocsis, but it is our duty to aim for it. I can promise in the name of our professors that we will make everything possible to help you in this”—she added. She asked them to take advantage of their talents, but not to abuse it.

Talking about the events of the 2019–2020 academic year, she called attention to the Bartók World Competition and Festival starting soon. As she pointed out citing Sándor Márai’s words Béla Bartók “is the first Hungarian intellectual composer through whom and whose work the Hungarian spirit was known and accepted globally”. Dr Andrea Vigh said: Bartók offers a model of how fruitful it can be beyond generations when divine endowments meet exceptional workload and unlimited commitment. She also talked about other events such as Ferenc Liszt’s birthday on 22 October, when Gergely Vajda will be the conductor; 14 November when Ingrid Fliter will be the soloist, the conductor Pinchas Steinberg and about Péter Eötvös’s 75th birthday that will be celebrated with the collaboration of Liszt Academy’s contemporary ensemble.
The first-years took their oath at the even that they will be loyal to the legacy of our nation's fathers and that they will use their knowledge for humankind's intellectual prosperity. Finally, Dr Andrea Vigh officially opened the 2019–2020 academic year concluding with thoughts of Lucien Price about music’s mystery.

On the day before the opening ceremony honorary diplomas were handed out to those, who graduated from the Liszt Academy 50, 60, 65 or 70 years ago.
List of Golden, Diamond, Iron and Ruby Diploma and certificates of merits awardees:
Antal Avar, trombonist and teacher
Melitta Bán, pianist and teacher
József Bánky, pianist
László Baranyay, pianist and teacher
László Bársony, violist and teacher
Tibor Beleznay, hornist and teacher
Ádám Bikfalvy, obist and teacher
Árpád Bikfalvy, pianist and teacher
Károly Botvay, cellist and teacher
Erzsébet Dr Soproni Vilmosné Miskolczi, elementary school singing teacher and choir conductor
Dr László Szabó, tuba player and teacher
Dr Lászlóné Szabó, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Mária Farkas, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Zoltán Fasang, flutist and teacher
Margit G. Somos, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Hajna Gárdonyi, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Mária Gergelyné Kovács, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Judit Heresz, primary violin, solmisation and elementary school singing teacher
Zsuzsanna Homródiné Engi, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Eszter Isépy, cellist and teacher
Zoltán Kacsóh, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
István Kertész, violinist and teacher
Lajos Kertész, pianist and teacher
Magdolna Kissné Kapitánffy, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Tamás Koffán, cellist and teacher
Katalin Komlós, musicologist, music theory teacher
Kálmán Kostyál, violinist and teacher
Attila Kovács, primary trombone, solmisation and elementary school singing teacher
Gábor Kováts, pianist and teacher
Ágnes Lénárdné Jagudits, oboist and teacher
Ilona Lepetit-Kákonyi, pianist and teacher
Enikő Lőte, pianist and teacher
Erika Lux, pianist and teacher
Veronika Németh, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Szilvia Ozoray, cellist and teacher
Éva P. Kollár, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Éva Pándi Oszkárné Hoványi, pianist and teacher
Mária Perjesiné Lukács, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
László Pete, trombonist and teacher
Dezső Puskás, clarinet teacher
István Rozsos, opera singer and singing teacher
Attila Simon, trumpeter and teacher
Magdolna Szávai, cellist and teacher
Ildikó Székely, music school cello teacher, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Enikő Szödényi Nagy, cellist and teacher
Elek Tóth, cimbalom player and teacher
Dániel Tősér, flutist and teacher
László Udvardy, choir director
Lajos Várhegyi, cellist and teacher
Enikő Veöreös, high school singing teacher and choir conductor
Enid Vitárius Imréné Balázs, music school piano and solfege teacher
Krisztina Zalán, pianist and teacher
Irén Zongorné Juhász, primary piano teacher