Administrative Guide for Diploma Concerts at AVISO
19 October 2020
Administrative changes due to COVID-19 at the offices of AVISO.
Rector’s Circular Letter No. 7/2020. (25.09)
25 September 2020
Information on distance education of the Strings Department
Rector’s Circular Letter No. 6/2020. (23.09)
24 September 2020
Information on distance education of the Chamber Music Department

Instruction No. 15/2020. (22.IX.) of the President and the Chancellor (Excerpt)
23 September 2020
On the modified procedures and tasks in connection with the measures regarding the decrease of the risks regarding the spreading of the coronavirus

Instruction No. 13/2020. (2.IX.) of the President and the Chancellor
8 September 2020
On the tasks in connection with the measures regarding the decrease of the risks regarding the spreading of the coronavirus and being applicable in the academic year 2020/2021 and in the concert season.