Academic degree, university position: DLA, habil. associate professor
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, main subject professors: György Konrád, Béla Bánfalvi, and Ferenc Rados. He has taken master courses by the following musicians: Dénes Kovács, Vilmos Tátrai, György Kurtág, Dénes Zsigmondy, Pinchas Zukerman and Zoltán Tóth. Ha has studied with Gérard Caussé at the Conservatoire de Paris.
2010: DLA degree, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, title of DLA dissertation: Hungarian Musician Victims of the Holocaust
Teaching experience:
2004-2006: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
2012- : Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
2016- : Kunstuniversität Graz
Visiting lectureships, master courses:
Trinity College (London), Bard College (New York, USA), Hotchkiss Summer Portal (CT, USA), Mendelssohn Hochschule für Music (Leipzig), Tihany Music Days, Pécs Music Days
He regularly performs abroad and at home. His chamber partners include Márta Gulyás, Bernadett Wiedemann, Andrea Vigh, Péter Csaba, Zoltán Kocsis, Péter Nagy, Péter Frankl, Alina Ibragimova, Rivka Golani, Miklós Perényi, Barnabás Kelemen, Kristóf Baráti, István Várdai, Latica Honda-Rosenberg, Vilmos Szabadi, Marc Coppey, Alisa Weilerstein, Dezső Ránki, László Fenyő, András Adorján, Gergely Ittzés, Guy Ben-Ziony, David Grimal.
He participates in prestigious internatonal chambermusic festivals such as Festival Internacional de Santander, Ravinia Festival (Chichago), Mostly Mozart (New York), Amadeo (Aachen), Brionnais Music Festival, Arcus Temporum (Pannonhalma) or Schubertiada (Feldkirch).
As a soloist, he has been invited to perform with well-known orchestras, such as the Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Ferenc Erkel Chamber Orchestra, or Budapest Strings.
He is fully committed to Hungarian contemporary music. He premiers or orders several pieces per year. Several contemporary composers (Tamás Beischer-Matyó, Marcell Dargay, Péter Durkó, Levente Gyöngyösi, Máté Hollós, Balázs Horváth, József Sári, László Tihanyi, Péter Tornyai, Vajda Gergely) have dedicated their works to him. He has worked with György Kurtág, Péter Eötvös, Sofia Gubaidulina, Fabiano Panisello and Steve Reich.
In 2013 he made his debut at Carnegie Hall, New York, with the American Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Leon Botstein. His performance was praised by The New York Times.
Ensemble memberships:
He is a founding member of Akadémia String Quartet and Somogyi String Quartet, and he was a member of Keller String Quartet in 1999. He was the solo viola player of the Concerto Budapest between 2000 and 2013. He has been invited as a guest principal violinist to several great orchestras such as the Budapest Festival Orchestra, Le Concert Olimpique or Osaka Century Orchestra.
Hubay Jenő összes brácsaműve [Jenő Hubay’s Complete Viola Works] (Hungaroton, HCD32626)
Pártos Ödön versenyművei [Ödön Pártos’s Concertos] (Hungaroton, HCD32450)
Richard Strauss: Don Quixote – concert recording with MATÁV Symphony Orchestra
Tommaso Giordani: Triók fuvolára, brácsára és csellóra [Trios for Flute, Viola and Cello] (Hungaroton, HCD32498)
Joseph Haydn: Hegedű-brácsa duók [Violin-Viola Duos] (Hungaroton, HCD 32361)
Carl Stamitz: Duók hegedűre és brácsára I. [Duos for Violin and Viola Vol. 1] (Hungaroton, HCD32282)
Carl Stamitz: Duók hegedűre és brácsára II. [Duos for Violin and Viola Vol. 2] (Hungaroton, HCD32453)
Dohnányi és Mosonyi vonós szextettek [Dohnányi’s and Mosony’s String Sextets] (Hungaroton, HCD32300)
Ignaz Pleyel: Kvartettek és kvintett [Quartets and Quintets] (Hungaroton, HCD32572)
In Memoriam – compilations of works by Hungarian musician victims of the Holocaust (Hungraton, HCD32597)
Luigi Boccherini: Quartettek, Quintett [Quartets, Quintet] (Hungaroton, HCD32695)
Ferenc Farkas: Chamber Music, Vol. 3 (Toccata Classics, TOCC0379)
The Brahms Project - with Ildikó Komlósi and Péter Frankl (Hungaroton, HCD 32808
Prizes and awards:
He is winner of several competitions.
2004-2005: Annie Fischer Scholarship
2012: Franz Liszt Prize
Website: www.peterbarsony.com