Born: 1983, Budapest
University position: associate professor
1990–1995: Weiner Leó Primary Music School, Szécsényi Zsuzsa, Egri Márta
1993–1994: New England Conservatory of Music, Boston MA; Suren Bagratuni
1995–2005: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest; Ottó Kertész, Miklós Perényi
2005–2008: Musik Akademie Basel; Ivan Monighetti, Petr Skalka (baroque cello)
2005–2007: Zürich Opera: Orchesterakademie
2008–2011: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Doctoral School
2005: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Diploma in art & teaching with excellent qualification
2008: Musik Akademie Basel, Koncertdiploma 2007, Soloist diploma with excellent qualification
2015: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, DLA
Master classes:
1999: Stuttgart, Bachakademie: Boris Pergamenschikow
2000: Kronberg Masterclasses: Frans Helmerson
2000: Budapest: Jean-Guihen Queyras
2001: IMS Prussia Cove, Cornwall: Steven Isserlis, Ferenc Rados, András Schiff
2002: Kronberg Academy: Bernard Greenhouse
2003: Encuentro y Academia de Santander: Natalia Shakhovskaya, Peter Frankl
2003: Lucerne Festival: Schiff András
2009: Simon Standage
2010: Johann Sonnleitner
2010: IMS Prussia Cove: Schiff András
2011: Soundpainting master class Bellaterra: Walter Thompson
Private lessons with Malcolm Bilson, Ferenc Rados
Prizes, awards:
2000: Weiner Leó National Chamber Music Competition, 1st prize, with Barnabás Kelemen & Katalin Kokas
2000: 3-year scholarship for the Kronberg Masterclasses
2002: Artisjus Prize
2003: Premio Trio di Trieste, two special prizes with Emese Mali
2005: Corvina Foundation Prize
2007: Eötvös József Scholarship
2008: ORPHEUS Festival Zürich, special prize with Anna Kuvaja (F)
2009: Fischer Annie Prize
2010: Klassz Scholarship
2011: Junior Prima Prize
2012: Bach Competition Lipcse, 2nd prize & CPE Bach special prize
2017: Gramofon Classical Music Prize of the Year, to the album with Imre Rohmann
2017: Bach Mindenkinek Festival Prize
2019: Fidelio kult50 award
Teaching activities:
2009–2013: University of Debrecen, assistant lecturer
2011, 2012: Crescendo Summer Academy
2013–2018: leader of the Bercel Music summer master class
2014: Ferencváros Primary Music Scholl summer master class
2015: Festival Academy
2017: Bartók Seminar Szombathely
Master classes in Debrecen, Békéscsaba, Kecskemét, Szombathely and Budapest (Liszt Academy 2017, Bartók Conservatoire 2018)
2019- : Művészetek Tere leader of master class in the Szent András Castle
2019: Orpheus Academy Wien master class
2022: Székesfehérvár, Dunakeszi master classes
Orchestral experiences:
1996–2005: Hegyvidéki Ifjúsági, later Buda-Hegyvidéki Chamber Orchestra, member
2005–2007: Zürich Opera (with Orchester Akademie scholarship), principal cellist, Minkus: Don Quixote
2009, 2010: Chamber Orchestra of Europe: Bernard Haitink, with leaders Pierre-Laurent Aimard & Samuel Bychkov
2006- : founding member of the Weinberger Kammerorchester (Zürich) led by Gábor Takács-Nagy, concerts in Switzerland (Tonhalle Zürich, Paul Klee Museum Bern, Casino Bern, Conservatoire de Geneve etc.)
2016: Bayerische Rundfunk Symphonieorchester, München, Kent Nagano, solo cellist
Teaching activities:
2009–2013: University of Debreceni Egyetem cello, assistant lecturer
2018- : Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, senior lecturer
2020- : Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Strings Department, head of the Cello Sub-Department
Major concerts:
1994: first concert in Boston, New England Conservatory
Since 1997: concerts in Hungary
2002: Schumann Cello Concerto with Békéscsaba Symphony Orchestra
2003: concert in the Royal Kensington Palace (presented by Liszt Academy)
2004: concerts with the Keller Quartet in Germany and Switzerland
2005: Diploma concert, Budapest: Ligeti Cello Concerto, Tihanyi László
2006, 2007: Basel Simfonie Orchester, Frank Martin & Honegger cello concertos
2006: Dvořák cello concerto in Budapest with the Symphony Orchestra Dohnányi, conducted by Tamás Gál
2007: Beethoven Triple Concerto, Miskolc Symphony Orchestra, Márta Ábrahám – violin, conducted by László Kovács
2007, 2008: MTA Concert Hall: Chamber music concerts with Emese Mali
2008: Chamber music concerts with Imre Rohmann in Paris and Brussels
2009: Solo concert, Műcsarnok: J. S. Bach suites, Britten suite, Eötvös & Dukay works
2010: Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations with Szombathely Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Philippe de Chalendar
2010: Chamber music concerts in London & Festival Tresanton (Cornwall, UK)
2010: Rüttihübeliade (Switzerland), Chamber music festival
2010: Kaposfest
2011: Chamber music concerts in the Netherlands and Belgium with Martin Tchiba & Birthe Blom
2011: C. Ph. E. Bach cello concerto, Pannon Philharmonic, András Vass, Pécs Kodály Centre
2012: Kocsár Miklós cello concerto, MÜPA, Szombathely Symphony Orchestra, Balázs Kocsár
2012: MR Márványterem concerts with Imre Rohmann
2012: Bartók Rhapsody orchestral version (arranged with Imre Rohmann) Royal Hotel, Budapest Strings
2012: Gala concert in the Thomaskirches Leipzig with Leipziger Barokkorchester as prize winner of the Bach Competition
2012: Open Chamber Music Cornwall
2012: Ligeti Cello concerto, Italian Institute, Szombathely Symphony Orchestra
2013: Vivaldi & Huszár Lajos cello concertos, MÜPA Üvegterem, Budapesti Strings
2013: Solo concerto at the Bach Festival Leipzig
2013: BMC: J.S. Bach Goldberg Variations, Bogdan Bozovic – violin, Mark Holloway – viola
2014.02.22. Frankfurt a.d. O. C. Ph. E. Bach Cello Concerto in A major, Kammerorchester C. Ph. E. Bach, cond. Hartmut Haenchen
2015 March: BMC, Spring Fesztival: Bach solo suites
2015: Muse Salentine Festival, Italy, Olga Paschenko (harpsichord, piano)
2015 December: Liszt Academy Grand Hall, Doctoral Closing Concert
2016 February 19: BMC, UMZE Chamber Group, cond. Zoltán Rácz, Ligeti Cello Concerto
2016 March: Eisenach, Solo concert, J. S. Bach works at the Bach Festival
2017 January: Liszt Academy Grand Hall: Vajda: Cello Concerto premiere, Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra, cond. Gergely Madaras
2017 February: Liszt Academy Grand Hall: C. Ph. E. Bach: Cello Concerto in A major, Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra
2017 April 4: Liszt Academy Solti Hall, Album release concert with Imre Rohmann
2017 April 23: Szolnok Symphony Orchestra, Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations, cond. Ádám Cser
2017 September: ARS Sacra festival, MOM Kult, Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra, Boccherini Cello Concerto in B-flat major
2018 February 27: Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, with Péter Eötvös
2018 April 15: Liszt Academy Solti Hall, C. Ph. E. Bach Cello Concerto in B-flat major, Concerto Armonico, Miklós Spányi
2018 May 4: BMC, UMZE Chamber Group, cond. Zoltán Rácz, Ligeti Cello Concerto
2018 May 25: Vigad, Dubrovay Cello Concerto, Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, György Vashegyi
Selection from the activities of recent years:
- Hungarian Radio programme 'Zenebeszéd':
Schubert Arpeggione Sonata with Imre Rohmann
J. S. Bach Suite in D major
Brahms Piano Quartet in C minor, József Balog – piano, Antal Zalai – violin, Ferenc Gábor (viola)
- Musiktage Hundsmarktmühle /2015, 2016/ Fuschlsee (A) Chamber music concerts: Cornelia Hermmann – piano, Sergey Malov – violin, Lily Francis – violin
- Since 2017 Bachseries in the Budapest Belvárosi Főplébánia Nagyboldogasszony Church
- Concerts with László Fassang: Frankfurt a.d. Oder, Ljubljana, Aflenz (A), Debrecen, Pécs (Cathedral), Budapest (churches and MÜPA grand hall), Cegléd, Zamárdi
- Participation in co-art productions: Tánc-tér-képek (J.S.Bach solo suites), Kodály dialogues (Kodály Solo sonata and Duo) Attila Kun coreographer, Közép-Európa Táncszínház, performances: MOM Kult, Liszt Academy Solti Hall, Várkert Bazár
- Trio: Színdarab 3 zenészre, for the music by Samu Gryllus, Mozsár műhely, Vallai garden 2017, 2018
2018 December: solo album release concerto, Liszt Academ Grand Hall
2019-2020. Bach+ chamber music concert series in the Hold utcai református templom
2019 September: Ligeti Cello Concerto, Gergely Vajda, Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra
2020 March: MÜPA Sonata concert with Olga Paschenko
2021: Pannon Philharmonics, Tibor Bogányi
2022: Pannon Philharmonics: Leonardo Marino cello concerto premiere
2020- Beethoven+ concert series with fortepiano: Zoltán Fejérvári, Péter Nagy, Mihály Berecz, Petra Somlai, Barnabás Kelemen, Katalin Kokas, Eszter Lesták-Bedő, Ágnes Langer, Márton Egri, Olga Paschenko
2022: House of Music, Hungary, with Barnabás Kelemen Barnabás & Katalin Kokas
2022: Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro (Tchaikovsky: Rococo Variations)
2001: Dukay Barnabás: A mélység színén (BMC Records, BMC CD 052)
2005: Horváth Márton Levente: Till Now (Hungaroton, HCD 32328)
2006: PERTIS, Jenő (*1939), Családi zene és más kamarművek
2008: In memoriam - Holokaust victim Hungarian composers (Hungaroton)
2008: Walckiers, Eugène: Flute chamber music
2009: FRID, Géza (1904–1989) Chamber works, Birthe Blom – violin, Martin Tchiba – piano (HUNGAROTON First edition)
2011: BOCCHERINI: Three flute quartets, Quintet in C major for Flute, Oboe and Strings; Gergely Ittzés – flute, László Hadady – oboe, Márta Ábrahám – violin, Péter Bársony – viola, Ditta Rohmann – cello (Hungaroton)
2013, 2014: J. S. Bach 6 Solo Suites
2017: with Imre Rohmann : Bartók Rhapsodies, Ravel Violin sonata (on 5-string cello), Debussy Sonata, De Falla Seven Spanish Folk Songs, Bartók Romanian Folk Dances (arranged by the artists) - classical music album of the year, Gramofon magazine (Hungaroton)
2018: J.S. Bach: Violin Partita in E major, Flute Partita in A minor, Harpsichord Sonatas in E major and A major in 5-string cello, arranged by the artists, László Fassang – organ (Hungaroton)
Numerous radio and television recordings in Hungary, Germany and Switzerland
2018 November: solo album – Kodály, Ligeti solo sonatas, Kurtág, Eötvös & Dukay works (Hungaroton)
Weiner: Romance with MÁV Symphony Orcehestra, cond. Valéria Csányi (NAXOS)