![Endre Olsvay](/data/lexikon/Olsvay Endre_270_focuspoint_450x450.jpg)
Born: 1961, Budapest
Academic degree, university position: senior lecturer
1981-1986: Franz Liszt Academy of Music – Composition Major, under Professor Attila Bozay
1985-1988: Franz Liszt Academy of Music - Teacher Training Institute, Piano Major, under Professor Edit Hambalkó
Teaching experiences:
From 1986: associate professor at Szécheny István University Institute of Musical Art, 1995 to 2005: Head of Department (subjects taught: music theory, solfege, chamber music, composing, secondary piano, study of the piano as an instrument, piano repertoire, transposing and score reading, piano methodology, music literature electives – Schubert, Bach, Mussorgsky, string quartet history)
1993-2002: Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music (subjects taught: music theory, solfege)
Since 2001: senior lecturer at the Liszt Academy of Music
Major concerts:
1996: "105th birthday concert" – concert of three composers, Budapest
1996: Premiere of a piece written for commission, at the Bartók Festival in Szombathely
1996: Concert of his own compositions, Budapest
2008: Concert of two composers, Győr
2010: Concert of two composers – Győr
2013: »Double portrait« (concert of two composers) – Budapest
Orchestra memberships:
Since 1993: EAR ensemble – synthesizer, piano
Since 1976: Óbuda Chamber Orchestra – violin
As composer:
1988: Fiatal zeneszerzők csoportja, Antológia 2. ("Group of Young Composers, Anthology No.2") (Hungaroton, SLPX 12946)
1990: Fiatal zeneszerzők csoportja, Antológia 3. ("Group of Young Composers, Anthology No.3") (Hungaroton, SLPX 31144)
1996: Olasz és magyarországi egyházzene – Viadana Kamarakórus („Italian and Hungarian Church Music - Viadana Chamber Choir") (Do-Lá Stúdió)
1997: ISMEAM - selected passages (HEAR Studio-Hung. Rad., HEAR 103)
1998: Kortárs zeneszerzők Budapestről és Kolozsvárról ("Contemporay Composers from Budapest and Cluj-Napoca") (Hungaroton, HCD 31783)
2000: Kortárs magyar elektronikus kompozíciók ("Contemporary Hungarian Electronic Compositions") (Hungaroton, HCD 31868)
2003: Endre Olsvay: Tengerszem ("Tarn") (Hungaroton, HCD 32178)
2005: Works by Faragó, Olsvay, Madarász, M. Sugár, Decsényi, Szigeti, Csemiczky (Hungaroton, HCD 32347)
As performer:
1988: Fiatal zeneszerzők csoportja, Antológia 2. ("Group of Young Composers, Anthology No.2") (Hungaroton, SLPX 12946)
1990: Fiatal zeneszerzők csoportja, Antológia 3. ("Group of Young Composers, Anthology No.3") (Hungaroton, SLPX 31144)
1999: Iván Madarász: Refrain (Hungaroton, HCD 31819)
1999: Miklós Sugár: Ear movements; Írisz (Hungaroton, HCD 31788)
2001: István Szigeti: Ianus (Hungaroton, HCD 31955)
2002: Madarász Iván: Orfeusz gesztusai ("Orpheus's gestures"); Dionüszosz geometriája ("Dionysus's Geometry") ; Archai-Archi; Tabulatúra ("Tablature"); Egyperces novella ("One Minute Stories"); Talizmán ("Talisman") (Hungaroton, HCD 32147)
2003: M. Sugár: Három dal... ("Three Songs…"); NO.2; Francia dalok ("French Songs"); (Hungaroton, HCD 32180)
Major publications:
Analytical presentations of works, translations, interviews with composers, reviews, studies for CD booklets
2002: Kismonográfia Bozay Attiláról ("A Short Monography about Attila Bozay"), Mágus Publishing
2014: Kérdőjelek, kételyek, kényszerek – essay study (in: „Magyar Művészet” Vol. I/1, 2013/1.)
1985-1993: Group of Young Musicians
Since 1992: Hungarian Composers' Union, 1993-1994: Member of the Board
Since 1992: Hungarian Bach Society
Since 1999: Artisjus Society for the Protection of Authors' Rights, committee member
Since 2002: Hungarian Musical Society, since 2005: Member of the Board
Since 2010: Hungarian Academy of Arts
Awards, honours:
1985: Albert Szirmai Award
1986/87: Scholarship of the Kincses Advisory Board
1990/91 and 1992-94: Zoltán Kodály Artist's Scholarship
1992: Laudation by the President of the school
2012: Ferenc Erkel Award