Born: 1967
Position at Liszt Academy: DLA, Head of the Conducting Department, university professor, Vice-President for Education
Taught subjects: conducting technique as main subject
1986 - 1990: University of Pécs, Faculty of Teacher Training, majoring in mathematics and music
1993 - 1995: Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music – Teacher’s Training College, Budapest – school music, music theory teaching, choral conducting
2000 - 2003 Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Doctoral School – Choral Conducting sub-programme
2005: DLA – Choral Conducting – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music.
2013: Habilitation
Master classes:
1992: Jeremy Jackman – chamber singing
2000 and 2003: János Czifra – choral conducting
2000: Howard Williams – chamber singing
2001: Simon Carrington – choral conducting
2002: Frieder Bernius – choral conducting
Teaching activities:
From 2002: professor at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, School Music teaching, teaching at the Choral Conducting Department
From 2004: Head of Choral Conducting Sub-department (Orchestral and Choral Conducting Department)
2010 – 2011 and since 2012: Head of Department (Orchestral and Choral Conducting)
Since 1st January 2012: Vice-President for Education
Research work:
1998: University of Bologna: Soros Research Scholarship, studying of baroque musical manuscripts under Professor Lorenzo Bianconi
Major concerts:
1994: participant in the International Festival of University Choirs (FICU), Valencia (with the POTE Pannonton Choir)
Since 1994: more than 500 concerts in total with UniCum Laude Vocal Group, national and international alike (Austria, Belgium, France, Iceland, Poland, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Taiwan)
Since 1999: at five occasions concert in the programme of the Pécs Spring Festival (1999, 2000, 2002, 2007, 2010);
Since 2001: concerts at the Hungarian Cultural Institutes abroad (Vienna, Bucharest, Warsaw, Stuttgart, Paris); Concert at the Millennial Polish and Hungarian Bishops' Conference (with UniCum Laude Vocal Group)
2002: Christmas Concert in the assembly hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Christmas at the Hungarian Parliament (with UniCum Laude)
Since 2004: more than a hundred concerts in total with adult and student season concert pass, organized by Filharmonia Budapest Ltd.
2004: Compilation concert of works by Michael Haydn and Maximilian Stadler in the Melk Monastery (Austria) with Cappella Savaria
2005: New Year's Gala Concert (2005) and crossover concert (2009) with the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra, cond.: Zsolt Hamar
2005: DLA Concert in Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Budapest-Fasor (April 22, 2005 – UniCum Laude, Cecilia Chamber Choir)
2006: Contribution to the International Kodály Society's jubilee concert (March, 2006 – UniCum Laude)
2007: Concert in the „Essen.Original" programme of the Ungarisher Akzent (Hungarian Cultural Year), Essen (UniCum Laude)
2007: concert series in Marseilles and its province
2008: concerts at the Spring Vocal Festival, introductory lectures at various universities (March, 2008, Taiwan – UniCum Laude)
2008: Reneissance concert at the Zemplen Festival and the Sommermusik Festival, Bochum (Germany)
2009: Two concerts at the Reykholt Music Festival (Iceland), four concerts at the Polyfollia Festival (France, UniCum Laude)
2010: „Viva Venezia" – concert – from the liturgy of the St. Mark Cathedral, Venice – Cathedral of Pécs (UniCum Laude)
2010: “Incline your ear to, me Lord” – Concert for the European Broadcasting Union (live streaming – UniCum Laude)
2010: „Baroque Christmas" – concert with the Pannon Philarmonics, Pécs, Kodály Centre (UniCum Laude)
2012: Concert at the Saareema Chamber Music Festival - Kuressaare, Estonia (UniCum Laude)
2014: Jubilee Concert at the Kodály Centre, Pécs (UniCum Laude)
2015: New Year’s Concert at the Collegium Pazmaneum, Vienna (UniCum Laude)
2016: Concert at the Ars Sacra Festival at the Kodály Centre, Pécs (UniCum Laude)
2017: Church music concert – Moscow, Lutheran Cathedral (UniCum Laude)
2018: Concert at the Hungarian Academy in Rome (UniCum Laude)
Choirs, music ensembles:
1985: founder of (POTE) Pannonton Choir (later PTE Vox Medicata Chamber Choir)
1989-2008: choir director thereof
1994: choir director of Pécsvárad Women's Chamber Choir
Since 1994: founding member and artistic director of UniCum Laude Vocal Group, Pécs
Competition results (all of them with POTE's Pannonton Choir, as choir director)
1993: Choir competition, Novy Bor (Czech Republic) 1st place - mixed chorus category; Special Prize for the best performance of the compulsory work
1995: Choir competition, Budapest 1st place – gold diploma
1996: Choir competition, Karditsa (Greece) 1st place – Folklore category; 2nd place – Romanticism category
1997: Choir competition, Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) 1st place – chamber choir; 1st place – mixed chorus, Grand Prize; Special Prize - special prize from the Slovakian Minister of Culture
1998: Choir competition, Bydgoszcz (Poland) 1st place
Between 1990 and 1998: with PTE Pannonton Choir (later PTE Vox Medicata Chamber Choir) ten concert recordings and live broadcasts on the Hungarian Radio, and on a few occasions on the Spanish and the Polish National Radio
Since 1997: on five occasions recordings with UniCum Laude Vocal Group broadcasted on the Hungarian Radio; on two occasions concerts broadcasted by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
In 1998 the Hungarian Television made a portrait programme about UniCum Laude Vocal Group; in 2009 Duna Television broadcasted their Christmas concert
1996, CD: Zenélő Pécs, UniCum Laude as collab., collab. as artistic director
1999, CD: Pécsvárad Women's Chamber Choir: Zengő felett… – collab. as choir director
1999, CD: UniCum Laude: UniCum Laude – collab. as artistic director
2001, CD: UniCum Laude: Karácsony/Christmas– collab. as artistic director
2002, CD: Kresimir Debski: Nihil homine mirabilius – cantata (Poznan, PTE Vox Medicata Choir) – collab. as choir director and chorus director
2005, CD: UniCum Laude: Lamentatio– collab. as artistic director
2005, CD: Pannon Philharmonic: Highlights. collab. with UniCum Laude Énekegyüttes – as artistic director
2006, CD: Pécsváradi Női Kamarakórus: „Énekkel beszélnek…"– collab. as choir director
2007, CD: UniCum Laude: In Concert– collab. as artistic director
(Publisher of the recordings of his own choirs: Do-la Stúdió)
2011: DVD: “Music for everyone – live concert recording – as artistic director
KÓTA - Association of Hungarian Choirs and Orchestras, Committee of Arts
Founder and until 1996 member of the advisory board of the Ars Musica Foundation,
International Kodály Society (IKS) – individual membership
Vice-president of the Grande École Alma Mater Society
International Kodály Society – individual membership
Main publications, performances:
1997: „Una strada possibile della evoluzione della seconda pratica" in Contributi, (ed. Prof. Giulio Cesare Carloni), Quaderni Italo-Ungheresi n.16, Universitá degli Studi di Bologna
October, 1998: "Válaszút, vagy terelőút? - avagy a régi zene kutatásának lehetőségei Olaszországban". In Echo, Pécs,
February, 2002: „Zenei Garé" in Echo, Pécs,
March 8, 2003: Posztgraduális karvezetőképző-műhelyek (lecture and article; delivered at the 2nd Hungarian Choir directors' Conference)
2005: Lamentáció – CD leaflet, guide.
February, 2005: „Laudes organi – et laudes vox humana" – album review, in Echo, Pécs
April 18, 2008: „A reneszánsz világi zene szövegkezelési problémái" – lecture in the choir directors' workshop at the KÓTA Renaissance Professional Days in Tatabánya
2008: „Két korabeli vita a seconda practica kérdéseiről". In Párkai 80 – írások Párkai István születésnapjára, LFZE Budapest, ed. by Hartyányi Judit.
2009: „Mozart kánonjai – háttér és praxis" – lecture at the KÓTA Professional Days in Nagykanizsa
Since 2009: leader of the choir director master class at the Renaissance and Baroque Days in Keszthely
2010: „Pálóczi Horváth Ádám" – lecture at the KÓTA Choir directors' Conference
2011: „Liszt Ferenc vokális írásmódja" – lecture - Zalaegerszeg
2012: „Intonációfejlesztés a kórushangképzésben" – lecture. Győr, János Richter Secondary Music School.
2012: Introduction to the Season ticket concerts of the Philharmonia.
2014: „Choir or vocal ensemble? The structural changing of choir-life in the beginning of the 21st century” – lecture. „How can singing belong to everyone?” International Symposium on Singing in Music Education (Budapest, Zeneakadémia)
2015: „Music education in the footsteps of Zoltán Kodály and Ferenc Liszt” - lecture. „Music Education of the XXI century: frontiers and prospects” - International conference on music education. (Minsk, Belarusian State Academy of Music)
2016: „Női szerepek Bartók kórusműveiben” — lecture. Hungarian Conductors’ Conference (LFZE, Budapest)
2018: Kórusművek Weöres Sándor verseire – lecture at the Sovata Spring Festival
Prices, honours:
1990: The Hungarian Radio's Award for Excellence for the high standard recordings
1999: The Pécs-Baranya Culture Chamber's Award for Excellence for Pécsvárad Women's Chamber Choir and its choir director
1999: ‘For Pécsvárad' Medallion
2014: Pro Communitate Pécs Medallion
2018: „For Pécsvárad” Award
Contact: kutnyanszky.csaba[at]zeneakademia.hu