![Dr. Nóra Keresztes](/data/lexikon/Keresztes Nóra_270_focuspoint_450x450.jpg)
Academic degree, university position: DLA, Habil., associate professor
Born: 1973, Pécs
Pécs State Nagy Lajos Grammar School: specialisation in English (graduation in 1991) and simultaneously: Pécs Secondary School of Arts: specialisation in solfège-music theory and choir conducting
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music: graduation in 1996: secondary music teachers’ training course, choral conducting and teacher of music theory (thesis advisor: István Párkai; tutor of major subject: Valér Jobbágy)
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music: DLA in 2008 at the sub-department of the Compisition Programme: Music theory (Katalin Komlós, Zoltán Jeney); advisor: Iván Erőd, artistic advisor: Valér Jobbágy
Habilitation: 2014 (The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts at the University of Pécs) Doctoral School; examiners: Zoltán Jeney, Lajos Huszár)
- Puellae (The Female Chamber Choir of University of Pécs), conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, published by: BLZ Records Pécs 2000
- Live Records of Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, Nóra Keresztes, published by: Association Schola Cantorum Sopianensis Pécs 2010
- In memoriam Glatt Ignác. A Selection of the Repertoire of the Founding Conductor of the Choir School of the Cathedral of Pécs (1888-1917) The Palestrina Choir of the Cathedral of Pécs, conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, published by: Glatt Ignác Non-Profit Association, Pécs 2011
- Musica Sacra Hungarica. Selection of Contemporary Hungarian Motets. Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, published by: Association Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, Pécs 2012
- In memoriam Lajos Gyula.. A Selection of the Repertoire of the Second Director and Conductor of the Choir School of the Cathedral of Pécs (1917-1938) The Palestrina Choir of the Cathedral of Pécs, conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, published by: Glatt Ignác Non-Profit Association, Pécs 2012
- In memoriam Mayer Ferenc. A Selection of the Repertoire of the Third Director and Conductor of the Choir School of the Cathedral of Pécs (1938 – 1953/62) The Palestrina Choir of the Cathedral of Pécs and the Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, organ: László Gesztesi-Tóth, published by: Glatt Ignác Non-Profit Association, Pécs 2013
- In memoriam dr. Hergenrőder Miklós. A Selection of the Repertoire of the Fourth Director and Conductor of the Choir School of the Cathedral of Pécs (1962– 1988). The Palestrina Choir of the Cathedral of Pécs and the Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, conducted by: Valér Jobbágy, organ by: Szilárd Kovács, published by: Glatt Ignác Non-Profit Association, Pécs 2016
- István Győrffy –Tamás Beischer-Matyó –Nóra Keresztes: Klasszikus összhangzattan/ Classical Harmony – coursebook (co-author), published by: Rózsavölgyi & Co. Budapest 2009
- Reneszánsz-barokk-bécsi klasszikus összhangzattani diktandók / Renaissance- Baroque and Classical Harmony Dictation (Course notes – Institute of Music of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts at the University of Pécs) DVD-ROM, published by: dr. Valér Jobbágy, Pécs 2010
- Karon belül használatos jegyzetek/példatárak a Modális zeneelmélet, a Formatan és analízis, a Barokk-bécsi klasszikus zeneelmélet, a Romantikus zeneelmélet és a 20. századi zeneelmélet c. kurzusokhoz/Scripts and notes used internally for the course Musical Form and Analysis, Baroque and Classical Music Theory, Romantic Music Theory and 20th Century Music Theory (continually updated between 2000 and 2013)
- ’A Haydn: Mehrstimmige Gesänge formai vonatkozásai (A szonátaforma megjelenése Haydn többszólamú énekeiben)’/ Formal Reflections of Haydn’s Mehrstimmige Gesänge (The Sonata form in Haydn’s Songs for Several Voices)– Parlando 2010/6 online publication (can be download from here and here)
- ’Chopin kevéssé ismert oldala: a dalok’/Chopin’s lesser-known side: songs’ – Agócsy Szimpózium 2010 conference publication, edited by: Nóra Keresztes, published by: Faculty of Music and Visual Arts at the University of Pécs, Pécs 2010, 51-81.
- ’Süketnéma zenészek-zenetanárok képzése, vagy a kodályi koncepció rehabilitálása?’/Co-presentation ‘Training of deaf and dumb musicians and music teacher or the rehabilitation of Kodály’s Principles’ – conference organised by the Faculty of Music of the University of Szeged (Teaching Music theory in higher music education)– Parlando 2011/3, 1-8. and
- in Teaching Music theory in higher music education. Conference publication Faculty of Music of the University of Szeged, 23 April, 2010 (CD-ROM) edited by: Mária Illés, publication of the Faculty of Music of the University of Szeged, Szeged, 2011
- ’Beszámoló a II. Agócsy Szimpóziumról’/Report of the 2nd Agócsy Symposium– Parlando 2012/1 (since 2012, the journal has only been published online and can be downloaded from here)
- A funkciós tonalitás felbomlásának folyamata/ The Process of the Dissolution in Functional Tonality' – DLA – thesis, Parlando 2012/5 (online version)
- Co-presentation ’Hans Leo Haßler canzonettáinak felhasználási lehetőségei az oktatásban’/The potential application of ’Hans Leo Haßler’s canzonets in music instruction – conference organised by the Faculty of Music of the University of Szeged (Teaching Music theory in higher music education)– Parlando 2013/5 (online version)
- ’Dunstable és az izoritmikus motetta’/Dunstable and the isorhythmic motets. Doctoral School of the Liszt Academy of Music – DLA Concluding paper of the postgraduate schoo - online publication
- ‘New Types of Chord and Key Relations in the 19th Century – extract of 5th chapter of doctoral dissertation titled The Process of the Dissolution in Functional Tonality’ (2008) in Space, Time, Tradition. Extracts of Theses Defended at the Doctoral School of the Budapest Liszt Academy of Music, ed.: Péter Bozó, Rózsavölgyi és társa Budapest 2013, 237-264.
- ’Schubert harmóniai eszközei és a Sanctus misztériuma késői miséiben. Szubjektív elmélkedés a tonalitás-nélküliség és a lelki felemelkedés kapcsolatáról’/Schubert’s tools in harmony and the mystery of “Sanctus’ in his late masses. Subjective reflection on the relationship between atonality and spiritual elevation.– Parlando November- December 2015/6 (online version)
Orchestra membership:
Member of the Festival Choir of the Pannon Philarmonic (director: László Dobos and András Vass) (2016—)
Teaching activities:
1996-2002 Appointed teacher of the Pécs Secondary School of Arts (taught subjects: solfège, music theory, choral conducting, music literature, folk music, vocal techniques)
1998-2002 external lecturer at the Department of Choral Conducting of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts of the University of Pécs (long-distance course: solfège, music theory, regular course: choral conducting, transposition and reading an orchestral score)
2002- Appointed lecturer of the Music theory Department of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts of the University of Pécs (long-distance, regular and foreign language courses), current position: adjunct professor in charge of the MA programme in Teaching Music Theory.
Taught subjects: solfège, music theory, transposition and reading orchestral scores, continuo performance, chamber singing, methodology of solfège and music theory, analysis and competencies in the relevant literature, conducting practice, lecturer and thesis advisor at the Doctoral School of Faculty of Music and Visual Arts of the University of Pécs
Leader of the training course “Conducting music kindergarten activities’„ (Szekszád Campus – University of Pécs (2010-)
Lecturer and subject leader of the course “Music fundamentals” in the programme “Primary School Teacher” (Szekszád Campus – University of Pécs (2011-) Subject leader of the course “Music” in the programme “Primary School Teacher” (Szekszád Campus – University of Pécs (2012-)
2016- External lecturer of Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (solfège and music theory)
Guest lecturer in:
Conservatorio Statale Francesco Venezze, Rovigo 2012.
Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Music, Lahti 2013.
Other activities:
Continuous choir activities in the Puellae Women’s Chamber Choir of the University of Pécs and the Schola Cantorum Sopianensis under the baton of Valér Jobbágy – awards at the international competitions (1996. Maasmechelen, 1999. Takarazuka/Osaka, 2000. Llangollen, 2001. Neuchâtel, 2001. Arnhem, 2002. Tolosa, 2002. Camerino, 2003. Spittal, 2003. Camerino, 2005. Cork, 2005. Varna, 2005. Gorizia, 2006. Neuchâtel, 2009. Pécs, 2012. Neuchâtel, 2013. Gorizia, 2014. Arezzo), CD and radio recordings and assistant choir member in the Szekszárd Madrigal Choir and the Palestrina Choir of the Cathedral of Pécs
Musical advisor of the Tanac Cultural Association folk dance group, Pécs (conducted by: József Szávai) (score writing from audio data, folk song training based on scores, orchestration, etc.) 2014-
Choir conductor of Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis:
- In 2014, the choir received a “gold distinction” at the 19th National Choir Qualification of KÓTA Association ‘Hungary Sings’ (99 points).
- On 22-22 November, 2015, the choir won a golden diploma at the 7th Zoltán Kodály Choral Contest in Budapest (92,8 points).
Member of the Hungarian Kodály Society
Chairperson at music exams in Further Education Training Courses (2014—)
Jury member in county and regional- level solfège competitions (Tolna County - (Tolna megyei 1997, 1998, Somogy county 2001, 9th National Zoltán Kodály solfège and folk singing competition / regional round: Baranya-Tolna-Somogy-Zala/2008, of 11th National Zoltán Kodály solfège and folk singing competition /regional round: Baranya-Tolna-Somogy-Zala/ 2014)
Proof-reader (appointed by the National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education) of the examination tasks of the Further Education Training course “Classical musician” (2010)
Competition achievements as choir member:
Szekszárd Madrigal Choir
2003: Camerino (Italy) O. di Lasso International Chamber Choir Competition, women’s choir: 1st prize, mixed choir: 2nd prize, folklore category: 2nd prize
2005: Cork (Ireland) International Choral Festival, mixed choir: 4th palce, and Dorothy Mayer Special Prize
Puellae Women’s Chamber Choir
1996: Maasmechelen (Belgium) International Choral Competition: 1st prize and special prize 1999. Takarazuka/Osaka (Japán) Aranyérem a nőikari kategóriában
2001: Arnhem (Netherlands) International Choral Comeptition: 1st prize
2002: Tolosa (Spain) International Choral Competition: folklore. 1st prize, polyphony: 2nd prize, chamber choir – secular music: 2nd prize, chamber choir – church music: 3rd prize
2002: Camerino (Italy) International Choral Competition: women’s choir: 1st prize, chamber choir: 1st prize and Grand Prize
2005: Varna (Bulgária) International Choral Competition: women’s choir: 1st prize, chamber choir: 1st prize
Schola Cantorum Sopianensis
2000: Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod: mixed choir: 3rd prize
2001: Neuchâtel (Switzerland) 9th International Choral Competition: women’s choir: 1st prize, mixed choir: 2nd prize, best performance of obligatory piece
2001: Spittal (Austria) 40th International Choral Competition: 8th place
2001: Gorizia (Italy) International Choral Competition 7th category /O. Vecchi: L’ Amfiparnaso – comedia harmonica/ 1st prize
2001: Neuchâtel (Switzerland) 11th obligatory piece
2001: Spittal (Austria) 40th International Choral Competition: mixed choir: 1st prize, Grand Prize
2009: Pécs 21st International Chamber Choir Competition: 1st prize and quick learning contest: 1st prize
2012: Neuchâtel (Switzerland):14th International Choral Competition: 3rd prize, best performance of sacred music (Prix des Eglises pour la meilleure interprétation de la pièce sacrée)
2013: Gorizia (Italy) Category 1c – Ottocento: gold medal, 2nd prize Category 1d – Novecento: silver medal, 5th place, Category 2a – Musica popolare e tradizionale: gold medal, Categoria 3 – Musica contemporanea: gold medal, 1st prize
2014: Arezzo (Italy) Sezione 2* (Cori a voci miste- mixed choir) 3rd prize
Concert highlights:
As choir member:
Vivaldi: Gloria – Pécs Kodály Centre 15 September, 2012. szeptember 15. (1000 Concerts for Hungary Chamber Choir and 1000 Concerts for Hungary Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Valér Jobbágy)
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de Confessore K. 339 – Cathedral of Pécs – 4 April, 2013 (Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, Szekszárd Madrigal Choir and the Symphony Orchestra of the University of Giessen, conducted by Stefan Ottersbach)
The joint concert of Schola Cantorum Sopianensis (Giaches de Wert, Pachelbel, Cornelius, Orbán, Vajda) and the Collegium Vocale Kapfenberg (Pressl, Doppelbauer, Saevarsson, Orbán) in the Cathedral of Pécs – 11 May, 2013, conducted by Valér Jobbágy, Helmut Traxler, Beáta Patai-Formanek
Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem – Pécs Kodály Centre, 3 November, 2013. (Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, Szekszárd Madrigal Choir, the Palestrina Choir of the Cathedral of Pécs and the Orchestra of the Budapest University of Technology, conducted by Géza Köteles)
23 March, 2016: Haydn: Stabat Mater (Kodály Centre, Pécs) – Pannon Philharmonic., conducted by András Vass
As choir conducter:
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – Advent in Pécs 2014 (Cathedral of Pécs, 18 December, 2014)
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – 28 March, 2015, Church of the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, Pécs
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – 18 June, 2015, House of Arts and Literature, Pécs
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – 6 September, 2015. Church of the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, Pécs
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – Matinee concert - 15 November, 2015. House of Arts and Literature, Pécs
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – Advent in Pécs 2015 Cathedral of Pécs, 18 December, 2014)
Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis – 23 April, 2016, Contemporary music concert in the Methodist Church of Óbuda – with first performances
Contact: kernorcsi[kukac]gmail.com