Born: 1950, Budapest
Academic degree, university position: DLA, Habil. associate professor
1957-1964: Ferenc Erkel School of Music, teacher: Mrs. Imre Kuthy
1964-1969: Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music, teachers: Zsuzsa Szabó, Ferenc Rados
1969-1974: Liszt Ferenc College of Music, teachers: Tibor Wehner, Ferenc Rados
2001: DLA degree; doctoral dissertation: „Az énekes-korrepetíció, zongorakíséret” (Vocal coaching, piano accompaniment)
Teaching activities:
Since September 1974: piano accompanist and répétiteur at various faculties of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (violin – with Vilmos Tátrai and András Kiss; horn – with Ferenc Tarjáni)
Since 1980: répétiteur of Sándor Sólyom-Nagy, Éva Andor and Boldizsár Keönch at the Department of Vocal Studies; song literature accompanist to Miklós Forrai
Since September 2007: teacher of song literature and song accompaniment at the piano accompaniment-répétiteur program of the piano sub-department
Major concerts:
Besides her activities at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, she has performed at numerous philharmonic and radio concerts with various singers.
She gave concerts in Hungary, Austria, France and Germany.
In 1983 and 1984 she participated at the Bayreuth Festival as the musical assistant of Horst Stein.