Academic degree, university position: associate professor
1979-1985: Warsaw, Fr. Chopin University of Music – master of arts in musical directing
2013: DLA – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Teaching experiences:
since 2009 – lecturer of sound design at the Animation Film Department of Metropolitan University, Budapest
since 1996 – assistant professor electroacoustic/computer music at the Composition Department of Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest
1997-2015 – lecturer of music informatics at the Art Department of Pécs University, Pécs
1987-1993 – researcher of computer music in the field of sound synthesis and interactive music at Institute of Musicology of the Academy of Sciences in Budapest - Experimental Musicology Project
1985-1987 – sound recording, music producing, editing at HUNGAROTON (Hungarian Recording Company), Budapest
Miscellaneous professional activities:
2017 – member of Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2017 August – Resident composer at Victoria University, Canada
2014 – member of ICEM (International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music)
2012-2013 – development of teaching materials at Budapest Communication and Business College:
2012-2013 – idea and co-authoring five textbooks and developing interactive examples in MAX/MSP
2007-2011 – Co-Me-Di-A (COoperation and MEdiation in DIgital Arts) European Culture Programme, partner project leader (leader of the project: IRCAM, Paris; other partners: IEM-Graz, Casa di Paganini - Genova, CIANT-Prága, HfMT-Hamburg, SARC-Belfast)
2007-2009 – developing the curriculum for "Electronic Music Media Assitant" university BA degree in Hungary
2007-2008 – electronic performance culture project (AKTION) – collaboration with Institute 1 for Composition and Electro-Acoustics University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
2006-2007 – Bipolar German-Hungarian collaboration /Music in the Global Village Conference collaboration with Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hamburg) - project leader, artistic director
2006-2007 – Bipolar German-Hungarian collaboration /Newtopia (collaboration with Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe) - artistic director
2005-2015 – member of the European Bridges Ensemble nettwork ensemble. Performances in different concerts, festivals and conferences in Europe, USA and Japan
2002-2005 – "New theoretical and practical music analysis tools" - research project at the F. Liszt Academy of Music
2000-2003 – collaboration with City University, London in timbre research
2000 – adviser of the Ministry of Education for developing a curriculum of electronic music teaching in music schools writing a curriculuum for teaching timbre solfege in music schools
1998-2009 – founder, artistic director and organizer of ”Making New Waves”, an annual international contemporary music festival
1994-1996 – organiser of "Short Circuits" electroacoustic music series of the Budapest Spring Festival
1993-1995 – developing the musical informatic course's curriculum for Pécs University and the electroacoustic music course's curriculum for the F. Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest
1991 – founder and director of the Hungarian Computer Music Foundation
1990-2003 – organiser and professor of the composition and computer music course of the International Bartók Festival, Szombathely (in close collaboration with Marco Stroppa)
1989 – Fulbright researcher in the USA: Brooklyn University, New York (with Charles Dodge); Stanford Egyetem, Stanford (with John Chowning)
Prizes and awards:
2015 – AVIFF Cannes Art Film Festival II. prize for Transitus Angeli video
2015 – A Bourges-i Electroacoustic Music Competition:mention for Swingin Door interactive piece
2007 – composer in residence at ZKM, Karlsruhe
2001-2004 – grant by the Hungarian Ministry for Education to carry on reseach on timbre
2001 – Bourges Electroacoustic Competition: 'Prix' of the category of SoundArt (Mandala); 'Prix' of the category of multimedia works (The Priest and the Shell)
2000 – Prize of the Hungarian Cultural Fund to realize "Mandala"
1999 – Award of Society ARTISJUS (Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of Authors)
Voice Twist – for soprano and inetractive electronics
Premiere: 2020. Január 17. BMC Budapest, Transparent Sound Festival
Ringtone Variations – generative piece for a mobile phone ensemble
Premiere: 2019. December 13. Kassák Museu, Budapest
Two Little Fractals - for piano and three unplugged laptops
Premiere: 2019. October 6., FUGA, Budapest
In634 – for gamelan and electronics
Premiere: 2019. January 19., Transparent Sound Festival, Budapest
Scream&Sighs_60502140 – for string ensemble and electronics
Premiere: 2018. September 15., Nádor Hall, Budapest
Neszmesék – electroacoustic theater for children
Premiere: 2018. May 10., Brávia Hall, Budapest
Repül a fehér kő (the white stone is flying) – interactive installation performance
premiere: 2017. December 18., Labor Gallery, Budapest
Beefkohlrabi Cantata – music theater piece for soprano and electronics
premiere: 2017. July 17., Budapest CEU, Narratives of Memory, Migration, Xenophobia and European Identity: Intercultural Dialogues’ project
Newton’s Dream – audiovisual piece (video: Stewart Collinson)
premiere.: 2017. April 22., Leiden-Seattle, Drone Cinema Film Festival
Wilderness Series – audiovisual piece (video: Karel Doing
premiere: 2017. March, Hawick - Alchemy Festival
NOISEWRANGLING #2 – prepared bass, remote soubway sounds, live electronics
premiere.: 2016. January 10., Budapest, Átlátszó Hang Fesztivál, FUGA
NOISEWRANGLING #1 – eight channel installation
Premiere: 2016. January 10., Budapest, Átlátszó Hang Fesztivál, Liszt Academy
Transitus Siderum – Long Drone – electroacoustic music
5th piece of the "Drone Cinema 2015: Eight Hours of Drone Soundtracks"
Published by: timemachines, 2015.12.10
Lethappen Miniatures – glass harmonika, verrofon, harp, live electronics
premiere: 2015. October 10., Budapest, CAFÉ Budapest Festival
TRANITUS SIDERUM – audiovisual piece (video: Stewart Collinson)
premiere: 2015. March, Drone Filmfestival, Leiden
ShadowPlace – audiosual piece for laptop ensemble (video: Stewart Collinson)
premiere: 2014. November, Greatest Hits Festival, Hamburg
TRANSITUS ANGELI – audiovisual piece (video: Stewart Collinson)
premiere: 2014. September, ICMC, Athens
premiere: 2014. June, Galliate, Italy
TRANSITUS ANGELI – multimedia performance
premiere: 2014. March, Budapest Spring Festival
MUSIC IN THE GLOBAL VILLAGE (together with Kai Niggeman) – music theater
premiere: 2015. October, theaterimballsaal, Bonn
RHAPSODIC DISTORSIONS ON THE BODY OF MY SWEET HOME - live electronics, genrative data feedback
premiere: 2013. June, Trafo, Budapest
Signal Tone Sonatina - music for tape
premiere: 2013. June., Trafo, Budapest
My Everyday Silencies - music for tape
premiere: 2013. June., Trafo, Budapest
Love Rapsody - dance theater
premiere.: 2011 February, Nyíregyházi Móricz Zsigmond Theater
European Bridges Ensemble: Pécs D(é)RIVE - GPS-Trans 11 - live GPS/internet performance Center and TVTower sections
premiere.: Pécs , 2010 December 10
Send Me a Sound - 2 dancers, internet in two remote rooms and laser-MIDI interface
premiere.: Hamburg - Vienna, 2010. November 6.
CT - for interactive video and live electronic music (video: Gyenes Zsolt)
premiere.: Cologne 4, 2010. június 10
Aliquots and Aliquants II. - 2 dancers, internet in two remote rooms and laser-MIDI interface
premiere.: 2009. December, Making New Waves, Trafó
Filmmusic to the film: Szeiler Péter: Bevezetés az általános nyelvészetbe
premiere.: Budapest, Filmszemle 2009
Aliquots and Aliquants - for dancer and laser-MIDI interface
premiere: Székesfehérvár, Night of the Museums, 2009
The Golden Record: Sounds of Earth - multichannel sound installation
commissioned by and premiered at The Collection, Lincoln, UK 2009 March-May
Swinging Door II. - for 2 dancers and live electronics
premiere: Budapest, Trafó, 2009
Tornaculum - for dancers and live electronics
premiere: Budapest, AKKU, Autumn Festival 2008
Swinging Door - for dancer and live electronics
premiere: Budapest, Music Expo 2007
BirdHouse - installation for laser-MIDI interface for children
premiere: Budapest, Making New Waves Festival 2007
Quintessence - a collaborative internet piece
premiere: Hamburg, Connecting Media Conference 2006
Ko Kon Nashi - a collaborative piece
premiere: Budapest, Making New Waves Festival 2006
SoundImages II. - installation for laser-MIDI interface
premiere: Essen, Light festival, 2006
SoundImages I. - installation for laser-MIDI interface
premiere: Vasarely Museum, Budapest,2006
Bridges - a collaborative internet piece
premiere: Budapest, Trafó 2005
Butterfly - live electronic music for 2 dancers and laser-MIDI interface
premiere: Budapest, Making New Waves Festival 2006
Glass piece - music for tape
premiere: Budapest, Festival of Glass artworks 2004
Fake-DJ - for bassoon and live-electronics
premiere: London, City University, 2002
Mandala - music for tape
with the support of the Hungarian Cultural Fund
premiere: Bartók Festival, Szombathely, 2001
'Bourges Electroacoustic Competition Prix' 2000
My Brother is Approaching- interactive computer music improvisation for a silent movie
premiere: 1999 October, Autumn Festival, Budapest, Theatre Mú
Shell and the Priest- electroacoustic music for a silent film
premiere: 1999 October, Autumn Festival, Budapest, Theatre Mú
'Bourges Electroacoustic Competition Prix' 2000
Library Music - for soprano, percussion and tape
premiere:1996 August., opening of the Kecskemét Library
MaxoCosm - interactive etudes for DX7 synthesizer and a computer,
premiere: 1991. October, "Music if the Future" Festival, Budapest, Kunsthall
DLA dissertation
Szigetvári, A. 2013 “A multidimenzionális hangszíntér vizsgálata” DLA dissertation, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, pp. 1-220.
MA dissertation
Szigetvári, A. 1985 “Komputery w muzyce experymentalnej” (in Polish) MA dissertation, F. Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw, pp. 1-160.
Other Publications:
Andrea Szigetvári: Noise-Wrangling: An Attempt to Reveal Noises That Matter, In Biró-Polzhofer (ed.): Perspectives for Contemporary Music in the 21st Century. Wolke Verlag, Hofheim 2016. ISBN 978-3-95593-072-1
Szigetvári, A.– Siska, Á: Live Electronics – textbook (in English), to be published as a website in March, 2014. Budapest Communication and Business College, Budapest.
Szigetvári, A.– Siska, Á: Sound Design – textbook (in Hungarian), to be published as a website in March, 2014. Budapest Communication and Business College, Budapest.
Szigetvári, A.– Loch, G.: History of Electroacoustic Music – textbook (in Hungarian), to be published as a website in March, 2014. Budapest Communication and Business College, Budapest.
Szigetvári, A.– Horváth B.: Timbre Solfége – textbook (in English), to be published as a website in March, 2014. Budapest Communication and Business College, Budapest.
Szigetvári, A.– Horváth B.: Introduction to Music Informatics – textbook (in Hungarian), to be published as a website in March, 2014. Budapest Communication and Business College, Budapest.
Georg Hajdu, Kai Niggemann, Ádám Siska-Andrea Szigetvári: Notation in the Context of Past, Current and Future Quintet.net Projects, Contemporary Music Review Vol. 29 Issue 1, pp. 39-53., 2010
Andrea Szigetvári: Controlling Reduced Timbre Spaces - a tool for real time electroacoustic performance. Proceeding of Music in the Global Village Conference 2007
Horváth Balázs, Jeney Zoltán, Keresteš Szabolcs, Szigetvári Andrea: A hangszín, mint formateremtő dimenzió megjelenése a kompozícióban, az analízisben és az oktatásban pp. 1-131. (Exploring the role of the form-bearing capacity of the timbre in composition and analysis) Internal document of Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, 2005
Andrea Szigetvári MicroTuner: An Interactive Tuning System for the MAX Environment In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2003
Timbre solfége syllabus
2000, Elektrokausztikus zene, ROMI-SULI Kiadó
Composing Politicality – Feminism in Sonic Arts Conference, Ljubljana, 2019. October 6.
Noise-wrangling: An Attempt to Reveal Noises that Matter – CESSE Conference, Budapest, 2018. November 30.
Creating Convergencies Between Image and Sound – MUSICACOUSTICA, Beijing, 2018. October 25.
Revolution in electroacoustic music – Revolution with electroacoustic music, Revolution in Music Culture Conference, Moscow, 2017 September 28
Re-connecting and re- contextualizing image and sound in the multidimensional timbre space, Seeing Sound 2016, Bath Spa University, 2016. ápr. 10.
‘Sonokinos’: Some thinking on Syncing or syncing of thinking (together with Stewart Collinson), Seeing Sound 2016, Bath Spa University, 2016. ápr. 9.
Zajszelídítő #3 – interaktív koncertelőadás (Noisewrangling – interactive concert lecture), Budapest, Átlátszó Hang Fesztivál, BMC Könyvtár, 2016. jan. 12.
SLApps, Sonic Learning Applications, APEM/CIME Conference, Lisszabon, 2015., okt. 14.
Integration of Moving Image and Electroacoustic Music, Vizuális Akusztika Szimpózium, Kaposvár, 2015. aug. 15.
SLApps, Sonic Learning Applications, EMS2015, University of Sheffield, 2015. jún. 25.
Timbre solfége-developing listening skills for electroacoustic music, Gheorghe Dima Zeneakadémia, Toduta Fesztivál , Kolozsvár, 2015. máj. 15.
Filmzenék és hangdesign az analóg elektronikus zene korszakában (Film music and sound desing in the era of analogue electronic music), I. SZINTETIZÁTOR EXPÓ, Budapest, 205. ápr. 18.
Hangmintázatok érzékelése az idő függvényében (Perceiving soundpatterns in time)- Kassák Múzeum: Kollektív Ornamentika kiállítás, 2015. febr. 15
Műcsarnok: “Az érzékelhető határán” kiállítás – Kiterjesztett hallgatás – tárlatvezetés, 2014. Okt. 26.
Soundscape Composition – Strategies For the Development of New Forms of Sonic Performance, Electroacoustic Music Studies Conference 2014 Berlin
“Unexpected distorsions created by data feedback resonances in politics and music.” Resonance Conference 2013, Craców
“CT – creating mutual influences between sound and moving image with the help of an interactive system.” Visual Music in Contemporary Arts Symposium 2012, Budapest