Born: 1966, Budapest
Academic degree, university position: PhD, associate professor, Head of Department
Subjects taught:
Culture of Attending Concerts, History of Education, Lessons from the History of Music Education, Education and Society, Teaching Profession, Didactics of Talent Development, Theories of Education, Education in Practice, Teaching Profession, Music Mediation and Music Pedagogy, Career Prospects for Teachers
2009-2016 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Doctoral School of Education, Theoretical and Historical Pedagogy Programme, PhD
2004 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts, cultural management certification
1995 Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musical Culture and Choir Conducting study programme: music teacher, music theory teacher and choir conductor
1991 Eötvös Loránd University, Teacher Training College, mathematics and physics teacher
Teaching experience and other professional activities:
2009- Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music: instructor of general pedagogy and music pedagogy courses
2007- MüPa (Palace of Arts): editor of family and youth programmes, leader of concert-pedagogy activities
2004-2007 Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, instructor of practical courses
2003-2006 Head of the Hungarian Division of the Model European Parliament international student movement.
1994-2007 Trefort Ágoston Training School of the Eötvös Loránd University: teacher of musical culture, mathematics, physics and social studies
1994-2010 choir conducting activities (Cistercian Saint Alberik Choir in Buda, Eötvös Loránd University Concert Orchestra, Kodály Zoltán Mixed Choir in Budapest).
Research field:
concert-pedagogy, community education, transmission of music
Koncertpedagógia. [Concert-Pedagogy] Művészetek Palotája Kft. Budapest, 2009.
A százéves terv – Egy pedagógiai utópia társadalmi összefüggései. [The Hundred-Year Plan – The Social Context of a Pedagogical Utopia] In: Iskolakultúra (ISSN: 1215-5233) Nr. 2010/8 63-75.
"A közönségnevelés tudománya" – Gondolatok egy nemzetközi szimpózium ürügyén. [“The Science of Community Education” – Thoughts on the Occasion of an International Symposium] In: Iskolakultúra (ISSN: 1215-5233) Nr. 2010/9 Szeparátum 3-13.
A Művészetek Palotája és a koncertpedagógia.[The Palace of Arts and Concert-Pedagogy] In: Döbrössy, János (ed.): "Mi ez a gyönyörű" (Kodály) – Zenehallgatóvá nevelés [“What is This Beautiful Thing” (Kodály – How To Raise Music Listeners] – conference book (ISBN: 978-963-284-214-1) ELTE Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Budapest, 2011. 91-98.
Koncertpedagógia, a befogadói kompetenciák fejlesztésének alternatív útja. [Concert-Pedagogy, as an Alternative Way of Developing Receptive Competencies] In: Döbrössy, János (ed.): "Mi ez a gyönyörű" (Kodály) – Zenehallgatóvá nevelés [“What is This Beautiful Thing” (Kodály – How to Raise Music Listeners] – conference book (ISBN: 978-963-284-214-1) ELTE Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Budapest, 2011. 31-36.
A koncertpedagógiáról. Szakmai tanulmány a „Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémiája, az európai felsőfokú zenei oktatás megújuló központja Budapesten" című kiemelt projekt keretében. [On Concert-pedagogy. An Essay of the Special Project “Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, the Renewing Centre of European Higher Educational Music Teaching in Budapest”] Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, 2012.
Koncertpedagógia és közoktatás. [Concert-Pedagogy and Public Education] In: Neveléstudomány (ISSN: 2063-9546) Nr. 2013/3
A koncertpedagógia elméletének multidiszciplináris alapjai. [The Multidisciplinary Bases of the Theory of Concert-Pedagogy] In: Torgyik, Judit (ed.): Sokszínű pedagógiai kultúra. [Multicoloured Pedagogical Culture] (ISBN 978-8089691-05-0) International Research Institute sro, Komárno, Slovakia, 2013. 233-238.
Koncertpedagógia, a befogadóvá nevelés alternatív útja. [Concert-Pedagogy, as an Alternative Way of Reception-Centered Education] PhD dissertation. Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Doctoral School of Education, Theoretical and Historical Pedagogy Programme, 2016.
Befogadás és zene. [Reception and Music] In: Nagy, Ádám (ed.): Szolgálva, nem tündökölve – Trencsényi 70. (ISBN 978-963-89861-9-1) Iuvenis - Ifjúságszakmai Műhely, ISZT Alapítvány, Budapest, 2017. 231-244.
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