Academic degree, university position: PhD, university teacher
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, teacher of the arts diploma (piano), 1955-1960
Eötvös Loránd University, PhD on educational psychology, 1985
Teaching activities:
1960-1995 Tata Music School and Lajtha László Music School Budapest, piano teaching and accompaniment
1977-1995 Bartók Béla Secondary School of Music Budapest, teaching care of musicians’ work capacity
from 1980 Municipal Pedagogical Institute, Muzsikáló Egészség Foundation Metronóm Kht, leading postgraduate courses in care of musicians’ work capacity
from 2000 Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, teaching care of musicians’ work capacity
from 2003 until 2015 Eötvös Loránd University, leading training for qualification in care of musicians’ work capacity
from 2007 until 2015 Eötvös Loránd University, teaching developmental teacher specialist postgraduate training, care of musicians’ work capacity
from 2019 Eötvös Loránd University, care of musicians’ work capacity postgraduate training
Approximately 50 articles, as well as university textbooks, notes, music teacher manuals and educational films. Several hundred lectures and courses requested by various music institutions both in Hungary and abroad.
Principal areas of research:
Musical occupational hazards – reasons and prevention, from music school to higher education
Exercises improving the standard of work capacity for music school classes
Musical movement preparation without instrument
Measuring musical working fitness
Application of ECG tests measuring neuronal condition of performers
Physical fitness test of wind instrument students and performers, sponsored by the National Scientific Research Fund of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Principal works:
Textbook on the care of musicians’ work capacity
The Kovács Method in development pedagogy
New ways in music teaching
Preventing occupational hazards of musicians
Honors, awards:
1982: For Socialist Culture
1992: Hungarian Ministry of Culture – Apáczai Csere János Prize
2023: Hungarian Order of Merit Knightʼs Cross Civil Class