Information about chamber music classes in 2024/25, autumn semester

8 July 2024

The professor and group formation schedule of the Chamber Music and String Quartet subjects is made based on the confirmation of the Head of the Department.


Those who do not have a partner, please register your name in the partner finder below. If you do not have a partner, please do not enter your name in the 'Chamber music and string quartet registration' table, but the 'Partner finder'.
  • Chamber music and String quartet lessons are compulsory subjects for instrumental/string musicians. Please see how many credits and subjects you need to complete in your study programme in your curriculum here.
  • Besides the compulsory chamber music classes, BA and MA students may register for 2 elective chamber music courses per study programme.
  • A chamber music group consists of at least two members. All members are to register the subject in Neptun with the same Professor.
  • Only students with an active status at Liszt Academy may particiate in a chamber music group.
  • Non-Academy participants may only be included with the permission of the Head of Department, if thoroughly justified.
    Requests to participate in a chamber music group as a non-Academy or passive student are to be submitted to Ms. Alexandra Détári (detari.alexandra[at] by using this form.
  • All professors teaching a group and all formations are verified and confirmed by the Head of Department.

Chamber music and string quartet registration:

Registration: HERE (*except sub-departments and winds, who can find information regarding the registration process below).

Registration deadline: 25 August 2024 (Sun), midnight

Confirmed schedule: 2 September 2024 (Mon)

The confirmed schedule will be available: HERE 

Registering the Chamber Music/String Quartet subject in Neptun with the confirmed professor: until 8 September 2024 (Sun)


Further tasks of the students:

All groups must register their group with 3 preferred professors by following the Registration link (above).

Before registering your group, please read the instructions carefully and write in all the necessary information.

Pay attention to the order of preference of professors (1st is the most preferred).

All students are required to register the subject with the professor who the group is scheduled with according to the final schedule!

(In case you do not see your professor available with the subject in Neptun, please inform the International Study Department immediately!)


Professors available for chamber music and string quartet classes:

Balogh Ádám, Botvay Károly, Csalog Gábor, Falvay Attila, Fülei Balázs, Gulyás Márta, Kiss Péter, Ludmány Dénes, Mali Emese, Máté Győző, Monostori Gábor, Palojtay János, Pilz János, Rónaszéki Tamás, Szabó Judit, Szalai András, Tuska Zoltán, Varga Oszkár

Further information about the Chamber Music Department is available HERE.


Chamber music for sub-departments

Percussion, harp, cimbalom, accordion, guitar, harpsichord, organ, double-bass:

Please, first confirm your group with the professor and register after, here.

Please ask for the contact information of professors from the International Study Department:[at]


Winds groups:

The following professors are available for winds chamber music groups (depending on the instrument): Antal Mátyás, Baráth Nóra, Hőna Gusztáv, ifj. Bazsinka József. Please consult them first, then register here.

Please ask for the contact information of professors from the International Study Department:[at]


Chamber music partner finder:

Those who do not have a partner, please register your name in the partner finder below. Please, add you phone number, as well, so you can contact each other. If a group is formed through the partner finder, please delete your names from the finder. Registration HERE.

Students left with no partner(s) will be sorted into groups by the Head of Department, in consideration with the number of classes professors have.

Registration deadline: 25 August 2024 (Sun), midnight